Why the hell do so many women nowadays fall for the neopagan Wicca witchcraft meme?
Why the hell do so many women nowadays fall for the neopagan Wicca witchcraft meme?
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It's because of the whole Goddess Movement within New Age communities that centered the woman as temple.
It's an affirming faith based practices and ceremonies that centers females and female experiences more often than not which is the exact opposite of Abrahamic faiths.
>A religion that doesn't oppress women?!
I don't blame em. Christianity is a horrible religion for women.
Name one woman in the new testament which is not either the Madonna or awhore. Than look up what the Madonna-Whore complex is.
I'd legitimately rather have my daughter worship some obscure tree goddess than think that her womb corrupts children with original sin.
>only perfect human
>blessed among all women
>blessed throughout all ages
>vessel of the Incarnation of God
>called the Queen of Heaven by Catholics and Orthodox
>her intercession is attributed to the Fall of Communism
>the prayer "O Santissima"
>considered the Greatest of God's Creation
>hated by Devil because he couldn't corrupt her with sin and the most famous prayer attributed to her, the Rosary, is like a spiritual carpet nuking against the forces of Hell
>did I mention absolutley perfect?
>every accolade and honor given to the Theotokos is given because she became a mother, the greatest expression of womanhood, and sanctified the very act of motherhood through her role in bringing forth the Son of God to save all mankind
>hur dur Abrahamics hate womynz
Saint Martha and Saint Mary Magdalene. Gosh, that was easy.
>Name one woman in the new testament which is not either the Madonna or awhore
Orthodox consider Pontius Pilate's wife to be a Saint because she pleaded he let Jesus go.
Also, Christianity is more than just Scripture. We got 2000 odd years of history and many, MANY saints who are women.
Lets just ignore all the blatant misogyny and subjugation, in favor of some pretty statues to pray to, I'm sure it helps.
>Bearded man in the sky and male religious leaders deemed women who fit their ideas of purity deemed perfect
For most history Mary Magdalene was identified as the prostitute Jesus saves from the Pharisee and she considered a character that represents vice. Our modern understanding of her as a character that represents wisdom and purity is literally a feminist interpretation that started in the 60s.
Yeah great model. I can just imagine this conversation with my daughter
Her: "Why was she a version?"
Me: "Because Christians believed that sex corrupts a woman's body. Mary remained pure because God gave her a magical birth"
Her "Will I have children through sex and become corrupted or will God give me a magicl birth"
Me "You have to corrupt yourself to have children, but if you hate the sex you will be less corrupt"
There's a reason that so many Catholic girls are both taught to idolize Mary and become porn-stars.
Yes, but Mary Magdalene wasn't actually a prostitute, and it's not a feminist reinterpretation. The whole idea of her being a prostitute was due to a mistake Pope Saint Gregory the Great made when he was giving a homily. Granted, that mistake stuck around for more than 1000 years, but it was indeed an error.
Technically isn't male or female, God is God. But because the Incarnation had the 2nd person of the Trinity become human, which are male and female, Jesus was male and refered to the 1st person, the one who sent Him as His Father, we generally go with calling God male. Because that's how God chose to reveal Himself. Also considering how much Jesus pissed people of the day off, nothing cultural stopped him from making women His priests. He just chose to go with men, primarily because of the Eucharist.
And if you need to have a religion run by women and worshiping a female God in order to follow it because of modern feminist BS, you aren't religioning properly.
>There's a reason that so many Catholic girls are both taught to idolize Mary and become porn-stars
Citation nonexistent.
>Her: "Why was she a version?"
>Me: "Because Christians believed that sex corrupts a woman's body. Mary remained pure because God gave her a magical birth"
>Her "Will I have children through sex and become corrupted or will God give me a magicl birth"
>Me "You have to corrupt yourself to have children, but if you hate the sex you will be less corrupt
>I don't understand either the Immaculate Conception or the Incarnation: the shitpost
Mary was a perpetual virgin because the point of perpetual virginity was A: Girl who never had sex is pregnant and lived long before in vitro was possible would catch people's attention as a sign of the Messaiah as prophesied centuries prior by Isaiah and B: her role in the Incarnation rendered her the Ark of the New Covenant and as such too holy to be touched by a man, and if you try saying Joseph had sex with her, his marriage to her was done late in his life for social rather than romantic reasons.
Also, sex doesn't corrupt, you dingus. It's considered a beautiful and holy expression of love between a husband and wife that reflects and professes the love between Jesus and His Church. What backwater Tennessee minister told you that Christians believe sex corrupts?
