So I in the past gotten answers as of why there is a buncha hate for Germans and Greeks... But today I ask you, the lovely community why do alot of you dislike the slavs?
So I in the past gotten answers as of why there is a buncha hate for Germans and Greeks... But today I ask you...
because they are FUCKING BIG. look at them FFS !!!
because in the small minds of the internet, Slavs equals Russians, and everybody knows Russians are villains and awful people in general
(they are btw)
How can you dislike an entire people?
I find Russian history really fascinating. Tolstoy and Dostoevsky are some of my favorite writers.
That said, as an American, I am aware that Putin and his cronies are basically my enemies. That doesn't make all Russians, let alone Slavs my enemies though.
Serbia starting that whole Great War thing was pretty idiotic, but it was a powder keg waiting to go off anyhow.
Yeah I myself don't mind slavs. And don't blame Serbia for that, it was a bunch of crazy serbs in some weird ass cult.
>fight for hundreds of years against turks
>finally free
>austrian faggots come from behind occupy your land and start killing your people
>some students can't keep with that shit start assasinating the aggresors
>fight for freedom continues
live to see some faggot burger, that believes USA is 2000 years old and chimps about freedom, calling it "pretty idiotic"
They're easy to rile up and make fun of. I don't have the slightest dislike for them, honestly.
I don't hate slavs OP
This board just turned into mostly shitposting because le epic 4 chan culture
Ah figured as much..
Well to be honest, when people of Vienna heard that the archduke was dead most of then went like, "Huh, that happend. Now to contiue with my coffe."
I like some Slavs. Slovenes and Czechs seem like cool guys. Russia is also an extremely interesting country.
The rest of them are basically retarded though.
A pic of Vesna plz. Have to watch the movie again desu.
A lot of them are criminals in western Europe. Serbs are the only Slavs i don't like because they act like Albanians
So Slovenes, Slovaks, Czechs and Poles are 'aight slavs?
>Serbs are the only Slavs i don't like because they act like Albanians
I sincerely doubt that, or you met Albanians from Serbia.
Slovenes and Czechoslovankians are generally cool people. Pollacks tend to be as batshit as Serbs and Russians though.
We just like to argue, thats all. If any of you should visit any Slav country, go to mid size villages, go to the local pub and order any home made alco. Trust me, it will be fun.
>Slovenes, Slovaks, Czechs and Poles
those are austro-slavs, not really slavic, more germanic.
Including poles?
Serbs are guilty of the same things Albanians are doing today.
Drunks. All of them.
But thanks fot Tesla.
not all of them. some are more into huffing paint thinner.
>mfw Slav thread... No squatting