One, for example, is that Argentina's last dictatorship killed 30,000 people.
What are some false historical narratives, Veeky Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
is this the thread where we post genocides to be edgy?
>Not believing an undocumented number is being edgy
Class struggle comes to mind.
The one that Mao did anything wrong.
I agree.
filling in for the inevitable shitposts:
Armenian genocide
He killed tens of millions.
Communism has been tried.
Lmao. I bet you think socialism is the same as communism.
It's the previous step toward communism. Marx said it himself.
Brainwashed communist.
Only one is real.
thats a meme used to distract people from what they actually did, they probably killed 10k tops
>privatize everything they could
>Destroy european style buildings to enable leftift form denying our european heritage
>emptied the central bank reserves
>removal of all trade barriers which combined with the aforementioned caused half the country to go bankrupt
>Made the external debt become half the GDP
>Killed anyone of importance who resisted
>Chased out the elite of intellectuals who emigrated to europe and the US
>tried to destroy the universities
>Created monopolies which would respond to the same foreign interests that are too this day causing coups and selling the country up
>created a guilt complex which was used to destroy the army in the 90s
>caused everyone to become hyperlefitst and anti nationalist i nall senses but our country is better than yours
>which caused 2 generations of retards to be born and its getting exponentially worse
>Enabled in the 90s mass migrations from niggers and leftifts call you racist and bash any government who even suggest to kick the niggers out
>Caused almost all political parties to merge to oppose it which enabled everything that happened since democracy was restored, peronists literally were 100000 worse than the dictatorship set to destro the country
>thats a meme used to distract people from what they actually did
What? This is a rather relevant part, yes, but both parts are always said. They killed a shit ton of people AND fucked the country's economy so hard it still hasn't been fixed.
>they probably killed 10k tops
[citation needed]
No its not
10-30k is literally nothing compared to destroying the country's future
now that they don't even teach history anymore all that retards know is that the dictatorship killed a bunch of people
>now that they don't even teach history anymore
What the actual flying fuck?
I repeat:
[Citation needed]
From what country are you from?
I know for a fact history is still taught in schools.
Agieanon here too, tbqh they focus only in the killing and forget to tell all the other shit they did. Now edgy far right morons still believe that the militars where competent in other aspects.
Say something only an Argentinian would know ill give you my answer after that
and leftifts retards use them as a boogeyman despite the peronists are/were quite literally doing what the dictatorships did
we cannot even be openly racists despite everyone is extremely racist
Because the killing is a very delicate topic. If you don't mention it, you are effectively censoring the death of 30.000 in the hands of our own government. But the moment you mention it, people WILL focus on it too much.
I agree that focussing too much on it would be a problem, but Macri's alternative is worse.
Meat is off the charts. Everyone thinks we have meat for breakfast here, but I haven't any meat other than chicken in months.
Horseshoe theory, anyone?
Thats not a good answer, you can check inflation rates of food see a giant spike and claim food is expensive
try again (im not memeing)
>just googled horse shoe theory
i will now not believe you are from here
El chavo estaba a las 12:30 en magic kids. despues venia dragon ball y despues a jugar con hugo
How the fuck am I supposed to know what you think only an Argie would know?
Gloria Casan se porta como una viejita boluda pero caga a la gente con la que cena para que se caguen a si mismos, como el reciente caso de "La democracia es asquerosa" prueba. La Cueva de los Clasicos es uno de los foros mas viejos del pais, aunque sea una comunidad bastante cerrada. El Reverendo Hijo De Puta no dejo a los chabones confesarse porque estaba mirando el ultimo episodio de Lost. Alejo siempre pide comidas exageradamente complicadas en McKing. Mate tiene que ser tomado tan caliente como lo puedas tomar, o sos soberano maricon (Dejemos el riesgo de cancer de boca de lado). La luz ah teniedo, para algunas pymes, un aumento de hasta un 700% desde que Macri subio. Algo mas?
De donde sacaste horseshoe theory? y porque saliste con eso?
ahora lo que habia escrito
I know for a fact the population has become stupid and anti intellectual, most only come out of school barely being ablet o write and read, all they know about most stuff is through memes and media
If you ask your average 10-25 year old all they know is that they did something with the debt , malvinas and muh 30 gorillion, they can't even name the ones who leaded the coup
The older generations don't even know why everything happened even tho they lived it, they didn't see the 2001 coming despite it was extremely similar to what ongania did
I mentioned the horseshoe theory because the conversation was going down the Left-VS-Right slippery slope.
And yes, the population here is INCREDIBLY stupid, I won't deny that.
But then again I haven't met much of any other country, so my word doesn't have much weight. Rednecks aren't the most clever people either.
Gloria Casan se porta como una viejita boluda pero caga a la gente con la que cena para que se caguen a si mismos,
Fuck, confused her with Mirtha Legrand.
And now I am going to bed, have to be up early tomorrow.
Where did you find it?
i doubt anyone knew
also i would like to know
I think the first mention I remember was from a friend in Venezuela?
Hell if I know.
What's so special about the horseshoe theory?
In itself nothing but I won't tell you cause reasons
anyways fuck the 30k meme (even if tis true) it would be better if they were remembered for bankrupting and selling up the country and perma endebting us
and also introducing drug traficking
they fucking gave a free port to Bolivia
Actually, AFAIK the traficing was given to happen since the colonies. Spain enforced such stupid fees in it's docks that, for a lot of people, smuggling was a must. It's logical to assume that such a culture would develop trafficking issues.
i don't think you understood what i wrote