>I'd prefer a slut for a daughter
>I'd prefer a daughter covered in piercings, tattoos and pink hair
Will you also let whatever piece of shit she spreads her legs for move into your home?
>Men and women both have to fit an equal ideal of purity as told by their deity
>Hurr God hates Womyn!
If God allowed men to sleep around but expected female virgins you'd have a point, but the Christian God expects purity on both ends. Pretty egalitarian of God.
I might dig up a link later. I remember reading about the history of porn. When it got really big in the 70s most of the women porn stars were former Catholic girls and most of the men were Jews.
I sort of view Mary as an anti-Goddess. She tends to represent the opposite of what most Goddesses have, sterility rather than fertility. In addition one thing you see in Pagan Goddesses is they all have an element of wrath that allows them to become stirn or harsh when needed. Many female deities represent both death and nature: she is both the loving mother and the wrathful mother. A good example would b Kali who can seriously fuck you up if she needs to.
Frankly when I look back at old Christian theology you can see they hate women. Paul was a virgin and a loser who struggled with his sex drives, he takes out his frustration through rage-induced rants and tells everyone else to be perma-virgins like himself. Yet this omega male is considered the greatest apostle of all.
While there are all sorts of apologetics I would have a much more effective time showing my daughter Norse, Greek, Hindu, or other Pagan myths.
It's more specifically Chastity and Continence with Coitus between a husband and wife being the full expression of the Holy Sacrement of Marriage and sexual actions outside of that being an affront to said Sacrement.
>Eve allegedly caused the fall of Man, and of sin entering the world and thus women are looked as an inferior creation and need to be subjugated by their husbands
>Pretty egalitarian of God
I really do no care about theological nonsense and prophecies. I care about giving my child a positive image. My daughter will eventually have sex, that's going to be part of her life. So she needs to have female figures that have had sex. Putting purity on remaining a perpetual virgin is basically asking for a dumb girl that never learns to take control of her body. The fact that Mary was married when God comes down and inseminates her is also very troubling.
>What backwater Tennessee minister told you that Christians believe sex corrupts
This is literally what the early theologians believed. Augustine hated women and literally thought their bodies were responsible for corrupting their children at birth.
>Adam ate the Fruit too and tried to pass off his responsibility onto her and as such is looked down upon for it
They both sinned, they both bore the curse, that's the point. No man is more or less corrupt, you either are or aren't.
Way to ignore the statement and try to change the topic.
So I take it you accept that it is fair that God expects purity from both men and women?
Also for your dumbass attempt to change the topic. Even if Eve was the first to fall for temptation, Adam followed completely on his own will. He shares as much blame and God punishes both of them.
Neither of these things change the fact that women are viewed as having a specific role in the Christian tradition, and that role is to submit to their husband or father's authority.
>>her role in the Incarnation rendered her the Ark of the New Covenant and as such too holy to be touched by a man, and if you try saying Joseph had sex with her, his marriage to her was done late in his life for social rather than romantic reasons.
>>too holy to be touched by a man
If you don't understand how this makes sex out to be something corrupting and bad then there is no point debating anything with you.
Men are meant to remain virgins too, at least until marriage. It's not exclusively about women.
And yet, it simply doesn't work that way for either gender.
Her purity has Jack to do with her virginity. Purity in a Marian context is about not being stained by original sin.
Also early theologians had a lot of ideas because they were trying to better understand their faith. And guess what? That thing you brought up with Aquinas? It's either a bullshit misinterpretation/misrepresentation of him or something he thought that didnt become doctrine. The Church Father Origen had a few heretical leanings among his orthodox beliefs but guess what we don't listen to or teach as truth? That's right, the heresies.
You act like if theology is still at what was acceptable in 60 AD.
Ask most priests in the West and they'll likely have a far more egalitarian view on relationships and despite this it's not wrong or against Christianity since Jesus told Peter "what you bind on Earth shall be bound in Heaven." Which allows theology to develop and be more clear.
Because our culture is shit and doesn't consider Sex as Sacred.
If you want a slut for a daughter just be an atheist like you seem to be. The media will mold her into a good little cum dumpster for all the Chads in the world.
>Ask most priests in the West and they'll likely have a far more egalitarian view on relationships
Yeah, because of the influence of secular morality on the Church.
