>This triggers the Orthodox
This triggers the Orthodox
Other urls found in this thread:
>Idol worship
>getting triggered by the Mother of God
>reigns over the entire cosmos
Yep, you triggered me. The Theotokos is "queen of heaven" in the sense of being the mother of the king, not in the sense of having authority.
Who went straight to heaven? It was her.
>Mother of God
Do you understand that by Jesus saying He is the Son of God, that He is claiming to be God Himself?
Does "Mother of God" appear anywhere in the bible?
Then why don't you just fuck right off?
>Then why don't you just fuck right off?
Are you asking me to fuck off? Because I won't.
>following the bible like it's the quran
Semiramis is the Queen of Heaven, exposed by Jeremiah as an idolatrous whore and arousing the anger and wrath of God.
You fool.
"Mother of my Lord" appears in the Bible, and the Word became flesh appears in the Bible
I mean that's some pretty good proof to say she queen or some shit
Are you comparing Mary to Semiramis? Are you purely upset by the title? Because if it's the the title, then you should also be upset by the title "El" for YHWH, since the Canaanites used the title for what they worshiped as well.
She is the queen de facto. The mother of the king, in ancient Israel, is the queen (because the king generally had multiple wives but only one mother). When we call Mary the Queen, it is strictly and solely a title for her as the mother of the king, not as some sort of co-ruler.
>She is the queen de facto.
Then were done, she has power, she leads Heaven, that's it.
She is queen of heaven and earth. Or are you denying that? She was appointed so by God.
Still waiting for an explanation as to why God would send her to convert millions of indians to Catholicism and not to Orthodoxy
Are you sad about the destruction of the ERE?
No, the mother of the king of Israel wasn't co-ruler with the king
She is queen by virtue of being mother of the king, not by virtue of co-rulership.
Your Indians are coming to us: huffingtonpost.com
Yeah, but such is life.
Judea burned you fool, Mary is in Heaven and she rules it. The Temple in Judea was burned to the ground, don't lie.
Qur'an believes as you do; that Mary has a part in the Trinity.
And "Mother of God" appears NOWHERE.
You worship the Queen of Heaven, who is Semiramis.
You just call her Mary.
The Canaanites are an entirely different vile pile of sewage, and God in the bible is never referred to only as "El".
It's idolatrous bullshit.
Mary isn't the Holy Spirit nor is she God the Father or Christ the son.
>She is queen by virtue of being mother of the king, not by virtue of co-rulership.
Nobody here is saying she is a divinity. What she does, she does because it is the will of God. She can intercede for us and is the mother of all those who have faith.
>Your Indians are coming to us
You keep eluding the point, Shillantine.
If the Orthodox Church is the real Church, why does Mary intercede for the Catholic Church to convert millions of people in one single blow? Why does she ask the Pope to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart with the presence of all Catholic bishops? Seeing as Putin sees the event as 100% real I think you cannot damage control your way out of it by saying it's all bullshit.
Gee, Satan lets you perform sorceries, good for you!
Then nobody should pray to her or expect her to help with their salvation, should they.
All Marian apparitions are demonic in nature. All of them.
but OP, your pic is Tonantzin, aztec earth godess
Are you implying that the Rosary doesn't help in salvation?
Did you guys ever notice that when the Orthodox come up with why they are different from the Catholics, they start speaking like protestants?
Literally the same argument, included the "we wuz original church n shieet"
I don't care what a heretic thinks
>he doesn't know that the battle of Lepanto was won thanks to the intercession of the Virgin Mary
>he doesn't know that the Rosary was instituted in those times
>he doesn't know muslims sources speak of a huge woman in the sky looking with anger and hate at the muslim fleet
Get a hold of this heretic
>Mary is in Heaven and she rules it.
Please show me some Scriptural or Patristic source for this
"Mother of my Lord", same thing
We venerate her the same way Moses venerated his father-in-law (Exodus 18:7)
"Intercede" means to petition the king.
The Catholic Church converted by the sword, that's not due to Mary's intercession anymore that Islamic conversion by the sword is
>Please show me some Scriptural or Patristic source for this
What are we, Muslims? It happened, deal with it.
