Yeah oddly enough the relationship between Lutherans and Catholics has improved quite a bit. If I remember right they're the only protestant sect who can receive communion in Catholic churches.
Yeah oddly enough the relationship between Lutherans and Catholics has improved quite a bit...
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It's pretty funny trying to heal a schism in such a minor way after centuries of it existing
almost an insult
I'm not religious but the Pope and Catholicism has clearly lost all of its backbone and has become totally left wing liberal pathetic.
Thats even worse than the Pope loving Islam, he just agreed to name a square in his holy city after the man who split his faith and in his view damned them to hell
>Celebrating the man/demon who divided the strongest institution on Earth
They should canonize him, I would laugh my shit off.
> If I remember right they're the only protestant sect who can receive communion in Catholic churches.
When my Catholic buddy got married, his Catholic wife’s Lutheran maid of honor was denied communion at the church service (she was told this ahead of time by the priest) and she was pissed about it.
did she try not being a heretic
Yeah I looked it up and it was a group of Finnish Lutherans who were given communion at the Vatican. Just an isolated incident.
Luther didn't divide the Church, in fact he only wanted a reform
should've burned her
can't wait till the end times so i can rampage and pillage the non-believers
slippery slope man
He pretty fucking thoroughly divided the church since most of Northern Europe and the entire Anglosphere is largely protestant. Maybe he didn't mean to but that's what happened.
Sounds like the church divided itself by being so corrupt and stupid.
When you're operating under the idea that the pope is infallible that's a hard pill to swallow.
Sounds like the nobility wanted to be Jews (and thus collect interest) without converting to Judaism.
He himself didn't do this, separating from the Church really was the choice of the nobility that wanted to be free from the influence of the Vatican
The Roman Catholic Church healed itself over time while the protestants went into a heretical tailspin straight to Hell. If Martin Luther had been less of a fat, tactless, riotous, divisive cunt the Church may well have remained whole and undergone the healing process in one piece. Indulgences are not sold anymore and the corruption is nothing like it used to be, we have mostly fixed our mistakes and the protestants are all squirming around in a formless depravity, having gone nowhere but down since the moment the schism occurred.
Well this should go over quite well with the Jew-haters among the two religions.
Didn't Luther actually recant on his deathbed? As I recall he never wanted everything that transpired during the Protestant Reformation.
I'm fine with this if it's meant to begin the process of bringing Lutheranism back into the Catholic Church.
That may not be Francis' intent here, but it may be a move his successor makes. It's just like when that branch of Anglicans moved to join the Catholic Church. This is a pawn being moved into a square, one move in a chess game millennia old.
Indeed, the Catholics are capable of adapting while still maintaining their beliefs.
"The Bible itself speaks to us of the origin of the universe and
its make-up, not in order to provide us with a scientific treatise,
but in order to state the correct relationships of man with God
and with the universe."
-- Pope John Paul II --
Meanwhile, at Protestant Jesus camp;
>broad generalizations
Most people already disregard Ken Ham as fucking insane, anyways.
Does it ever awe anyone else to think about the ways the Catholic Church must plan? The old saying is that the Catholic Church thinks in centuries, and it's probably true.
Imagine what their plans for the future must look like. Think about how, for them, 'the future' isn't the next decade or even the next century, but the next millennium. They probably think farther ahead than anyone here could dream.
I have to give them credit where credit is due, they do think big.
Didn't he try to bring up his points to senior members of the Church but got told to fuck off?
The 5 stages of pope francis butthurt
He did, that was the point of the 95 Theses. He wrote them as an invitation to debate on the theology and efficacy of indulgences. Unfortunately things got a bit out of hand on both sides and ultimately Luther was told to recant from his position at the Diet of Worms without being allowed to defend his views. He said he could not in good conscience do so and thus the Reformation continued.
So basically:
>Guys I think there's a big problem with the Church
>Lol fuck off Luther everything is fine
>[nails externally]
>Take it back or you're fucking dead, kiddo
>You can't fire me, I quit
Sounds like that one's more on the Catholics desu.
That's nothing. The church here takes half the donations and gives it to the Mosque across the street.
I don't get why people think Christians and Muslims can't get along, they seem to love us here.
Well, it's not really that he quit, he was excommunicated. His intention was never to break away from the Church but to fix a perceived error that had only recently (in his time) been allowed to happen.
I'm with this guy. It would be a great victory for unity in Christendom if Lutherans and Catholics were able to reunite.
>the Catholic Church thinks in centuries
I wanted elaboration on that phrase, so I looked this up:
". . . Unlike the governments of ordinary states, which think in terms of their years of office, the Vatican thinks in centuries. Time is not important; its policy is based on the belief that while the individual is mortal, the Church is eternal. That was the attitude which exasperated Napoleon. He might kidnap and bully a Pope, but he could not browbeat the Church. 'Do you know that I am capable of destroying your Church?' he once shouted at Cardinal Consalvi, the Secretary of State. 'Sire,' replied Consalvi, 'not even we priests have achieved that in eighteen centuries!' The strangest thing about the Roman Curia is that when a Pope dies, the administration perishes with him. All departments of government become moribund until the new Pope derives them. . . ."
Source: "A traveller in Rome" by Henry Vollam Morton, published at