I mean, ask the average Southern Baptist in America what he thinks about European Lutheran Churches wedding homosexual couples and you'll get a nice rant about theology(which would most likely be correct).
That doesn't mean "sex will corrupt her" it's that no man would be worthy of even considering to try anything like that.
Uzzah wasn't killed for corrupting the ark with his touch, but for being unworthy of touching it. It's about the effect on you, not her.
Telling kids to stay away from sex when they are young and dumb is fine. As they get older I would actually encourage them to learn their body.
As an example. If you introduce alcohol to kids when they are young they learn how to handle it and are less likely to become addicts later. After they have had a few drinks around the dinner table they learn alcohol really isn't anything special and get bored with it.
The same is true for sex. If my daughter has (protected) sex with some random guy every once in awhile she will get it out of her system. Fuck the pretty boys, date the rich guys, marry the responsible guy.
The alternative is she is a sex-starved dummy that goes for the first bad-boy to pop her cherry.
>planning in advance all the cocks his daughter will have
Just fuck off to some neo pagan bullshit, Christianity doesn't need cucks like you.
I've just learned no one really stays a virgin till marriage. My dad was Christian and tried to do that. He fucked a girl in college for a few weeks than forgot about her. Nothing bad happened, he was still able to settle down and have a family. That's how most chastity vows, people do not go through with them. Sex is like alcohol, it's fine in moderation, it's only a problem when you do it too much.
>The alternative is she is a sex-starved dummy that goes for the first bad-boy to pop her cherry
Yeah, if you make sex itself as the act of evil and not the misuse of it as evil.
I wasn't allowed to drink alcohol until I was 21 and my experiences with it were all in the context of responsible social gatherings among relatives like weddings, holidays, birthdays etc. I grew up respecting alcohol as a rare treat, something to not glut on and to respect it.
Recently went to a Wedding and had 4 drinks over the course of 5 hours with food in between, last drink prior to that was a Mai Tai and Hard Root Beer on my birthday the week before, and prior to that was some wine at Thanksgiving.
Your line of thinking is why you have fat kids who always eat. "If I say no to giving Jimmy candy then that'll just make him glut out on sugar and get fat." No, you encourage moderation and respect of luxuries.
Sex is the expression of love and communion between husband and wife in marriage and reflects the love and communion between Christ and His Church in the Eucharist. Indulging the sexual appetite outside of a reverent context as that makes sex just another act. There's no reverence. Just "that feels good, thanks, bye."
I have news for both of you twits
You Christfags are the biggest cucks of them all. Devout Evangelical and Catholic teens are just as likely as their non religious peers to have sex but far more likely to not have a fucking clue what they're doing and end up getting accidentally pregnant and having abortions at far greater rates than their less religious peers. They're more likely to start having sex earlier and more likely to have sex with three or more partners.
Your religion doesn't teach that sex is sacred, it teaches that sex is shameful and disgusting which is why your results are so god awful that you'd have to be a Christian to pretend its not there, or at least one of the handful of social retards who don't get invited to "those" kind of parties.
Consider Sex as Sacred while not doing it is some kind of retarded approach, to be honest.
And men and fathers to love, serve and be willing to die for her.
Doesn't really change anything. From your posts you're against patriarchal society, having to follow the will of a deity, and the notion of sexual chastity.
Pearls before swine fits you perfectly. So yeah, either stay an atheist like you seem to be or join some false neo pagan garbage to encourage special snowflake feelings and promiscuity.
This user is right. Christianity does fucking nothing to prevent harmful sex in the moder society even if memers pretend otherwise.
> false neo pagan garbage
It isn't more false than any other religion.
>Evangelical Protestant
First of all, read the Theology of the Body if you think Catholics believe "Sex is shameful and disgusting."
Second, Evangelical Protestants are scrupulous zealots that think anything and everything is evil. Why do you think they hated PokéMania while the Vatican said "Guys lighten up, it's a cute game about friendship and overcoming challenges to be the best. Let the kids play it."
Do you even understand what Sacredness is?
>And men and fathers to love, serve and be willing to die for her.
Not if they don't want to. See that's the difference between being the oppressor and the oppressed. The oppressor is still free.
>American Evangelical Protestantism
>Representative of all Christianity
I understand that you wouldn't deny sacred things if you truly believe that they are sacred.
The article itself says these teens are going against their beliefs. It hurts the cause that there are so many cultural Christians who are only marginally religious or the opposite end like evangelicals who push to hard and make their children rebel through promiscuity.
