Is truth a spook?
Is truth a spook?
Spook is a spook.
Can truth control you? Can you serve the truth to the detriment of your own self?
Yes, no and probably.
Truth in the sense of reality, not so much. Truth as an ideal we must conform to against our own egoism, very much.
He says pretty clearly that the pursuit of truth as some sort of higher ought fits the definition of a spook pretty readily.
Was Stirner the most worthless philosopher of the modern era?
Hardly. While he's rather obscure, his work was more or less responsible for utterly trashing the ideological side of left-Hegelianism.
Spooking spooks is a spooky spook of a spook
The will to truth is no spook.
Truth, maybe.
Skeletons, definitely.
There are categories of knowing. For example, Sense perception(empirical knowledge), reason (conceptual knowledge), pure concept (time and space using mathematics), and emotionality.
Each way of knowing is a category of truth, empirical truth, logical truth, mathematical truth, subjective truth.
So truth is relative to the category.
Wow, look at all the people that got spooked
No, now go away you anarchist cuck.
I'm reading the Cambridge university press version of the ego and its own and nowhere do I see the word spook in it. Its not even in the index. Did I get a bad translation
The original German word is Geist. Spook just comes up in the most common English translation.
Frankly, I didn't even know there was an alternate English translation.
Nope, I read the german version and he does use "Spuk" und "Gespenst" which mean ghost or spook
Really? Well I never did, so I'll admit error here. Not sure where I heard that thing about geist, so I'll blame Wikipedia.
Different guy here but "Geist", "Spuk" and "Gespenst" are pretty much synanymous, so don't sweat it.
Stirner did use "Geist" quite a lot but in a different context
Truth isnt, evidence is.