Nice country you've got there... would be a shame if somebody were to... break it...
Nice country you've got there... would be a shame if somebody were to... break it
>implying speculators make or break a currency instead of merely accelerating the inevitable
I want modern use of 1st generation explanations of currency crises to go away
Arguably big investments and divestments could shift currency rates, but this is far beyond the power of individual actors, even huge ones like Soros.
>OP mentions currency crises where
>implying OP didn't refer to monetary economic theory and intended to just half-ass shitpost about current events
What do you think this is, /pol/?
guy funds radical protestors and rioters all over the world.
the clankers in ukraine. anti trump protestors in arizona.
>implying you possess the means to attribute intend meaning to the author of a text
Highschooler pls go
Sign me a check for my abortion, legal weed and gay rights NGO plz
Why has /pol/ been in full force?
I've seen a number of poorly veiled Trump threads with vague topics simply as an excuse to post about Trump.
What is this guy problem? He is acting like your /pol/ Jews stereotype.
I mean single investors as big as Soros can herd other investors simply by their presence... but it'd take alot to crash an economy on their own. Easier to prey on currencies on the brink of depegging
2bh I assumed OP was talking about his speculation attacks like in the Asian Financial Crisis. I thought he implied Soros ruined countries by ruining economies, forgot about related stuff
>shitposts about Trump in a thread unrelated to Trump to complain about shitposters posting about Trump for no reason
Masterful meta-troll m8
He's jewish
>Veeky Forums is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates.
This thread doesn't even have dates.
You've neglected the point that even if Soros has never personally been responsible for a crisis (and that's a big if) he's certainly tried to precipitate them.
>implying you can't
Aspie pls
>/pol/ is the only place where threads about George Soros can exist
I don't see that rule anywhere.
> please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere.
If you can, then why did you get the intended meaning of OP wrong?
Checkmate Christfag
>George Soros
>25 years old
Some of his organs might be.
>this thread is about the birth of soros
>Soros was born and then did absolutely nothing until 25 years ago
>implying you didn't get it wrong
Is anything capable of being 25 years old? Everytime we talk about something we change it, therefore everytime we discuss it, it becomes brand new.
There's many billionaires that hijack and finance political movements. Look at the Tea Party, it's pretty much funded by right wing billionaires. The real question should be how do you stop these people?
Orbán pls, go back to your kisvasút