None of this proves your final statement that the point of chastity is that God sees sex as evil.
Can someone explain how marriage is somehow a more sacred than sex? God want people to have children, not to divide property.
> point of chastity
So... What is the point of chastity if sex isn't evil?
story time lads
>be me, sophomore year
>tumblr retard girl talking about witchcraft and so on
>be a smug asshole and ask what kind of pagan she was
>I list the ones that people would know (druids, celts, etc.)
>pauses for a solid 10 seconds
>then explodes
>the rage of 1000 PMS ridden bloggers was released upon me
>I made an enemy for life that day, or at least it seemed like it
>mfw she got suspended for a week the next year because she tried to spike some guy's water bottle with a 'potion'
Caesar and his men are laughing in Elysium
So mutual service and sacrifice is wrong now? Because if a man must act to his wife like Christ does for His Church, then that means he serves his bride, cares for and honors her, puts her first and will give up everything for her because that's also what she does for him.
Marriage is death to self for another. If only one dies to themself and the other doesn't, they're doing marriage wrong.
>First of all, read the Theology of the Body
I don't need to brush up on Leprechaunology to know that Leprechauns are bullshit and I don't need to drown myself in pointless moralizing written by a bunch of chaste old men. It's 2016, show me the results which say that Catholic teenagers are better behaved than their peers.
Go ahead, I'll wait.
But they are, when it comes to prevailing attitudes towards sex education. Catholics are even worse because of their draconian attitudes towards contraceptives
I had a glass of wine every day at dinner starting when I was fucking 12 years old. This is actually pretty normal in many countries. You know how often I drink wine now? Only when someone is else buying. My 2nd cousin was NEVER exposed to alcohol as a kid, he become an alcohol and died driving 80 MPH drunk on the wrong side of the road.
>Sex is the expression of love and communion between husband and wife in marriage
>Indulging the sexual appetite outside of a reverent context as that makes sex just another act.
Using this logic when I go to a restaurant with my gf it's not special because I go to the same restaurant with friends. Or when I watch movies with her it's the same as watching movies with strangers.
My goal is to min-max my kids. For this the truth value of a religion does not matter. It doesn't matter if Freya and Author are real, what matters is what they represent.
Saint Ann and Saint Veronica?
The women who came to his tomb?
1. As an expression of love toward your married partner
2. As a means of procreation in a form pleasing to God (married monogamy)
Continence and respect for what the act entails.
Eat to Live Vs Live to Eat.
>So mutual service and sacrifice is wrong now?
I never said that. I said that the fact that the Bible demands that wives and daughters submit to the authority of their husbands, means that they are by definition second-class in value.
I mean, have you even read the Bible? There's all sorts of insane shit that's done to women, like stoning them for adultery.
Yeah. Witches are retarded like that nowadays. If you want competent magics you should hang out with old school satanists or hardcore alchemists.
>None of this proves your final statement that the point of chastity is that God sees sex as evil.
Of course not because I try to look for citations which kept things factual and demonstrating of just how ineffective your methods are at producing results. We can sit here arguing over what God thinks is evil or we can appeal to the real world to see whose ideas hold more water.
Abstinence only programs pushed by Christians are worse than pointless, they're counter productive, because it leaves the children fucking clueless about sexuality. It teaches them to suppress natural urges and feel shame for experiencing them, which is why when they become sexually active, they go completely off the leash. The proof is in the data regarding the sexual activity of religious teens verses non-religious teens
> As an expression of love toward your married partner
I understand that part, but what if you aren't married? You can't express your love to literally nobody.
It's not the only way to express love you know...
Do you think the only way a guy can show his love is ramming his dick in his woman?
>There's all sorts of insane shit that's done to women, like stoning them for adultery.
Done to both sexes, actually. Cheater gets stoned as well.
Well hopefully the future will bring us both what we seek. Frankly cultural Christianity has weakened the religion. If more teens and adults are willing to outright apostate from Christianity then only the strong of faith will remain and those who leave can go have protected sex and whatever other sins they crave.
Removing this societal need for people to claim to be Chrisitian when they don't believe would benefit both secularists and Christians.
To play fedora advocate, didn't the OT laws allow a married man to fuck unmarried women without breaking adultery laws?
not really.
IIRC, maybe some captives, after the women are done with their period of mourning.
I agree that love is very complicated thing, but you don't bounded to love only your married partners if you think about it realistically. You can love them even before being married for example.
