How we interracial relationships regarded in Egypt, Rome, and Greece?
How we interracial relationships regarded in Egypt, Rome, and Greece?
Fuck off /pol/
...This is a good question though.
Anything from "who cares?" to "eww"
I've been away for a few weeks. Looking over the catalog I've gotta wonder, has Veeky Forums gotten worse, or is it just me?
Cultural attitudes in different societies is a legitimate question
It has always been rare and considered somewhat strange in practically every culture ever up until the modern global Disneyland.
Even invading cultures did not actually race mix to significant degrees.
Yeah, they were usually just completely absorbed in a maelstrom of fucking.
Interloping with spartan men as a women is 100% lynch mob, spartan women and boys highly looked down on aside from small associations of deviant athen xenophiles
Well not really, there actually isn't much genetic evidence of race mixing occuring at all. Makes sense when you consider that many invader cultures either had/developed caste systems or just completely obliterated whatever original inhabitants were left.
What groups are you talking about specifically? Total obliteration as far as I know is actually pretty rare. It's hard to displace a native population, take the Turks or Anglo-Saxons for example.
As far as replacement goes, I'm talking about in pre-historic times, much easier when the total population won't even be in the thousands.
For historic examples, think aryans in India or vikings in Ireland, Scotland and England.
Oh, and arabs after Islam is actually a pretty good example of replacement in more recent times, they've outbred and marginalized most of the original inhabitants of the middle east and even made quite significant dents in NA and Iran.
Not up to date with the history of the aryans but germanic settling of the british isles is exactly what I'm talking about. There's a bit of germanic ancestry on the east coast but by and large they're still the same. Not even the celtic immigration wave pushed off the original settlers.
Yeah, that was an example of lack of mixing. Norwegian vikings for example did not actually mix with the irish, but used them as slave labor.
Delusional, turks are anatollians and the english celts
That was my point. The invaders in those cases were absorbed.
>implying the saxons weren't continental celts
Am I being memed
same as in most periods of history
most people disapproved, but a significant amount of people also secretly masturbated to the idea of it
There's no going back once you accept the truth, are you prepared?
Vikings captured female slaves in Ireland and made them into their wives, it's been proven by genetic research that Icelanders are Nordic patrilineally and Celtic matrilineally.
Yes, the scandinavians eventually did start travelling the continent, but they didn't in fact significantly alter the genetics of the continent.
Most so-called "germanics" are actually continental celts. This includes danes by the way (there is a marked genetic difference between them and the people of fenno-scandinavia)
haplogroup J2 in Iran is not a result of Arab admixture but the result of neolithic farming culture spreading into Iranian Peninsula far before arrival of the Iranians
What do you think you're proving with that map?
>Even invading cultures did not actually race mix to significant degrees.
well there was often an economic motive behind this in the ancient world, a successful invasion would enable the invasive population access to the spoils and authority over the conquered.
Since wealth is hereditary, you typically wanna keep whatever status and resources you have as closely within your family as at all possible.
It's why first cousin marriage was common in the ancient world. Also because finding a compatible mate was just easier when you can hardly afford to look too far afield
Yup it has gotten worse. And it's not just the almost daily Marx and Holocaust threads.
I'm presently spending a month in South Korea and I'm hell bent on snagging a qt Korean grill. From what I'm told, they have a thing for white American guys and most people say I'm like a 7.5/10 so here's hoping.
you can probably find examples to fit either extreme
caste system was an effort to produce racial separation even in an already somewhat homogenized population.
intermarriage between royalty of two nations / empires in alliance or in suing for peace was common as a means of encouraging populations to mix in order that the new political entity should have staying power
greeks and romans did speak of differences in personality corresponding to different facial features as well as populations of different nations having different temperaments; although it doesn't align with any familiar modern racial / anti-misegeny narrative
Race as we know it is a fairly modern conception.
