>see Veeky Forums shill for Christianity a lot
>finally fall for the meme
>go to church
>for communion they give us potato chips and soda because "communion is supposed to be fun"
Christianity is a joke
>see Veeky Forums shill for Christianity a lot
>finally fall for the meme
>go to church
>for communion they give us potato chips and soda because "communion is supposed to be fun"
Christianity is a joke
Protestant or Catholic church?
I take it you didn't go to an orthodox church. You didn't fall for the meme correctly.
Any Catholic church that did this would be excommunicated
Was it fun though?
Yeah, this. Go Orthodox, OP. It's totally kvlt.
With this new pope ,anything is possible. He reminds me of this
> Christianity is a joke
I wouldn't be surprised if Christ resurrection was just a prank that went too far.
Never seen this done before and I don't agree with it but at the end of the day it is just a representation. Typically its done with water crackers and grape juice tho.
Both catholicism and prostentaism has outstanding believers and fanatics, but orthodoxs were always backwards losers who got taken over by islam and atheists
> got taken over by islam and atheists
Christianity is better when it struggle to fight for its survival anyway.
This why protestants were a mistake.
It's a little weird, but not really a big deal
>Be in high school
>School shows an exhibit of different jobs you can take or study for after graduating
>the church has an exhibit
>there is a qt priestess there but she has piercing, heavy mascara and a pride flag behind her.
Protestantism yes
>grape juice
I'm not event Christian and still that bothers me.
Yeah and Neil Armstrong was a cosmonaut
>it is just a representation
In my country the protestant pastors calls themself priests
We ate soda crackers and grape juice, but even at the age of 7 we knew it was supposed to be a symbolic thing.
>2011 AD
>not eating pieces of your god and drinking his blood
Not all sects subscribe to transubstantiation. That is a "universal church" ( orthodox, aka catholic ) concept, from the literal understanding of the last supper. Many protestants, following the radical reformation (disparate from the protestant reformation) do not subscribe to the contention of transubstantiation.
Not alot of modern christians even take time to understand that the protestant reformation was never intended to be a "break away" from the church, but rather a change to the (conceived as) elicit practices of those in charge. Luther wanted to "fix" catholocism, not destroy or supercede it with a "new religion". Later, there came along a "radical reformation", which further changed ideology, creating a sort of "christianesque cult", and that is the mainstream "christianity" you see today in, primarily, America's christian community.
So are they "really christian"? Of course. We are not "biblilians", we are christians. This means we have a personal relationship with the lord and savior Jesus Christ. That is the qualification of being a christian, and the rest of the interpreted details are less important than this one fact.
Luther abolished fasting, confession, monasticism, removed seven books from the OT, tried to remove 11 from the NT. At this point, we're talking a new religion.
You kind of have to be to be an heretic. If you weren't Christian, you'd just be heathens.
edgy as fuck
That's the Megaloschemos. Hardly any monks get that, it's like the special forces of monasticism. You have to fast and pray in stillness like crazy for a lifetime.
>Luther abolished
Luther doesn't "abolish" anything, he recommended a different understanding of the traditional practices.
See above. People still fast, but they do it on their own accord.
Protestants confess, but they contend it doesn't need to be done in a closet to a specific person, but anywhere to God.
This might be the difficult thing to understand about Lutheranism. It contends "all adherents are priests". This is a literal understanding of a part of scripture.
>removed books
People worked with his suggestions, and didn't accept and apply them all. Issues he had with the inspired nature of certain works were not new to him or new to scholars for some time.
>Luther doesn't "abolish" anything, he recommended
Have you read his polemics? The man was as bad as Marx about pouring vitriol on anyone who differed with him on any little thing.
>This might be the difficult thing to understand about Lutheranism. It contends "all adherents are priests". This is a literal understanding of a part of scripture.
Most monks are not priests.
>This might be the difficult thing to understand about Lutheranism. It contends "all adherents are priests". This is a literal understanding of a part of scripture.
All adherent are pontiffs. Certainly not all adherents are presbyters/bishops.
