Didnt see a 'W2C' thread, so, where could i cop something like pic related?

didnt see a 'W2C' thread, so, where could i cop something like pic related?

Other urls found in this thread:


Could probably go on craigslist if you're looking for a keyboard player.

Hmmm what do you think, which clothing manufacturer places German flags on the sleeves of their shirts?

lol i meant the shirt
well the problem is that im in america so i doubt id find one from thrifting here

If only there was a way to communicate and exchange goods and money with people from all over the world.

dude its literally just a shirt who cares

wtc internet

what video was that? do you have a link?

it's clearly top of the pops, fuccboi

Bernard clothes its not the same as op's pic............

the lighting is TOTP; I just picked the first song I could find

I can't find these Stone Island Combat Boots anywhere online. Does anyone know where I can get these or a similar boot with an equally pronounced ripple sole?

W2c this type of oversized sweater?

w2c trousers?

w2c his jacket

is that merzbow?

American Vintage cargo pants, good luck finding them


They look cringy. joggers tier

stone island has a similar pair
but based on this board i doubt you wanna pay that

yeah, but what is his jacket?

Wtc jacket

w2c anorak?

The actual OP of the image listed everything's source in the tumblr post

Maybe use Reverse Google Image Search next time.

what bass is hooky playing?

w2c the atlanta lifes a peach sweater can't find it help HELP

w2c drum machine shirt?

all i can find is some similar shit on redbubble

It's just a Bundeswehr shirt
here's one: bw-online-shop.com/bekleidung/bundeswehr-feldblusen/bw-bundeswehr-feldhemd-original-nach-tl-oliv/