The Casta System

How did the Casta system come to its end and how does its legacy affect former Spanish colonies today? How did/does it affect daily life in Latin America?

People just stopped keeping track of those genealogical connections. Poor people, at least.

This was before Veeky Forums so people were less autistic then.

>How did the Casta system come to its end
The independence
>how does its legacy affect former Spanish colonies today?
In my country, "whites" still control the government, own most land and have better opportunities at pretty much everything.

It was never purely put to effect. All the autistic categories were not used and/or well known and, in the end, more basic divisions ruled the day to day relations.

You cannot really say it came to its end, literally all the latin americans I've met were extremely racist and natives still are in the lowest step of society while most of the old high class is white.

And how does that make you feel?

Pretty good because I'm fairly white

>How did the Casta system come to its end
It didn't really. The casta system is still generally, though not literally, in place across Latin America.

>White criollos control top business and governments
>Mestizos control the Latin American "middle class" (actually non existent, but what constitutes as a middle class in LatAm)
>Indios are the dregs at the bottom of the barrel
Sure, it's not a literal system anymore, but it's so institutionalized it may as well be.

I thought it was blacks at the bottom of the barrel. Although I guess pure native groups are so isolated as to be economically marginalized. Like as far as I'm aware in Mexico the only ones that have survived are in the South in rural communities.

Blacks are an extreme rarity in LatAm outside of the Dominican Republic. Brazil too, but they're not Latin American, but Lusophone.

>Like as far as I'm aware in Mexico the only ones that have survived are in the South in rural communities
Yes, but they also exist across South America and Central America. Also to say that they're so isolated to be economically marginalized is false. Especially when you cite Mexico. Indios were so marginalized in Mexico that they revolted the same day that NAFTA was signed. I'm unsure if things have gotten better for Indios in Mexico, but things are generally shit for them even in places with higher percentages of Indio population like Guatemala.

Once upon a time the Spanish had a shit ton of land and they needed a social ranking system since a bunch of Spanish were not coming over any more and a lot of race mixing was going on during (Spanish women usually stayed away from the wild colonies) and defiantly post conquista of Latin America. One of the reasons the Spanish didn't just kill Natives was the large amounts of "Gente de Razon" also known as Hispanicized Natives (They also needed things to fuck(no women remember)). So they made the Casta system with Whites on top(obviously), Natives(Indios) in the middle for the most part, and Black on the bottom (obviously).

And I dont live in any Latin American countries but my parents(Mostly Spanish) grew up there and I see some racism towards Indios calling them "oaxacos" i guess thats a very native area, and my dad calls them traitors, i dont know why. As i said i did not grow up in Latin America so i dont really know much about it.

>Brazil too, but they're not Latin American, but Lusophone.

You mean they're not hispanoamerican. They are latin american.

>They are latin american
They don't consider themselves Latin American nor do Latin Americans consider them to be. It's a good way to start an argument with a Brazilian by calling them Latin American. They fall into a similar quandary as Panama. Panama is technically Central American, but they are not considered Central American by themselves or their peers. Or the Philippines and Asian.

Is it true that the Spaniards were encouraged to breed out the natives to whiten the population (mestizo>castizo>criollo)? Or is that just memes.

Natives are normally not very supportive to the latin american states since they were built by the white (but not european) elites, historical enemies of the natives. Historically the main ally of the indians was the spanish crown and often the natives sided with the loyalists during the wars of independence, if there wasn't a charismatic leader able to convince them to take the other side.

Probably memes, never heard it.

I wouldn't go so far as to say encouraged, but it was more than accepted since it was seen as uplifting the Indios to a higher status. Cortez, for example, was not treated any differently for having a mestizo son, nor was his mestizo son treated any differently while he was in Spain with his father.

Well, but they literally are. I don't care about USA meme use of terms like asian=chinese/japanese.

>Well, but they literally are
They literally are not. Latin American = Descendants of the Spanish Crown. Haiti is not Latin American nor is Brazil. It would literally be a USA meme to call Brazil Latin American.

>speak a Latin language
>not Latin

And yes, Quebec is also Latin America before you say it

Latin America[a] is the group of countries and dependencies in the Americas where Romance languages are predominant. The term originated in 19th century France to consider French-speaking territories in the Americas along the larger group of countries where Spanish and Portuguese languages prevail. It is therefore broader than the terms Ibero-America or Hispanic America.