Yes, I've read all his books. Tragically, toward the end of his life, consumed by pain from his physical state, he wrote some very uncharacteristic views and it's evident from a scholastic perspective they were from a person in a state of pain and grief. I kinda wish people had the presence of mind at the time to take away his pen, or at least not publish those final works.
The man was evil.
Fuck off Constantine
How many times do you need to be refuted before you stop posting the same bullshit over and over
That's unfortunate you feel that way. Maybe, running with the way you feel in the matter, it took such a person to eradicate the "evil" practices men had applied to the catholic church, as the selling of "heaven tickets" for others, or ahead of time for sins, to fill the church coffers.
And you know what? It worked. The catholic church today is nothing like it was in that era. There has even been, over the last 150 years, work on both sides to reconcile between catholics and "real protestants".
He called for wholesale slaughter of Jews and peasants, and said God told him to.
>the selling of "heaven tickets" for others
>And you know what? It worked. The catholic church today is nothing like it was in that era.
It's bad in a whole different way.
>Implying the Catholic church thought any better
yes, he did, see He was not like that through 90% of his life.
Martin Luther's earlier works suggested people should try to convert Jews. It was pretty evident, the sudden about face, later in his life that he was emotionally tortured from his physical condition.
I'd rather take 300 extra years of corruption if it meant Christendom wouldn't splinter into the abomination that is Protestantism.
Bishops tried to protect their Jewish population when the People's Crusade went on a Jew hunt in Eastern Europe.
By that excuse it'd be ok if Jesus said "Fuck humanity, kill them all father!" when he was suffering from physical and spiritual pains on the cross.
What do you feel is fundamentally wrong with Protestantism, that you feel it is an "abomination"? Maybe you're not thinking of Protestantism, but the later radical reformation. I'm just curious to see.
Martin Luther wasn't Jesus. 99% of christian consider Jesus to be divine, without sin. That is not what Martin Luther was.
Yeah, actually, they did
That doesn't make any sense, no physical condition drives someone who advocate wholesale murder of peasants and Jews. I don't care if your skin is melting
His position changed because he thought his "reforms" would entice them, and because they were both against the state; once the state was on HIS side, he came down hard on anyone who resisted his religion
Stop reading headlines and start reading the actual fucking quote.
Alright replace that with any martyr who died. None of them became bitter and they definitely didn't turn their bitterness into outright hate and calls to murder.
Schism has shattered Christianity worse than any heathen ever could. Jesus even said a kingdom should not be divided against itself.
If Luther and protestant and reformist leaders kept their ego in check and instead worked within the Church then the whole world would have heard a message only splintered slightly due to Orthodoxy. Instead protestants sabotaged fellow Christians and for example got Catholics killed by spreading rumors to the Japanese that made them purge all Christians.
Protestants are scum
>he came down hard on anyone who resisted his religion
This is more opinion than fact. Luther was a philosopher who made recommendations. He was not a politician, he was not, in his lifetime, a person with specific power to "announce changes", but an advocate. As a matter of fact, he was against humans having such power to rail, en masse, against "people" but against "practices".
You're simply misunderstanding the difference between his intent and the elevation to which he was lifted by others. Yes, there is a difference.
I'm a Jew and I went with my one of my friends to church a few years ago. They had people playing guitar and singing gospel songs, big speakers and projector screens, and everyone was clapping along. And when the pastor spoke, he showed us sideshows on the projectors.
It kind of surprised me to see all that technology and modernity. It didn't really feel like I was actually in a religious building.
I'm not quite sure what branch of Christianity they were, but I'm assuming it's not the norm.
He held tremendous sway, why do you you think barons under the thumb of the HRE broke him out of prison?
It's the norm for both Protestantism and the RCC
>surrounded himself with German princes
>"suggested" the nobles slaughter Jews and peasants
>not power hungry
When I attended Catholic mass there was a microphone for the priest, tv's in the back for people to see what's up front and a band that played both hymns and modern Christian music performed by Matt Maher.
It seemed to be still rather spiritual in essence.
