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Bad teeth

not really a flaw he was getting old but ok

That's not an excuse

Go floss your teeth right now


Cut down his dad's cherry tree, just for the hell of it.

To be perfectly fair, knowledge of dentistry was pretty limited then. It was assumed back then that losing your teeth was just a natural process of old age.

he apologized for it and became the greatest president there ever was. everyone makes mistakes

this is going more into unproven myth territory

Shit at tactics.

I mean he won the war so it's not a big deal, but too many of his battle plans were overly complicated, like "Let's split into four columns and march 10 miles in the dead of night then turn back around and march another 3 miles and all attack the city from four different sides simultaneously at 3:15 AM exactly." How he ever expected the continental army to pull that shit off I have no idea.

He didn't have his own biological children.

That was his only flaw. Along with dying.

>Shit at tactics.

he was a master at guerrilla warfare. do you expect the Continentals to fight the British and Hessens line formation in open fields?

>He didn't have his own biological children.

I wouldn't say that was a flaw. He didn't need to pass a lineage down. He already turned down an offer to become a king a number of times.

*protip you cant

Wasn't Thomas Jefferson

He wasn't Hamilton.


Why have a lineage when you have a legacy.
Bet you think Newton shoulda had kids.

Reminder that within 100 years the great gays of history will be able to have kids.

Slave owner.

Lets be honest, if you could afford a slave and it was legal and there was no social stigma around it, would you own a slave?

yeah, if he had kids we'd just end up having like 20 kids going to fancy private schools named "something II/III" who can never shut up about being directly descended from George Washington
and also like 3 black people living in Baltimore or some shit who have no clue about it whatsoever

I wouldn't blame someone from ancient Rome for owning slaves, but in the 19th century, it was seen as an inhuman practice in most of the civilized world. Even Washington himself admitted that slavery is immoral (he ordered them to be freed, but only after his death), but that didn't stop him from profiting from it.

>Created the patriarchy
>Owned slaves

Really someone should take his face off mount Rushmore.
Obama would make a much better candidate.

close but libs wouldn't like any faces on rushmore since it's a sacred mountain

I have one. Sucked at military command during the Seven Years War.


I cannot believe this nonsense even pops into peoples' heads to bring up as a troll. Why not just say, "he wasn't a snorkel", which is more true and just a pertinent.

ooo I made everyone go quiet.

he even admitted himself that he was one of the lesser generals of the revolution

one day we'll have a genius with very inheritable genes and you'll pass down on a surefire lineage of innovators because they might be arrogant.

He was the greatest man to have ever lived through Christ our lord Amen

True genius isn't heritable, it's a confluence of many disparate factors.

he was a ginger

>he was a master at guerrilla warfare

No he wasn't.

underrated post

Butthurt redcoats detected.

>he was a master at guerrilla warfare.
>do you expect the Continentals to fight the British and Hessens line formation in open fields?
Yes, that is literally what most of the engagements looked like.

>be me
>leading colonial army.png
>sneak up on sleepy sleepers
>everyone goes apeshitandfuckinglovesmeyes
>god I'm such a good general
>be me at Yorktown
>French weren't there
>that's a lie
>French people don't exist
>we won
>mfw five stars

Raises his wife's children

owned slaves
didnt give voting rights to anybody that wasnt a rich white guy

>smoked the manajuma
>mediocre general
>Hamilton's sock puppet
>destroyed the US's fledgling economy
>almost sent the country into civil war

>Openly conducting warfare against injuns
>Black people are literally slaves (that IIRC he freed btw)
>Hurr durr a hes a typical fucking white male

>(that IIRC he freed btw)
After he was dead

Shit general desu.

Saintly man ethically though. Deserves all the praise as far as I can tell.

How did he almost send the country into a civil war and destroy the economy?

Are you referring to the wiskey rebellion? those fools didn't want to pay newly imposed taxes of a legitimate government so he rightfully crushed the rebellion with like 8 casualties.

Tough call. If being a good slave owner is a fault, that would be it.