She goes back to the wife of Nimrod at Babylon too. These things are all related. Semiramis, Isis, Ishtar, and your Tonantzin, all the same woman.
The rosary predates Christianity; it's another pagan leftover that you people foolishly use as mnemonic device.
And OF COURSE beads do not offer salvation.
But you do care what demons say.
Your true nature revealed.
All Marian apparitions are demonic.
Mary was never made ruler of heaven and earth, that's just fabricated, it's fanfic, like Purgatory and the Immaculate Conception
>various very different groups agree on why Catholics are retarded
>this somehow makes them all wrong
that would explain the serpent and the crescent
>"Intercede" means to petition the king.
And? This does not in any way refute anything I have said
>The Catholic Church converted by the sword, that's not due to Mary's intercession anymore that Islamic conversion by the sword is
At this point I am sure you were a prottie before becoming a protestant. Only a prottie would speak like this and say such falsehood.
The miracle in the OP is the reason why those millions of people converted. Not the sword. Educate yourself. Your amount of delusion is staggering
>The rosary predates Christianity; it's another pagan leftover that you people foolishly use as mnemonic device.
The rosary was invented by Christianity. In fact, muslims and buddhists copied it from us and is totally different from ours.
>According to pious tradition, the concept of the rosary was given to Saint Dominic in an apparition of the Virgin Mary in the year 1214 in the church of Prouille. This Marian apparition received the title of Our Lady of the Rosary.[20] In the 15th century it was promoted by Alanus de Rupe (aka Alain de la Roche or Saint Alan of the Rock), a Dominican priest and theologian, who established the "fifteen rosary promises" and started many rosary confraternities.
fuck off satan
Stop inventing history, heretic.
Where do unbaptized children go to?
“prayer beads originated with the Hindu faith.
Using beads for devotions dates to the 8th century BC
in the cult of Shiva. In India sandstone sculptures,
statues ca 185 BC, show Hindus with prayer beads.
The names of Hindu gods and prayers are repeated
on stringed beads, called mala, separated by larger
or different colored beads.”
Patricia A. Dilley
>It's only pagan when they do it.
>>It's only pagan when they do it.
Is it not?
>Only a prottie would speak like this and say such falsehood.
Protestants did the same thing
We don't know
Lot going on there, including a bow with no arrows.
>The rosary was invented by Christianity.
>We don't know
Because you don't know God.
>We don't know
Well I know, they go to either Limbo or Purgatory, depending on the argument.
Prayer beads aren't Rosaries you dumbass.
Her robe is blue, pleb, or at least supposed to be. She's traditionally always been shown with blue, specifically the shade you get with Lapis Lazuli.
“Often, when religions sought converts,
they allowed them to retain some of their
pagan ways: ceremonial garb, heathen rituals
and traditions; in order to add to their numbers.
This led to spiritual pollution.”
Patricia A. Dilley
not the same thing, you are an idiot.
>Protestants did the same thing
How was it violence there? People that did not convert converted after the miracle? Where is the violence? Where is the cohercion? Oh right, there is none and you are full of shit
Neither exists.
Because Christ never passed on that teaching and we don't make up dogma as we go, like you do
find me evidence of the rosary in the Roman Empire then. I am sure you will be able to find some :)
>It's not pagan if we change the name of the prayer beads we use.
“Pagans had used prayer beads even before the
8th century before CHRIST, and they still use
them today.”
Patricia A. Dilley
>It's not wrong when we do it.
The Bible warns us against use of prayer beads –
Matthew 6:7 says – “But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
>Prayer beads
I need a fucking picture to prove that they are the exact fucking same thing user.
There are plenty of people who converted to all sorts of false religions because a superstition. Your presence was mainly established there by the sword to begin with
No, because you literally do not know God.
“Prayer beads, or prayer rosaries, are really
another form of the “witch’s ladder,” a knotted
rope or cord used to count repetitions during
a spell or ritual. Praying with beads is a spiritual
practice with a long history in most of the world’s
-Sacred Mists Shoppe
Janet Farrar & Gavin Bone
>Janet Farrar & Gavin Bone
Literally who?
Just the bible?