The idea that a part of the Americas has a linguistic affinity with the Romance cultures as a whole can be traced back to the 1830s, in the writing of the French Saint-Simonian Michel Chevalier, who postulated that this part of the Americas was inhabited by people of a "Latin race", and that it could, therefore, ally itself with "Latin Europe" in a struggle with "Teutonic Europe", "Anglo-Saxon America" and "Slavic Europe".[8]

The idea was later taken up by Latin American intellectuals and political leaders of the mid- and late-nineteenth century, who no longer looked to Spain or Portugal as cultural models, but rather to France.[9]

The term Latin America was supported by the French Empire of Napoleon III during the French invasion of Mexico as a way to include France among countries with influence in the Americas and to exclude Anglophone countries.

Cool Wikipedia story. Too bad that both Latin Americans and Lusophones beg to differ.

>They literally are not. Latin American = Descendants of the Spanish Crown. Haiti is not Latin American nor is Brazil. It would literally be a USA meme to call Brazil Latin American.



I can say I'm not a human, but a walking dog. Does that change the fact that I'm a human?

>opinion of Latin Americans
>opinion of Lusophones
>just my opinion

Dogness and humanity aren't social constructs of easily identifiable regional differences. Nice false equivalence.

Then how about Australians trying to insist that they're not Anglos?

The term "Latin American" has a pretty simple definition man. It doesn't matter if they want to be ones or not, the truth is that they are Latins living in the Americas.

The Casta System wasn't really that much in place in the Philippines.

Theoretically it supposed to exist, but due to the fact that there were fuck few spics living here, it meant that the Spaniard was reliant on locals and half breeds.

Theoretically, it was like this
>Top tier
Spaniards from Spain
>2nd tier
Spaniards born in the Philippines
Latin-American Spaniards
>3rd Tier
Spic-Flip/Chink/Flipchink mixes.
The Principalia - the native nobility and their descendants who converted to catholicism under Spain.
>Pleb tier
Converted Natives.
Converted Chinese/Japanese
>Nigger tier
Literal niggers
Unconverted Chinese/Japanese.
Muslims natives.

But IRL, it was like this
>Top tier
Spaniards born in the Philippines
Spic-Flip/Chink/Flipchink mixes.
The Principalia
Rich Chinese/Japanese merchants
Spain-born Spaniards in Government office/nobility.

These cunts run the colony and its economic activities and are intermarried anyway.
>2nd tier
Latin-American Spaniards who are losers in Latin-America.
Spaniards born in Spain who come here as usurping new comers/jobless plebs from Spain.
"Middle Class"Natives.
>Pleb Tier
Converted Natives.
Converted Chinese/Japanese
Poor Spanish immigrants.
>Nigger tier
Literal niggers.
Unconverted, poor Chinese/Japanese.
Muslims natives.

It was all about having money or being well established in the Philippines in the end, not race.

In Peru the spanish used the casta system like op pic in the beginning, then they guided by the appearance rather than by parents because it was such a hassle and there were a lot of people with forged documents claiming to be mestisos or castisos when probably they were not.

There are also Spaniard who consider themselves Aryans, would you say they are just because they strongly believe so?
No, no you wouldn't because we are not Aryans.
It doesn't matter that Brazilians dislike being called "latin", they are just as Latin as the rest.

Define Aryan, lot of the pre-celts were descendents of a branch of scythians/indo-europeans nomads, mainly the Lusitanians/Cantabrians/Asturians and probably a good chunck of what later was celt-iberia and gallaecia. And in the 4th to 8th century plenty of germanics tribes stablished themselves there, specially the Visigoths and in the Galicia the Suevos/suevi. And for some reason some Alans nomads too, than gifted use one of the most based dog breeds, the Alanso.

They are not "latins' living in the 'Americas'. Not even Spaniards are 'latins'.

'Latin' only makes sense as cultural category applied to speakers of a romance language. As an ethnic category it could only be applied to Italians, and only to a part of them, and still it would be debatable considering all the migrations and mestizage over time there in Italy.

It's like referring to USA as anglo-america. It only makes sense if 'anglo' means english speaker and nothing more.

Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Honduras, Costa Rica and Peru have significant African derived population. No need to b.s.

But also you have Zambia there too who have indigenous status. Miskitos and Garifuna being the most prominent.

Portuguese and Spanish encouraged it by not being like every other colonial force who criminalized or penalized it

Zambos not Zambia