Post games that got into history. Hard mode: no Paradox games
Post games that got into history. Hard mode: no Paradox games
*got you
It turned me into the Late Roman Empire fanatic I am today
Total War games
GUN - kickass old west game
Sid Mier's Pirates!
Civs, Age of Empires
Good choice, OP.
I remember playing that Cold War campaign several times.
That fukin menu music tho, still gives me chills to this day
Toaw 3
With me it was more the other way around
Silent hunter series
>All these youngfags
this and Age of Empires. They didn't so much get me into history as shape the era I was interested it
Also, there was this Mist style image based U-boat commander game I played in 3rd grade or so that was badass
Civ 2.
I'd play scenario after scenario.
And the AoE series, ugh.
Are there any good american civil war games?
muh nigga
nothing more satisfying than stalking a convoy for days, then launch your attack sinking ships, getting nice tonnage and surviving hours of real time depth-charging.
First game I played where I realized it was based off real events. Made me go balls deep into WWII.
>them dynamic borders
good taste OP
Darkest of Days lets you play during a Civil War for a bit
Also Victoria 2
Playing that recently. Goat oat, nifty idea to have veteran interviews as unlock able.
I'm not a faggot nor did my parents let video games raise me so none.
My father would read to me before bed when I was a kid and read stuff like Beowulf and The Iliad.
What a shitty childhood lmao
>Don't like samurai much?
>My father would read to me before bed when I was a kid and read stuff like Beowulf and The Iliad.
In the pre source version, the fact they included Fallschirmjäger and British forces was awesome.
Brothers in Arms, the first two.
Another great game, but can be difficult.
Came out in 1997 before 'Saving Private Ryan' and the deluge of WW2 pop history games that followed.
Check out this let's play, I still think its one of the better top down WW2 strategy games ever made, despite its age.
Oh shit, I remember this game. I felt so much rage when 2 of my mates got killed in the story.
You're one hardcore motherfucker
honestly didn't stick with me as much but I did play it first
did he also fuck you in the ass
>playing Total War after Napoleon TW
shiggy diggy pleb. TW is garbage.
>playing Total War after [my favourite setting]
reeeee get out CAbabby retards
I miss the original Day of Defeat so much. I played that game from day 1 when it was just a mod.
I loved the Close Combat series. Particularly this one.
It's not about the setting, but about the quality of the games. The combat got shittier, the AI stayed shitty, the multiplayer got shittier with DLCs pay to win.
It's a disgusting franchise and they took the approach of "churn out as many games and let the retarded armchair generals pay" instead of "produce quality games".
That's why TW after Napoleon is for plebs.
>ywn watch the Dacians unite all of Northern Europe under their own unique brand of civilization
why live, Veeky Forums?
I never realized how much I loved the 1700/1800's musket and riflery until I played Empire and arranged those lines, heard the roar of the cannons, and watched my enemies be cut down with precisely ordered volleys of fire.
While Napoleon was great, the objectively best Total War is Shogun 2. The gameplay was perfected, it had all the best features of all the Total War games, and the setting and atmosphere was great. I agree that everything after that was garbage, but Shogun 2 was absolutely the pinnacle of the Total War formula.
Shogun 2 is perfect, but I guess managing all of the agents and the economy was too hard for you.
Civ2 has one of the most satisfying WW2 scenarios I have ever played.
> I heard there are jobs here, I want to be a lion tamer!
I really liked Shogun 2 but the gameplay still had major flaws.
I remember getting invaded by sea every 5 turns, making me fight in 2 fronts all the fucking campaign.
I remember that game, it's what got me liking the romans.
So excited for the Vietnam sequel this year
>tfw stalking Omaha beach with your shovel
>I miss the original Day of Defeat so much. I played that game from day 1 when it was just a mod.
Were you active on the forums? A bunch of us are on
Aw fuck you, I was going to post CC.
Nice taste, though.
>All unit rosters are almost identical
EU:Rome would be better if it didn't devolve into 4 blobs in 100 years.
this + the united offensive expansion are the two games that first got me into history
now I'm here, shitposting about the eternal anglo and the
RO2 came out in late 2011
where have you been mayn? all the dank history you've missed
Ultimate General: Gettysburg
North and South mod for Mount and Blade Napoleonic wars
American Civil War mod for Total War Empire
War For Rights when it comes out
That made me nostalgia hard
and another game in the franchise is coming out tihs year
Where's your basil now, greekbois?