>vain repetitions
Is the "our father" vain repetition?
The keyword here is "VAIN", you heretic scum
A miracle is not superstition, shillantine. One that has never been proved false especially. Now you are speaking like atheists. Everytime you divert from truth, you start speaking like one of the false teachers. Think about that.
>Your presence was mainly established there by the sword to begin with
Nice prottie meme
So I take it you admit you have no explanation for this, other than atheistic scepticism and a fundamentalist protestant's view of history
No, because we don't add the deposit of faith
>Nice prottie meme
Are you seriously suggesting it's just a meme?
We have a yearly miracle, the Holy Fire, and it's real
>We have a yearly miracle, the Holy Fire, and it's real
>and it's real
Miracles in the Catholic Church get tested and analysed by seculars scientists to prove them they are real. Your holy fire is never tested to scrutiny because it is totally fake and you know it.
>Miracles in the Catholic Church get tested and analysed by seculars scientists to prove them they are real
You mean now, yeah. Back then no.
One miracle isn't enough to be the true Church.
Catholic Church has literally thousands of much better ones.
Pic related is an example:
>back then no
Do you mean when the scientific method and chemical analysis weren't a thing yet? Well, obviously not. What a shitty comeback. Shame on you.
Many of those miracles are still visible and measurable today for example. The miracle in the OP is one example. Considering the material, the image should have faded due to usury a long time ago, but it's still there as strong as ever.
>get tested and analysed by seculars scientists
Catholic* scientists
Nigga I'm just trying to pull you out of an argument that I know you ain't gonna win.
>ctrl f "trinity" in the bible
>0 results found
If Catholicism is the true faith why is it then that the top dog predominantly christian great powers are either ruled by and predominantly populated by protestants or orthodox?
Check and mate
your excuses are getting more and more pathetic. Whoever does the tests, their data is scientific and available for everyone to read. The Church has many enemies, in most cases it is a mixed equipe of catholic and secular scientists doing the job; literally nothing wrong with that.
Still light years ahead of the holy fire never being allowed for secular scrutiny
Shillantine put your trip back on
>The Catholic Church converted by the sword,
You got BTFO the last time you tried this one
But I know how you are Constantine
You will ignore every time your arguments are refuted and continue to spout the same bullshit over and over again
Here's an interesting one for you
Actually you could make the case that 99% of the great powers throughout history were neither jewish (during the times of the OT) nor Christian (from 0 AD to later).
So you are kind of admitting that the Catholics are the true Christians.
Check and mate and BTFO
Nigga I got a penis and I got books on how to defend the Catholic faith. (Courtesy of the Jesuit friends I have)
I'm just saying to you, senpai, is that the road your taking isn't gonna help me try to argue with Shillantine.
*nor Catholic
Nothing is going to help me reach that shill because she has itchy ears.
She is the one that started comparing each other's genitals by saying "hurr durr we got the holy fire" as if the Catholic Church does not have plenty of miracles as its witness. Actually we have many more than the OC.
All that matters is the endgame, catholics aren't going to usurp the status of the US or Russia
Check and mate yet again
"my Kingdom is not of this world"
Check and mate and BTFO again ;)
Rome is Babylon.
Yes, the bible suffices.
Men with strange hats add nothing to the bible.
Say 50 Hail Marys and get back to me on that.
your mum is Babylon the great. "The great" because she is a fat fuck
No, because you literally have no idea who Jesus is.
You have never met Him.
Nigga a dick waving competition isn't what we should be doing.
Really? Proofs?
already did earlier today. I pray the Rosary everyday
>ctrl f "bible" in the bible
>0 results found
>Nigga a dick waving competition isn't what we should be doing.
I know, I agree with you. She started though. I just replied to her nonsense.
She's trying to thin down a bit.
>ctrl f "sola scriptura" in the bible
>0 results found
Repetitions: yes
vain: no
>damage control
Trying to shift the core of the argument eh?
>She started though
So? Don't respond to it, sandbag the hell out of bullshit like that. A miracle is a miracle, the fact that the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church can have them is a testament to what they are (the right Church.). You don't see protestants having miracles because God has no respect for them.