Constantine, you are an abhorrent piece of shit. When will you decide that you're not helping anyone and do something with your life?
Martin Luther did not die a martyr. Had he, when the Vatican was putting "hits" out on him, he'd never have had the opportunity for those later works.
There were already different "sects" of christianity. This wasn't new to Luther, look at church history. To argue catholic schisms were a "separation", and you have a good point, but it's redundant. He wanted to repair what was already a separation.
Christianity in the second century AD already had, for example, arianists, coptics, a sort of proto-orthodoxy in Carthage, and all sorts of other divisions. You're taking the catholic church to be this uniform "be all end all" that it is not and never was.
Look at Ethiopian, or Tewahedo christianity. It has roots, tradition, just as old, or older by some arguments, than the christian church.
They absolutely use projectors and guitars at Mass, I know because I've been to one.
I only go to church for family events, christenings etc, and everytime I've been it's been a woman vicar. I don't really care own way or the other but it seems like there are more female priests than male priests in the CoE now.
>Christianity is a joke
You needed to go to church for that?
All the divisions of the 2nd Century were heretics. Which one do you think was not?
Oriental Orthodox (Ethiopian/Tawahedo,Coptic, Armenian, and so on) didn't split until later, and that split is completely pointless, which is why Eastern and Oriental recognize each other's Sacraments, but neither recognizes the RCC sacraments.
You need to understand that Luther was a man with a very medieval mindset who believed in the divine right of kings
His writings had been purely oriented to religion and he didn't call for any social revolution. When he saw that his writtings were used by peasants to justify freeing themsleves from their masters he must have been horrified, just as he was horrified by the destruction of church institutions in Wittenberg. Everything had clearly spun out of his control and this must have been very frustrating to him, couple that with his suffering late in his life and it almosts seems natural that he wrote those things as an outlet of his frustrations with protestantism and his anger
Well him surviving showed the truth of who he really was huh? Too bad the German princes adored him for letting them ransack Church property. Had he died before spilling the poison of his silver tongue a great many lives and souls would be saved.
what are anglican services like?
Were there any cute girls there? I'm thinking of going to a nearby Maronite Church just for that reason
I ALSO believe in divine right of kings. I ALSO oppose social revolution. That doesn't mean I think peasants are "no better than straw". The poor are the heart of the Christian laity.
Depends on whether it's Anglo-Catholic or Low Church.
Yeh, see, you're so fortified in the forest, you can't see it for the trees.
They wanted to do that anyway. They misconstrued his opinions as an excuse, and while it was convenient to save his life, he (historically) physically went to sites people were doing such things and told them to stop.
Okay, look, there is a faith, passed on by Christ; then there are people who tried to distort it; they aren't "divisions" of the Church, anymore than the people who wrote the Gnostic Gospels are; they are fabricators who bring in lies, they aren't just organic differences anymore than the Gnostic Gospels are.
>I ALSO believe in divine right of kings.
>I ALSO oppose social revolution
Ride the tiger, brother.
That does not remove all the factors, which were the actual core of my statement
>mfw jew defending Luther
Not even once
>a woman supports this
Nice Stockholm syndrome you got going on there slut :^)
Back to the original point. So you have no problem with an influential schismatic spreading anti Semitic rhetoric and thus leaving behind precedence for other Jew haters to be just as violent? All because he hated Jews and couldn't hide it anymore do to physical pain?
There was a message, passed on by Christ, then there are people who interpreted it and practiced it. We can see even in NT, in Paul's letters, there were divisions in understanding, some for which he actually scolded people.
I agree there should not be any division, and I was the one who typed above, "we are not biblilians", we are christians. People should just be like, "you believe in Jesus and his message? yeh? good.". There should be none of this "when were you last in confession", "when were you born again", etc etc, that is between the individual and God, not you and me. That is how I interpret the message and if we could just do that, there wouldn't be such schisms or accusations of heresy or any of the other nonsense.
why does Veeky Forums hate them?
Of course I have a problem with the fact that this all became part of his greater philosophy and effort. I do not believe as you that "he always felt that and couldn't anymore hide it". I think that is historically and scholastically disingenuous.