>If more teens and adults are willing to outright apostate from Christianity then only the strong of faith will remain and those who leave can go have protected sex and whatever other sins they crave.
I'm sure that would have been Jesus's attitude: "fuck the masses, gimme the true donors, err believers!"
>Removing this societal need for people to claim to be Chrisitian when they don't believe would benefit both secularists and Christians.
hunkering down for a cultural last stand is not really going to end with your benefit, I'm afraid.
Jesus questioned if he'd even find any faithful on his return and warned his followers about wasting time on anti-Christs twice.
>pearl before swine
>If they don't listen, dust your feet and move on
If you're a true Christian then it really doesn't matter how worldly society bends. What you do is keep the faith and encourage it in those who show real interest and not just seeking to argue.
Is that how you intent on consoling yourself during your prolonged slide into history?
>Is that how you intent on consoling yourself during your prolonged slide into history
Jesus wasn't terribly fond of religious hypocrites.
Heck, he once said "if you encourage a child to sin, you should go kill yourself."
>It doesn't matter if Freya and Author are real, what matters is what they represent.
I don't understand this attitude. It should make all the difference in the world that they're real. The whole reason Christians follow the Bible's teachings on sex is that they believe it's genuinely the word of God. That's where it derives all its authority from.
gee, it's a good thing past results are always a perfect predictor of future results.
But its a bad thing for you that I have actual data instead of memes
And he saved his deepest anger for the people who turned his father's house into a house of money and commerce
> It should make all the difference in the world that they're real
In theory, sure. In practice basically everyone tries to spoke from the name of God. This is why I only believe in Gods that personally showed miracle or great feat of divine power to me. I trust only direct words of the Absolute One in a questions of Faith.
God's not playing a numbers game.
Jesus made it very clear that his path is narrow and that many will choose themselves over God.
Even a Christian population of 0 would not be considered a failure of God, because the sacrifice was made on our behalf in the first place.
> would not be considered a failure of God
What would be considered such failure? Or does it means nothing because God just can't lose even ever.
>America is the whole world
Yes. That's why video games have "God Modes."
God, by His very Nature, cannot lose because losing means He is subject to a higher authority. But because God is Authority itself, He is subject to no one.
>Even a Christian population of 0 would not be considered a failure of God, because the sacrifice was made on our behalf in the first place.
It may end up being one of history's great ironies that Jesus had to die in order to achieve everlasting impact on the human race, and the religion he founded may end up sharing the same fate.
If we're a society that looks after our poor and needy, that provides them with sustenance and access to opportunity while preserving their dignity and freedom of agency while paying careful attention to the real concrete world and the actual physical rules governing it, then we will become a society that is living in accordance with Christ regardless of how many people shuffle into pews every week.
America is on the more religious end of the world's scale. All developed nations are rapidly secularizing and even less religious, which only emphasizes my point. This decline of religiosity is historically unprecedented.
Atheism is just new meme religion anyway.
Pagan shits fuck off!
God cannot fail. In regard to this topic, Christ sacrifice was for our behalf, it did not weaken God like say Odins sacrifice of his eye. If humanity refuses salvation it does not weaken God's power. Those in heaven are there because they want to be, likewise for those in Hell who wished to be apart from God.
If you love them then there's no reason to not be married
>walk past shop
>"We sell Pagan and Wiccan items!"
>face reflexively contorts into a scowl
Am I a good boy
>Keep prayer and God on /pol/, where they belong!
Yes, listen to this user.
Good job user you sure showed them
I agree: atheism is a mass reaction to the Christian hypocrisy, a counter-counter-revolution to the Christian fundamentalist movement which sprang up in opposition to the revelations of modernity, a systematic effort to purge Western thinking of obsolete thought processes and methodologies which cling tenaciously to existence, particularly in matters relating to superstition/anti-intelligence and philosophical dualism.
>there is master or slave, man or women, only the Body of Christ
/pol/ fails at Christianity thanks to their racism and misogyny.
Another time I was talking with a group of people about morality and such. One of them didn't understand me so I said "Ah, well of course a savage pagan like you would struggle to understand the meaning of peace and virtue" so then he got angry and threatened to punch me haha
>this is what christfags actually believe
>gee, it's a good thing past results are always a perfect predictor of future results.
>But its a bad thing for you that I have actual data instead of memes
Aren't you doing the same.
Btw, that pic you have is not a graph, mathematically speaking, and is on the same level as "the hole left by the christian dark ages" thing.