White skin

Thread title says it, exceptional white skin aesthetic people and inspo

Post your whitefu too if you want.


Can someone explain why some find tan ppl attractive, and when I mean tan I mean they've been on vacation for 2 weeks.
I'm slightly pale and my family really wants to see me tanner.
Maybe it's just me but is it a cultural thing? My dad is caucasian and wants me tanner while my mum is asian and she dosen't really mind.

>my mum is asian and doesnt really mind

your mum white dick worshipper

Because your mom is a southeast asian gook and, so she envies white skin a la east asians and europesna

She's actually chinese
But oh boi

Most probably

pale is pretty.
I dunno, I think guys look ok with a bit of tan but natural paleness is good. But girls are always a bit paler by nature so being too pale as a guy is effeminate.







just read through dylann roof's wikipedia article..crazy shit

he told his friends he was going to shoot up schools, went to a mall dressed in all black and asked suspicious questions, purchased a handgun while on parole(?)

crazy shit

people want what they don't have

It never really mattered to me. I'm just attracted to certain features. I like tan skin with light eyes. This girl drives me nuts.


pale skin with dark hair looks gross

>not being white sucks
no shit

kikes go away