How do I raise my son to be a great man?
Are there any historical trends in regards to raising extraordinary people, setting aside things that are not really alterable, like standing, wealth and influence.
"no great man" theorists need not apply.
How do I raise my son to be a great man?
Are there any historical trends in regards to raising extraordinary people, setting aside things that are not really alterable, like standing, wealth and influence.
"no great man" theorists need not apply.
>Are there any historical trends in regards to raising extraordinary people, setting aside things that are not really alterable, like standing, wealth and influence.
stop being autistic, this is another human being you're talking about
Die before he grow to be an adult. Worked wonders for Genghis Khan.
It's just a hypothetical, stop being so touchy
one person is not really a trend? anyone else? also genghis wasn't that great a man, he truly had everything set up for smooth sailing.
Get him to kill a old pawn shop broker lady with an axe.
you make sure he gets breastfed every day till hes at least 3, or longer
>Give him a tablet filled with games as soon as possible
>Let him be as soon as possible active in all the social media possible
>be a distant figure but always hand him everything he wants as soon as possible without asking him any effort to earn such things
>let him know that he is entitled to everything in the world and whoever who denies him this things is his enemy
>feed him only sugary and processed food
>let him watch television (specially news) the most time possible during the day
>don't teach him critical thought
>don't encourage his creativity
Also be sure that he grows without his mother
Make sure he had intellectual pursuits (he doesn't slack in schoo, get's good grades and reads etc) and make sure he gets lots of social experiences with different people and different experiences.
And don't force it.
How can I do all this and be absent at the same time? Idgi.
Also that's a pretty lazy troll, can you point to one person that could be considered great that was nurtured like that?
That just seems like a well-adjusted, normal up-bringing. Historical outliers are rarely well adjusted.
this is actualy a very bad idea and would be seriously detrimental to his neurological development
>That just seems like a well-adjusted, normal up-bringing
Not at all. You don't seem to have much experience with parents.
get him to train martial arts, teach him to meditate, get him to read frank herbert, and give him acid on his 13th birthday
Beat the shit out of him
see That's how my parents brought up all my siblings and me. it's also how other parents brought up my contemporaries. you might just be american.
again, any examples? acid is fairly recent invention.
You can't. It's pretty much all determined by genetics.
Get him involved in competitive sports, competition breeds virtue and sports scuplt the body.
Force him to get a job as early as possible even if it's just a measily 8 hours a week. You don't want his first job to be when he is 20.
When educating himself things that are easy to correct mistakes in should be taught first. Math, science, english until he is a teenager. Sociology and history in his teenage years, he needs to be smart enough to recognize a meta-narrative before learning these. The final thing, philosophy, when he is an adult which you need to be fully developed to handle.
I'm European actually. And worked in pedagogics. Parents aren't like that, it isn't the norm anywhere.
And your parents most likely did not raise you like that. Hoping the best for your kid =/= actually giving the right conditions and guidance for them to become their best.
This is pretty good advice if you just take what was said and do the exact opposite.
>And your parents most likely did not raise you like that
they did. I always had to do a sport/activity as long as I lived with my parents, and we were all encouraged to take it seriously. we met lots of people by virtue of social parents and we weren't allowed to shut ourselves in.
Of course, for me it didn't work, I'm here.
but my siblings are all very well adjusted and successful people. They are never going to be great men though, and I can't ever see someone raised in my environment going "hey, I want to conquer Europe".
Again, I'm not talking about raising an excellent individual, I'm asking how do I raise caesar or napoleon?
>How do I raise my son to be a great man?
Make sure he has good friends, peers are more of an influence than parents. Also make sure you have good genes-can't stress this enough
I have a daughter due in
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.
YOU go be a great man.
There is no greatness without goodness.
Exercise the intellect
Sports and competition
Interpersonal skills
Debate and logic
Practical world knowledge
High ideals
>There is no greatness without goodness.
MOST great men are not good. It's detrimental. I'm asking, how do I raise hitler?
>Give them opportunities for empathy
You sure this isn't detrimental for a great man? Again, I can't stress enough how the term great in a historical context does not relate to virtue or goodness, just significance
Treat them like small adults from an early age on. Don't talk to them like people usually talk to babies for a second. Respect their wishes and opinions. Don't impose much rules, let them experience life themselves. Banning shit doesn't help anything. Never force them to do shit you think is good. Try to show them the respective action's merit so they actually understand and won't stop doing it when you don't look. Never scold and humiliate them etc.
