>tfw you live in a relatively unimportant time period
Tfw you live in a relatively unimportant time period
>time periods have inherent "importance".
Also, i had to click, like 30 rivers, 15 stores and 4 street signs just to make this post. Captcha is getting more and more oppressive lately.
>tfw even if this was an important time period all the important stuff would be happening where you don't live
>boo hoo it's so boring, i want some war around me :(((
Then go out and do something important, you bloody wanker.
Thing is, something important probably is happening right now, and people 50 years from now will wonder what we were thinking/doing to make it happen the way it did.
>relatively unimportant period
>literally the most important time in human history
What the fuck is wrong with you? I would take computers and progress over anything history has to offer, off yourself - my man.
Turn legacy captcha on in settings.
The importance will become more obvious in retrospect.
Just because there's nothing that's slap in the face "this will alter the course of world history" happening every year doesn't mean it's an unimportant period. Also what do you mean by 'time period'? Decade?
>quite possibly the most rapid technological development in human history
>relatively unimportant
>not buying a pass
I forgot it's summer
We're on the brink.
>giving money to hiroshima
I forgot it's summer
refugee crisis in Europe.
bet ya 50 years from now dumb blonde girls in history classes will be asking "why didn't they just accommodate them, aren't Germans not Nazis anymore...?"
You are stupid.
We are living in the age of terrorism, heightened security and are literally at the door of a repeat of the 1920s/1930s with heavily conflicting ideologies becoming the norm in politics and communist and fascist mobs ambushing each other in the streets again.
>I would take computers and progress over anything history has to offer, off yourself - my man.
>quite possibly the most rapid technological development in human history
This is bait
What periods had faster technological development than the past ~50 years?
Based upon productivity increase numbers in the US (the technological frontier), 1982-2004.
Arguably including the 1960-1975 period as well.
Also; everything is digitalized now - were on the frontier
>ancient wars are so much cooler than the onset of the space age
That's as fedora as it gets, my man.
Daily reminder that we live in the golden age of memes
>50 years from now
>blonde girls
so it's a sequel...
why would i want to see this shit again if the first one had so many shit reviews?
i'll wait for the movie/10
Depends if we're in the tragedy stage or the farce stage
>the onset of the space age
> relatively unimportant
We literally live in most important period of time because of exponential growth in human populations that would set all the trend for future of this planet.
Well the problem is OP didn't explain what the fuck he meant by "time period"
Many of us will probably be arguing with the "time period" as the 2000s, some might include the 90s, some the 80s.
we're in industrial revolution 2: boogaloo
ubiquitous digital technology is changing everything
you really are fucking stupid son
and also that's to say nothing of the impending singularity that will probably happen in most of our lifetimes
human history is shifting into crazy new places, it only feels inconsequential because peace and prosperity is extreme compared to any previous century
> impending singularity
Instead of singularity there would be crazy shit like it always happens in a growth time. The third world countries would went too hell on the earth soon as their overpopulation would turn against itself for the resources.
>most important
Highly unlikely compared to 1930-1950.
>exponential growth in human population
U wut m8
The last 14 years have seen some of the lowest productivity growth rates in the history of the US. We are encountering a technological barrier like we encountered in the late 20's and mid 70's.
Inventions just aren't what they used to be.
Uhh no it is not.
My haircut is the same as it was in 1988. Same guy. Same place. Different scissor blades though? I hope they are.
You live in an era of enormous prosperity, freedom and technological progress.
You want to pretend the real world is mundane because you feel it absolves you of responsibility and gives you an excuse to live like the carefree cartoon character in Juice.gif
>The last 14 years have seen some of the lowest productivity growth rates in the history of the US. We are encountering a technological barrier like we encountered in the late 20's and mid 70's.
And thats why the next few years are going to be quite radical.
Get ready for the wild ride everyone
>You live in an era of enormous prosperity, freedom and technological progress.
No. No. No.
>You want to pretend the real world is mundane because you feel it absolves you of responsibility and gives you an excuse to live like the carefree cartoon character in Juice.gif
What the fuck even is this responsibility you speak of? To who? To what? For what reason?
Acting falsely knowledgable is worse than being actively ignorant in my book.
There's no guarantee a new technology or economic system will emerge.
For example, the late 1920's productivity recession didn't gain a new productive growth cycle until 1938-1940 with the emphasis on heavy industry and centralized markets.
IMO, the Developed world is following in Japan's footsteps. Secular stagnation, slow population growth, higher welfare costs, and cultural problems with immigrants populations.
>U wut m8
Growth rate isn't the same as cumulative population size.
>No. No. No.
except you do you fucking petulant babby
open a fucking book sometime and learn how gritty and tough your ancestors and the world they lived in was. infant mortality statistics ALONE should give you a bit of a picture, to say nothing of the world at large
Industrial revolution.
bulk of it was way older than 50 years
and digital technology is propelling us into another one as we speak
look at what's in front of you right now. look at what we're doing. that's insane.
oh I wasnt implying any new breakthrough user.