He died. ;_;

>How did he almost send the country into a civil war
By being Hamilton's sock puppet. He literally alienated everyone in the Jefferson camp which resulted in infighting in the streets of cities. This was made even worse by Adams.

>destroy the economy
The taxes levied on rural farmers couldn't be paid by the already weak dollar. The tariffs on top of that destroyed much of the international commerce that America relied upon up to that point.

Quite frankly, if Washington was held to the same standard as literally every other peacetime President, he'd be in the bottom 25%.

He was bad, but I don't know if he was shit. Washington was a master at retreats and repeatedly found ways to not have the Continental "Army" destroyed

>he was a master at guerrilla warfare.
No he wasn't.
>do you expect the Continentals to fight the British and Hessens line formation in open fields?
But they did. With a shitload of Frenchman fighting alongside them.

The American 'guerrilla' meme has to die already.

He was generally a good commander, but not the best of the war in regards to battlefield tactics or operations. He was good in overseeing the overall war effort in regards to logistics, and intelligence. I also don't think there are many men who could have kept the army together.

7/10 General
10/10 Leader

I'd rather Hillary take his place desu

Go back to bed Jefferson

>Implying Thomas would criticize George for loving the ganja

Tommy boy smoked weed out the wazoo. I bet he hotboxed Monticello at least once a week

He was a bad farmer/businessman.

His legacy went to shit. lel

McCullough posits that he had remarkable luck as a general. He was greatly admired by his contemporaries for his character.

That's probably about right

Doesn't matter since he was the first president. You're imagining a situation without context, but that's a foolish way to go about it.

He was of English descent.
He was a Protestant.
He fought for the English for years.

Infertile. It is a shame that he had no children of his own.

most likely it was his wife. also not having offspring isnt a flaw

>Doesn't matter since he was the first president
So he gets a pass because he was first? First Presidents of other countries don't get the same level of idolatry. Why the fuck should Washington? He was a shitty President and mediocre general. The first not shit President was Jefferson and the first actually good President was Madison.

Because he was the FIRST president. He took charge of the country and left after two terms. That shit is insane. He set the standard for our leadership. Now, after more than 200 years we're seeing a significant rot in our leadership, but the dude had fucking ideals that he stuck to.

>Because he was the FIRST president
As I said, this is irrelevant. Just because he was first does not absolve him from being a poor President. This is true for every country in the world. Why not Washington in the United States?

>He took charge of the country and left after two terms

>That shit is insane. He set the standard for our leadership
He set the bar pretty fucking low.

>Now, after more than 200 years we're seeing a significant rot in our leadership, but the dude had fucking ideals that he stuck to
WHICH DESTROYED THE NATIONAL ECONOMY AND ALMOST DESTROYED THE NATION ALMOST A DECADE AFTER IT'S FOUNDING. Christ. You talk as if he was a God. He was a man and he was a shitty President and mediocre General. Accept the truth and stop worshipping him like you'd suck his dick if he were alive today.

Democratically elected
Also a traitor

>Because he was the FIRST president.

what are you talking about Washington was revolutionary for his day.

Not who you're responding to but you missed the point of his two terms statement. It's a big deal because he left after two terms. People (especially Hamilton) wanted to make him president for life but he insisted on a two term limit to prevent corruption. This was a huge deal and is part of what has made the US so succesful

He'll save children, but not the British children

Also he once held an opponents wife's hand in a jar of acid, at a party

>This was a huge deal and is part of what has made the US so successful
You people talk about if statements, but you cannot honestly say with certainty that the two-term presidency, something that was violated and was attempted to be violated multiple times, made the US successful. That is such a specious and untrue statement.

>All this Washington praise

It's amazing how condensed history gets after 200 years into taking the acts of many men surrounding the Revolution into the image of one man: Washington. Eventually Washington will be credited as the sole founder of the US by the rate it's going.

He was just a guy who was in the right place at the right time, given leadership roles because he was most senior army officer around and was given the Presidency because the new republic needed a figurehead that was familiar to the people.

Apart from "muh ideals" and "muh honour" can you actually say what he did without highlighting that he was absolutely how very mediocre he was.

yahoo memes?