I started playing this at a friends house. Got the ol' Encyclopaedia Britannica out to read about the Cold War. Didn't understand it so Dad got me some age appropriate history books. Kept going from there.
>his parents played an active role in the rearing of their child.
Haha what a faggot.
>the earth is round
>15th century
8/10 replied
Same as OP. The Civ series too.
man, I just got the itch
Posts like these are the reason why people laugh at you
This shit right here.
I still play that and Caesar IV
What servers do you play on?
CoH, such a great game. I hated the panthers and tigers in it
Some cool upcoming WW2 shooters;
Day of Infamy (Insurgency Mod)
Battalion 1944
Days of War
best game
Fuck the pope though.
Since RTW up to Shogun II, all Total War games have had a mitigating factor to check your conquests
>Senate: Duuuuude, you can't conquer your fellow Romans. Focus on conquesting niggas.
>Pope: Duuuude, you can't fight Catholics all the time. Here, have a crusade. Chill.
>System of Alliances: Duuude, feel free to go to war. Just know that we're backing this guy up if you want to.
Shogun II
>Ashikaga Shogunate: Duuuude, you're getting really powerful. Why not stop conquering for the meantime least I sicc all these houses on you? Good boy.
>that game
The micromanaging in this game was so difficult. If you weren't micromanaging almost perfectly, you'd get blown the fuck out.
>Day of Infamy
>It's just a DoD:S port to Insurgency
Why not play an actually good mod for an actually good game like Heroes of the West for RO2?
Yep. Now watching 1 v 1s on youtube. Red Alert 2 though
I played it too, can't remember the graphics being so atrocious though.
It's a shame at how quickly CoD went downhill after 2. I know people like to meme that 4 was the best, but these are generally the same people that didn't play the first two titles and 4 was their first.
One thing that was off was the power balance. In real life the population of France was ten times that of medieval England yet this is barely reflected in game.
Well they would have to make some kind of alliance/protective treaty system for France or HRE not to buttfuck everyone around then, and general diplomacy in that game was utter shit
Is it though? Playing it again recently the retard-tier diplomacy shat me to tears. It went beyond artificial difficulty, it just stopped being fun. Long term allies declare war on you for no reason, everybody declares war on you for no fucking reason. It strips the late game of all RP aspects: there's no chasing after the Milanese for burning one of your cities for example, because now two other big European empires have betrayed you. You sort of keep moving around managing threats and just eventually fall into the campaign victory conditions without realising.
In real life the French king had to deal with the fact that he only ruled 10% of his realm directly. By extension the 100 years war was also a war between a king and his vassal in a way.
Thats how i justified that most of the territories are rebel, French had the unruly vassals, England didn't really have full control over britain, HRE was HRE, Poland didn't have jagellonians etc.
Paradox games maybe babby tier nowadays but they Victoria for instance literally taught me the world map.
I remember our class playing that online game where you have to click where a location is on the world map and on my go blowing everyone out the water, including the actual smart well adjusted nerds. It was glorious.
RoN is fantastic
Thrones and patriots also manages to make it better
Cold War campaign was amazing
Crusader Kings reflects this slightly better. Younger sons of kings and such also caused a lot of headache. England, France and Spain didn't squash the last resistance to centralization until the tail end of the 15th century.
I thought it was more like half of 16th.
Even though i never played them, from watching lets plays i consider CK to be most historically accurate game, gameplay-wise. I should start playing it, damn.
Civilization IV.
I found reading the Civilopedia in-between games fascinating, despite its many many flaws.
felt stale as shit and the feudal relations are still to neat. Real life was even more of a clusterfuck in terms of alliances.
Pic related is how France looked during the latter part of the 15th century.
I remember the third mission on a japanese island, that fucking mission took me a long ass time to finish it because I had no idea where to go
game was fun as fuck
The one where you had to go over a rubble barricade or the jungle at night one?
> I remember getting invaded by sea every 5 turns, making me fight in 2 fronts all the fucking campaign.
Git gud
>literally every faction has the exact same units
>tw perfection
I mean dude, I really enjoyed the game but it was a far cry from "perfect"
OpenRA is good but the AI is mad fucking hard