I know in the americas the race part was not important. What was more important was the ethnicity or even whether you belonged to that particular community. Many Maya texts talk about the gross nature of blacks, spaniards, mestizos and other Maya not from the community mixing with theirs. They saw it as promiscuous unless it was for political purposes. Which is the only time they really mixed.
Well, applying modern ideas of race to civilizations that existed 2000 years ago is probably starting off with some bad assumptions.
Did other indigenous people feel the same about mixed and foreign people or was it only Mayans?
Racemixing literally caused Marcus Antonius to betray Rome
Definitely frowned upon, if the Iliad is anything to go by.
>Racemixing literally caused Marcus Antonius to betray Rome
???? Cleopatra was Greek
The concept of race as we know it didn't exist back then.
I'm going to agree with this user. You have tribes and cultures but not the grander concept of 'race'.
The 'racial purity' Idea i find is a feeble one considering almost every tribe has moved around the planet and been mixing around for thousands of years.
And horribly inbred.
Incest caused Marcus Antonius to betray rome.
Caste isn't race based in India, wtf are you talking about?
I dunno about race mixing in Greece and Rome.
I presume that it happened in Ancient Egypt because they tolerated it. But then again, most of what I know came from historical fiction, specifically, Christian Jacq.
Oh com on guys If you were living in Rome then then surely the general opinion would be that there's more of a difference between a nubian human and a roman human than there is between a roman human and a human native to the greek city-states, or hellenic anatolia.
So come on , let's not pretend that people considered everyone not in their tribe to be as foreign or different as each other.
And based on this it's perfectly reasonable to ask what the difference in attitudes would be regarding a roman marrying a hellenic turk vs a roman marrying a negro.
At its inception, the caste system expressed both status differences among the Aryans as well as the barrier between Aryans and Dravidians
>hellenic turk
What the hell are you talking about Turks weren't in Anatolia in those times.
>What the hell are you talking about Turks weren't in Anatolia in those times.
>What are Turkopoles.
Some Turkics were Christian you know.
Genetic evidence seems to show that the Turka and Saxons both intermarried with locals
In Rome at least "mixed race" was not as big of a deal as being with a different class
A roman marrying a non roman was taboo, same with a patrician marrying someone of lower class
A wealthy roman from Spain marrying a wealthy roman from Africa wasn't special though uncommon for logistical reasons outside of Rome itself or other large cities
They didn't have our concept of race, but i imagine it would have been considered strange though not entirely impossible to marry a foreigner
If you're talking about what we now call white/black or whatever, then it would have been both an extremely rare occurrence (especially in Rome and Greece, though not so much in Egypt) and it wouldn't be seen as worse than marrying into a different ethnic group. i.e. A Roman marrying a pants-wearing barbarian in the far north wouldn't be that different to a Roman settler in North Africa marrying a Nubian.
>i.e. A Roman marrying a pants-wearing barbarian in the far north wouldn't be that different to a Roman settler in North Africa marrying a Nubian.
Why are you so sure about that
Not after Alexander.
Xenophobia and tribalism was all-encompassing.
>arabs after islam
>made a significant dents in Iran
No they didn't.
A 7.5 in America. South Korea has different beauty standards.
They might consider you hideous for a white man.
He said 'race as we know it' meaning that the concept and perception of race was different back then. Not that they were more or less racist but what defines a race would have been different.
Since most humans didn't leave a 5 mile radius I'm guessing most interracial sex was between merchants, nobles and slaves.
Not likely though. However, S Korea is westernized and quite rich. I'd guess he'd need to be tall, white as fuck, preferably blonde with blue eyes and have a decent income to score all the marks.
Our ideas of race didn't really apply then. Nubians/Ethiopians were obviously regarded as different, but the Romans didn't see them as any substantially more different from themselves than the Gauls or the Greeks.
