I always get the thoughts that maybe its has way more to it and that even thought it might not look completely logic right now it just sounds like it can't be fabricated and the more I read the it makes me think that it might be true.And no being Christian doesn't make me feel better becaues I know that I will end in hell while with Atheism I couldn't give a flying fuck about anything.
Why do I come back to Christianity?
Were you raised religious?
he was raised bait
Well in a way yes but it was not really that religious and it doesn't matter to me.
Im completely sincere.I wouldn't waste my time and make shitty bait threads.Just wanted to see what the people here think because I cant get this thoughts out of my head.
You have to start defining your terms.
Christianity is the belief that Jesus is God, died for the sins of the world, rose on the third day and offered a New Covenant to all who believe Jesus is Who He says He is.
So it all hinges upon the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
If it happened, He is God.
>not bait
>Guys why do I feel the need to believe in the same religion that the vast majority of the people in my own culture-group also believe in?
That's easy, just accept that feels = reals
>reading comprehension
>vast majority
>everywhere i look someone shits on christianity
i cant
fear of death
next question
>its another "90% of American is Christian but we're totally oppressed you guys" episode
another one with no reading comprehension.I already said that Atheism feels safer.
Not American.
Even if you're not in America, literally the only country in Europe that is not majority Christian (besides the Kebab ones in Balkans) is Czechia and some Baltic states
>reading comprehension
>not realizing I see your bait
Why would I care what the plebs think about?I really dont get your thinking.
>why do I care what the plebs think about?
>except for their defining philosophy on life aka religion
>i cant
Do loads of drugs and damage your brain
That'll do the trick
It's just that you're wired personality wise to feel, for lack of a better word, more 'engaged' in religion and religious experiences, they speak to you more than to others
It happens quite often that militant atheists become zealous christians, that's because they are two sides of the same coin and because the person's atheist views weren't a conclusion taken out of long reasoning but rather a position taken as resistance against their proneness to religiousity or as something to identify with
Pretty sure Islamic suicide bombers feel their shit is real too.
Me and Mindy from sophomore English weren't meant to be together forever. Feels do not equal reals. I am sorry brother.
That's not even his point. How much do you actually know about other religions? Were you raised in an environment where you were exposed to or similarly educated on non-Christian beliefs?
Christianity here is ~50% and most dont even care about it and do whatever they want.They are more atheistic than me T B H.But anyway anyone of higher position is atheist so christianity gets hated a lot.
I dont do it to rebel or something to identify because i take them really personal and not something to do because of a trend.And like i said already christianity still have logical holes to me.
I never said that it was to rebel, it's just that religion speaks to you more due to some aspects of your personality