Currently on the front page:

currently on the front page:

>5 (FIVE) christshitter threads
>2 interracial cuckolding threads
>3 nazi threads

What do you want to talk about, user-kun?

Interesting history stuff

Make a thread, or did you?
(Not counting this one)

The problem is that for every one knowledgable history/philosophy annon there are 2 dozen people with only a superficial knowledge. So the threads that center around stuff everyone know about (Nazis, Christianity/atheism, free will) will be bigger, longer, and bump off the more obscure slowe threads

For years people were calling for a Veeky Forums board but it was kinda obvious that it would go to shit. Sure, we keep explicit holocaust denial threads away, but this is very clearly /pol/ with dates to me. The one good thing it has done is get most of the religion threads of Veeky Forums.

It's two.
>getting upset by people who want to have a disucssion about the Churches and which one is correct
>actually wanting to be a degenerate that gets offended by people defending their beliefs here

That threads on the front page change. You have no sense of history.


You know where you have to get back to.

>and humanities
Is this reddit? Are we posting on reddit? Why are you offended by people getting in a fight over religion? Isn't that historical enough?

>going to the second reddit colony

Now we have
>remove kebab
>Hitler did nothing wrong
>Obsession with interracial sex

Veeky Forums is /pol/ with dates, just as so many people figured it would be.

As a Christian I still wouldn't be opposed to a religion board, for now this is the closest thing to one so we kind of have to share.

And? /pol/ is now becoming a reddit shithole and people are leaving so they can have a discussion about religion. It's those goddamn redditors you idiot.

99% of Veeky Forums boards are as good as their mods are. Remove the mods or make the mods less active and the boards plunge into chaos.

A notable exception would be /a/, where the users have learned to take care of themselves without mod assistance.

>Veeky Forums is /pol/ with dates
Havent seen any date yet.

Generally agree with this, but remember that they do it
>for free
I think the real problem is with the idea of /pol/ as a "containment board". It's probably the opposite; it attracts teenage nazis to Veeky Forums and then to the other boards, just as most people in the past used to come through /b/ when they were teenagers.

I'd like to discuss the development of nationalism over the millennia and how it relates to religion.

this eventually happens to everything we like.
manchilds weebs on /v/ and /pol/ memeers on Veeky Forums - keep in mind these people have nothing better to do so they can afford to be online pretty much during all their waking hours and with their circlejerking and samefagging threads the overall board quality goes down, scaring away anyone able to have an actual discussion and leaving braindead retards to fling shit to each other.


I'd gladly be a mod on Veeky Forums because i unironically care for this board, it has great potential and it's a shame shitposters are diminishing it

If only /pol/ stayed with based Ron. He's so rare to see these days among all those trumpfags.

I miss when /pol/ was the IT'S HAPPENING rather than the /new/ bastard child it became. It gets old.

/pol/ went down the sewer with flags. Now it's a parody of its former self.

cripplechan /pol/ is decent because many old polacks moved there after moot sold the website.

>cripplechan /pol/ is decent because many old polacks moved there after moot sold the website.
Fuck off reddit

See, this is the new/pol/ i'm talking about.

>he unironically supports reddit
Kill yourself shill.

Where did i even mention reddit you sperging retard?

By implying redditchan is better. It isn't, it's just Stormfront.

Cripplechan /pol/ is an absolute shitshow.

It's like a time-capsule of /pol/ immediately before GG, i.e massively autistic. The fact that people are now reminiscing about a mythical /pol/ golden age just proves that it's the new /b/.