Inter-cultural relationships have been widespread as long as different cultures have existed. It was slightly taboo in ancient Rome to marry a barbarian, but it happened constantly, especially when there were no Roman women around. Often, women would adopt Roman names even if they only spoke Aramaic or Brythonic and were not Roman at all.
Ancient Saxons had strict, puritanical social codes that prohibited women from marrying outside the group, as well as marrying a man of a lower social class.
This isn't true at all. It was generally the norm for invading or migratory peoples to marry into the local population.
If you were rich, it was frowned upon
If you were "middle class" it was unacceptable.
If you were a peasent, no one gave a shit.
If you were the dude, people cared less
If you were the woman people cared more
This summerizes 90% of civilizations
"Who cares lol"
That's pleb shit unless I'm doing the fucking.
Varies from "ehhh" to "muh bloodline"
>Xenophobia and tribalism was all-encompassing.
why are you so sure about that.
He's right based on what records we have. You're going to dislike the tribe who lives over the hill who stole your horse much more than the pitch black Nubian trader who sold you some spices that one time.
Well what about that blonde haired blue eyed merchant that comes around to barter metalcrafts?
Would a person with white skin trust first the stranger that shares the trait, or the one that doesn't?
Somehow I would think that strangers would be more distrusted than people from the neighboring village.
>Well what about that blonde haired blue eyed merchant that comes around to barter metalcrafts?
Killed because he looks like a bloody Germanigger who raped a village girl one time.
>Would a person with white skin trust first the stranger that shares the trait, or the one that doesn't?
Maybe tangently, but it would be on the bottom of the list.
Its simple matter of exposure. You wouldn't have much of a reason to be more distrustful of the Black trader if they've never wronged you in any way.
Roman citizens were expected to marry other citizens, else the marriage was unlawful and the children not citizens. Roman senators were expected to marry at the very least equestrian women if they wanted to be taken seriously, and freeborn citizens if they didn't want to be btfo of the senate entirely.
Beyond that, you'd have shunned ethnic groups in certain areas, which would lead to frictions more due to the presence of foreigners than to the marriage itself.
Yea, but they still weren't in anatolia until the sejuks
>why are you so sure about that.
Because it's instinctive, not cultural.
what's that light spot in the middle of Germany?
"Race" was not a thing then.
Civilization, however, was.
You, as a good citizen, conscientious of your duty to the community - be it the Two Lands, your Polis, or Rome - would not commit the infamy to mix with savage barbarians.
The question changes from square, of course, if the barbarians make some effort to adhere to civilization. Then, it becomes, if not acceptable, at least tolerable.
It was less about race and more about ethnicity, since race is a more modern idea.
Russian rape babies ground zero
Classical law is a law of bodies. In the general stock composing the world it distinguishes bodily Persons and bodily Things... The first creation of "Arabian" law was the concept of the incorporeal person... the law of individual cities which is so self-evident on Classical ground is here silently transmuted into a law of creed communities...
With Constantine came the great change ... according to the old marriage-law it was impossible for a Roman Burgher to marry the daughter of, say, a Capuan burgher if legal community, connubium, was not in force between the two cities.
But now the question was whether a Christian or a Jew -- irrespective of whether he was Roman, Syrian, or Moor -- could legally marry an infidel.
For in the Magian law-world there was no connubium between those of different faiths.
There was not the slightest difficulty about an Irishman in Constantinople marrying a Negress if both were Christians,
but how could a Monophysite Christian marry a Nestorian maiden who was his neighbor in their Syrian village?
-- 1926, Oswald Spengler.
This, they were more concerned about 'culture mixing.' Stereotypes were always about different cultural groups rather than 'race.' Romans thought Greeks were effeminate and pampered, and the Greeks in turn thought the same thing of the Persians, mocking them for using perfumes, and the Egyptians, who they thought were weird for shaving off their body hair.
Why do all Germans look like they have Assburgers?
>maelstrom of fucking
if i write an inversion fugue with heavy emphasis on bass and drums (like a metal fugue) that's what i'm calling it