Evola is a heathen
>I believe in unity
>but fuck all Catholic/Orthodox sacraments, everyone should worship like I do!
Is the irony of this lost to you?
I'm pretty sure I didn't say that. You're good at twisting it, though!
These people gain different understandings from introducing it themselves, not from the Apostles teaching these things.
Christ gave the Apostles the office to absolve on his behalf, if they do not forgive your sins, then your sins will not be forgiven, as he put it.
If he behaved in a unchristian manner and especially since it was toward the time close to his death, why do you venerate him and follow his heresy?
>we're all Christians
>but nobody should care about the sacraments, just in some personal relationship American reformist shit
Pretty sure I hit it on the money with my response.
And that authority is not of those men themselves, but by the power of God through them. Same deal, when a miracle happens today, if they happen, did "a person" do that, or did God do that through the person? It may seem like a technicality, but it's a very real consideration. I believe God does it all, not the individual, the individual is a vessel through whom God works. Therefore it's God, all God doing it, regardless of another person being present for the action or otherwise.
Because I believe part of the deeper message of God is that we will always fall short. People were given covenant and they always fall short. Jesus came, not to abolish covenant, but to make a new covenant, and guess what, we will always fall short. We confess to God, in humility to Him, we will always fall short, because we are in this frail, imperfect form. That , I believe, is what it is to be christian, not to be somehow "perfect" or "right", but to try, in humbleness and service to that above us, our creator, who is perfect.
Of course you should care, but you're not going to get it right. Say sorry to God and enjoy your life. That's what He wants, not sorrow and self-loathing, or division.
Fair enough, after all Peter denied Jesus three times and Catholics consider him the first Pope.
I still think Luther and the like had no authority to do what they did and are still the worst thing to happen to Christianity thus far.
>And that authority is not of those men themselves, but by the power of God through them.
That's true, but what is your point? God gave that office to the Apostles, not to everyone; you don't have to get everyone to forgive your sin for God to absolve it, you just need someone who has the Apostolic office.
>this thread
holy shit Christianity really is a joke
you fuckers can't stop infighting
>He called for wholesale slaughter of Jews and peasants, and said God told him to.
Hmm... where have I heard this before... oh that's right.
Truth isn't about compromise.
Yes, well, "Apostolic office" holds a different meaning for you than me, because interpretation of 1 Peter 2:9. The practice is appropriate to attend church and confess (doesn't have to be in a little room, and doesn't even have to be in a structure at all) and God does it, not the person.
That, I think, if you're going to hold fast, is simply a matter of the way either of us read the words, and it's between us as individuals and God, not between you and I. You shouldn't care if my sins are forgiven, you should treat me as one of God's creations, and I you.
What do you think Christ means when he tells his Apostles that anything they forgive, God will forgive, and anything they don't, God won't?
Unity doesn't necessarily mean uniformity. You live in a nation with people who don't think as you do, entirely, always. I live in a community of christians and likewise we won't always agree. Base level, it's between me and God, you and God, not you and me.
And hey, if indeed someone is teaching someone wrong and there is some danger to that person's mortal soul, don't you believe enough in God's power and wisdom to see that and know the difference?
If you're a christian, have a little faith. He will sort it out.
I think, if you want to be literal about John 20, those people are not literally alive anymore, and it's convenient for your argument to neglect that point.
So this one symbolic act, justifies the millennia long pogroms and antisemitism in the name of Christianity towards Jews?
Whole villages of Christians literally believes the Jews poisoned wells, and all of this shit continued into the modern era.
All of you believe you have the truth, all of you have valid arguments against the other denomations but they can never be decisive, this is why you are always infighting and why Christianity is a joke
It's up to mankind to help each other save ourselves. God doesn't predetermine our salvation, free will exists.
And now that Christian can mean supporting secular humanist ideas like free love, active homosexuals being priests and other sinful acts you're damned wrong that "we're all Christians, so don't judge how I worship God."
Especially when you hypocritically berate those who follow the apostolic succession and sacraments.