Where did the Sumerians originally come from? Did they develop from local cultures like the Ubaid or did they migrate there or what?
>inb4 google
i like the way Veeky Forumspanics explain thiings
Where did the Sumerians originally come from...
Bump for interesting thread.
Well they spoke an isolated language that isn't Semitic or Indo-European and a lot of consensus on their origins and ethnicity seems to be based around believing they are descendants of neolithic farmers in the Near East that predate any Semitic ones who arrived later on.
>Did they develop from local cultures like the Ubaid
They were the Ubaid.
Well they were composed of the hwan empire remnants which explains how the sumarians developed relatively quickly.
>Where did the Sumerians originally come from?
Is there evidence that the Sumerians were one ethnicity and not a confederation of surrounding indigenous tribes?
Bumping for interesting thread
What's the relationship between them and the Göbekli Tepe builders? I have been wondering this. Also what's their relationship with the "Vinča-Turdas" Danubian Neolithic Farmers?
Obviously they are descended from or related somehow to the people who first developed agriculture or at least had contact with them?
>What's the relationship between them and the Göbekli Tepe builders?
None? There is, like, 5000 years between them.
I know they're far apart but chronologically but geographically they are close. I don't think very much scholarship exists concerning this, so I don't think "none" is a credible answer at this point. Although I don't think we can say that there is a connection for sure either. I feel like there is something there.
What do the Sumerians themselves say? Do we have any of their creation myths?
Fucking hell, just go to wikipedia.
yea, don't ask questions here, that'll take away from all the nazi, racebaiting, and christfag threads
>implying anybody who answered your questions would be doing anything other than copying and pasting wikipedia
>implying you would not be better off reading it from wikipedia where all the relevant information is a click away
Ya know what, though? I'll make it easy for you.
The came from central Africa
>try to get a good thread going
>fuck off to wiki fag idiot
and people wonder why this board is shit
They weren't direct inheritors of Atlantis but they did benefit from original atlantean technology.
I think they came from what is now the Persian gulf. Their civilization was right at the edge of where the Tigris/Euphrates meet the gulf in a marshy/wetlands area with rich soil and probably more in area covered by sea now.
As sea levels rose I don't think it's crazy to think there was a wider group of people living in that area in prehistory. Over time they were absorbed by Semitic and/or Indo-European cultures.
This isn't really based on anything just my own suspicions.
Man I really wish they had gotten to complete 1Anunnaki
cool, your feels are really important to Western scholarship.
They were kings, after all.
If anyone is interested what this film is, this was their website before it as well as everything else pertaining to the film was effectively shutdown, by TPTB.
Pretty damn interesting, since there's so much "secrecy" surrounding Ancient Sumeria.