I'm well aware that we are going down the dark hole of a deflationary spiral
And its exactly because of that, that I find that the next years will be interesting.
I mean, several political movements in Europe and in the US are already pushing for protectionist policies... Central Bank policy is for all intents and purposes, becoming increasingly similar to the Beggar Thy Neighbour policies of the 1930's... This, coupled with renewed tensions between Russia, and increasing tensions with China in the South China Sea, are bound to bring some wild, wild rides.
Or not. We can never be sure.
But I'm pretty sure that the next 10 years will be quite interesting regardless of what comes to pass
>Blatantly misrepresenting what you said and ridiculing you for it? Don't mind if I do!
>We are encountering a technological barrier like we encountered in the late 20's and mid 70's.
Why the fuck do people talk like this? It's evidence you have literally no idea what you are talking about.
We are on the fucking verge of another technological explosion (that being quantum computing) do you remember what it was like being a kid with 0- technology? That's going to happen again,l educate yourself, plebeian.
This 2bh
>Brb self driving cars
>Brb commercial space travel
Not that guy, but the current applications for quantum computing are limited. That's not to say they always will be, but I'd personally view the future with just a touch of conservatism when it comes to technology, otherwise you're bound to be disappointed.
>but the current applications for quantum computing are limited
Of course it is, because we have no idea how to use them - yet. But you understand it's limitless technology? The more cores they have the more atoms they can manipulate and the faster it gets. It's limited by physical space, not technology.
> but I'd personally view the future with just a touch of conservatism when it comes to technology
What? Are you telling me if i were born in 1880 I would be disappointed by the current state of technology? What the fuck?
exactly. we have it so much better than humans ever had. ever. the only things most of us have to worry about are first world problems and isis
oh really?
Within my lifetime, we've literally gone from computers that struggle to type and to print files at the same time to supercomputers that can reliably outperform humans in most games and in answering most questions. And I'm not even middle-aged.
The only thing that prevents me from believing in even crazier, more advanced futures is my lack of imagination. People don't seem to grasp just how close we are to turning all preceding computers into abacuses (metaphorically).
>Literally the most important time period
>Hurr durr it's not important since i'm used to it
Wait until next year
>My haircut is the same as it was in 1988. Same guy. Same place.
That sounds like a 'you' problem, not a problem with the world you live in.
It is completely debatable on these terms. All of them are subjective.
>digital revolution
Is this the 90's?
Tell me about all the new meaningful inventions since 2008.
Foreign policy 2014-present has been fun. 2006-2014 was miserablely boring.
Economics have been interesting. We most likely will see an economic recession worldwide (sub-2% growth) in the next two years.
>We are on the fucking verge of another technological explosion (that being quantum computing) do you remember what it was like being a kid with 0- technology?
Nigger, prodyctivity growth rates are plummeting all across America since 2002.
We are literally not getting more advanced faster. "On the verge" is fucking impossible to know anyways.
Quantum conputing as pf the most recent forecasts is something of the 2025-2035 time frame.
Meanwhile all forms of hardware are continuously underperforming in output gains. Moore's law is broken.
Software advanced have not kept up. No thanks to Apple, Google, and Sony.
Maybe in 30 years.
Technology has not changed much since 1970.
The first decent PC's for typing came out in 1974. What the fuck are you saying?
It shows that service sector jobs are unable to advance in productivity.
You literally cannot properly cut hair much faster than it is cut today.
What? Are you telling me if i were born in 1880 I would be disappointed by the current state of technology? What the fuck?
Maybe. Do you think the technological predictions of 1880 have come true? Hell, the technological predictions of 1980 for 2016 have proven both more incredible and vastly more disappointing than they expected.
Yes, and our computation technology is reaching hard limits in capability due to the uncertainty principle, quantum computing doesn't present an obvious alternative as it seems only useful for a fairly narrow variety of calculations.
Take a conservative view of things and you'll get to enjoy being either pleasantly surprised or at the very least not disappointed.
>tfw Trump wins the presidency
>tfw America finally becomes the blatantly repressive authoritarian state you've longed to rebel against
>tfw you can finally join a real guerilla army
>tfw you teach the poor and uneducated of the ideology behind our fighting
>tfw you can tell your grandchildren of the glory days of the second civil war
Is it bad I kind of want this to happen?
>tfw you live in the age of terrorism
feels bad man
>Implying the poor and uneducated won't be lining you up against the wall.
>ecological crisis facing humanity
so boring
second this second
>tfw we'll have a punk rock revival
>tfw we'll have our first meme president
>tfw people may actually move to Canada
What a time to be alive
>he doesn't know
>he thinks trump will be the oppressive warmonger psycho and not hilliary
into le trash
>Humanity is changing and advancing more in only 10 years than it generally did it thousands
Have fun being a mudfarmer 10k years ago faggot.
>instant communication across the globe
>not important
you're probably living in the most important time in history actually, with the onset of the internet (as well as human-level AI which is arriving rapidly)