And the thing is, they will learn from you mostly. They will at least partially become what you yourself are. The advices above work only if you are always there to help, understand ant teach them. And of course, if you yourself have 'great' qualities in yourself. Be honest. Are you bitter? Are you whiny? Are you a hypocrite? Do you lie often? Do you use people? In adult measurements of course. Telling them to do and not to do stuff will not make them if they see the opposite from you.
I'd tell you to get lost if you weren't already
Either you or your wife should speak to your child using only a second language. You will have a bilingual child by age four. That is a good start
>mfw grew up without a father
>raised in a household full of women
>never learned to be a man
Just kill me now senpai
Read him Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics before bed.
Let him be himself. If he's great, he'll be great. If he's not, then he's average like 99.9% of the world.
If there would be a small bit of advice I could give it would be to always let him be an independent thinker. There is absolutely nothing wrong with thinking, and there never will be. You will never be great if you only remain in the box.
Everyone here is bilingual though. Also I'd be the wife
Teach him to be less of a fucking piece of shit than you were or you're ancestors were before.
It must exist a strict coherence between moral discourse and practice. Children and adolescents are very good comparing and questioning. So unless you want to raise amoral hypocrites walk the walk and not just talk the talk. That and the Golden Rule, not "trends".
>So unless you want to raise amoral hypocrites
Again, these aren't inhibitors for greatness, quite the opposite.
> these aren't inhibitors for greatness
If you practice at one thing but believe in other you will suck at both. Theory and practice should back each other. If you want to raise amoral hypocrites, then told them amorality and show by example. In other case, whoever you trying to teach will come up with their own retarded middle point between all of you declarations and actual doings.
>Teach him to be less of a fucking piece of shit than you were or you're ancestors were before.
Most great men were pieces of shit though
From what I have seen doing genealogical research, I have found no links other than military service and church attendance
Take that for what you will
Amoral hypocrisy will allow you to switch allies when convenient, lie and manipulate to get your way. Essentials for a great man
Is Raskolnokov a great man?
It isn't about amoral hypocrisy being bad and more about how people that are torn between what they should think and how they should act struggle with most simple tasks in the path of greatness.
Then teach him to be the biggest asshole to have ever lived.
Teach him Epictetus, logic and statistics.
Epictetus will teach him how to be a great man.
Logic and Statistics will teach how to not be deceived.
>Amoral hypocrisy will allow you to switch allies when convenient, lie and manipulate to get your way. Essentials for a great man
you have a really shit idea of greateness then.
Read Kipling to him every night. Especially the poem "if"
Be strict, but fair. Consistent and honest, reward him or punish him accordingly, but never give him something with out him putting work in for it.
Teach him intellectual self reliance, and a mistrust for social trends. Make him understand he is far from the center of the world.
I thought Raskolnikov's main victim was his landlady, not a pawn shop owner. Perhaps it's time I re-read it.
>all of these people hyping up genetics
Augustus would like to have a word with you.
Hit him, have unreasonablly high expectations, then do not praise him if he meets them.
He will spend the rest of his life trying to impress your memory and feel powerful.
>Hit him
Make savage his body and civilize his mind.
Boxing and books. Or, any physical trial and any intellectual one.
Get your boy into a sport of his choice, and pay him to finish a YA novel like Hatchet like or something.
>he will become neurotic and fill the void with alcohol, drugs and escapism
Well son, you start by not complaining about things.
I grew up without a father but my mother always made sure I was around good, influential male role models (she wasn't a hooker or anything so no JOKES please). She didn't force it on me either, but made sure I took part in manly activities like sports and tabletop wargames. Stuff like that made me a much better man than my father who doesn't even want to talk to me.
Any man can be a dad, dude, but not every man can be a father.
>Are there any historical trends in regards to raising extraordinary people
within cultures? yes
across cultures? nothing I've noticed
A lot of them were raised to value integrity, that might be the most common one, but there's a lot of variation in that.
That's going with my definition though; I'm surprised to see no one asked: What do you mean by "a great man"? Successful? Respected? Moral? Some combination? Something else?