Let's talk about gnosticism, is still a heresy? I want to know more about it, I think is a very interesting thing to talk about.
Let's talk about gnosticism, is still a heresy? I want to know more about it...
>Let's talk about gnosticism, is still a heresy?
Yes. Don't get into that heresy shit user, I don't want your soul to be damned.
ignore this dude, he will be the one that will depend an eternity with the demiurge, never stop seeking the true lord
Improve your grammar.
Thanks to the Almighty One and his Loved Son, I'm a catholic christian, but I found gnosticism a very very interesting thing to study, but since I read it's that's a heresy I found a mixed feelings in myself. I want to learn more about it, but I don't know, I don't want to go to hell you know.
>being a heretic.
Sorry user, english is not my native language
Gnosticism is actually completely correct. We just live in some sort of bad end time route where the wrong version of Christianity won in the 2nd century.
Secular person with love of Gnosticism here.
What are the questions?
Then don't learn it. It's a heresy, you wanna go to Hell? You wanna be cast out of the Church?
Right, the false modern church stamped out the truth and declares the remnants 'heresy'. A true masterstroke by the demiurge.
is it a heresy? and why?
>said the fedoralord who only learns about it to piss off his parents.
My parents are atheists, I don't think they're ready in this life to grasp the intricacies of gnosticism.
But I hope you will some day rid yourself of the influence of the demiurge my friend. May we all be free.
>My parents are atheists,
Ah, so you lived in a broken household.
OP listen to me, gnosticism will get your ass kicked out of the Church.
Question, why was it ok for people like Aquinas to read the corpus hermaticum and admire Trismeigistus as a "prophet" but if a modern catholic does it he borders on heresy?
>but if a modern catholic does it he borders on heresy?
Times change.
I'm not OP, but I would encourage you and everybody else to leave the church of lies as soon as possible.
Why should I listen to an atheist?
Of course it's a heresy. It denies that Jesus came down from heaven in the flesh.
The people who started it hung around the disciples of Jesus, but then they left together to go search out their own super spooky hidden occult knowledge. Which is what modern gnostics do.
1 John 2
Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour. 19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us.
When did I say I was an atheist? I'm on the gnostic path and would encourage you to join it as well. Right now the catholic church is little more than worshiping the demiurge and ignoring the fundamental message of the wholly divine being known as Jesus.
Jesus came down from heaven in the Flesh. He was fully human as though He were not God.
No, he merely appeared to be a human. He would no longer be divine if he was part of the same evil, physical material of this false world.
>When did I say I was an atheist
You're gnostic, a heretic.
What are you sorry about?
>times change
I dont think dogma works that way
I think I've made a grammar mistake, you know, english is not my native language. So, sometimes it's kinda hard to express what I really want to say.
The understanding of it. Are you a Doctor of the Church user? Are you part of the Church?
I was being facetious. I actually think dogma does work that way. but the church believes that the essence of it does not.
> Are you a Doctor of the Church user?
Nope, but Aquinas was, and he liked that stuff, so it follows that any catholic could and still be in the clear
There is nothing for you to be "sorry" about. I merely stated that you ought to improve your grammar, not because you are violating some sort of etiquette, but because one must strive toward excellence in everything, or do nothing at all. Whether English is your first language is irrelevant.
Born human in order to be our Kinsman Redeemer.
Had to be human in order to be our Kinsman Redeemer.
God created flesh, and called it good, and very good.
Stop judging the world by its fallen state, repent, and be saved.
Well I don't know the theological answer since I do not study Catholic theology. The historical answer is that it was a power conflict, it eventually creating theology that was threat to the ruling elite. Many Hermetic inspired people were not going in line with the Catholic church.
You know about the conflict with Giordano Bruno vs church authority? Bruno was a Hermetic.
The Hermetic revival started in the Renaissance when texts were rediscovered. As you might know this starting shifting power away from the Bishops. Read Giovanni Pico della Mirandola's "Oration on the Dignity of Man" if you want to see the stuff they were saying it's very Hermetic. This is the type of thing that would really fuck with an organization that demanded complete autonomy.
So you are saying we should have been arianist?
What the fuck is gnosticism?