Judge my instagram

Judge my instagram


its fine

Black and Basic/10

that's what i was going for


The modern stereotype of the disgruntled, angry, and entitled black youth is more annoying than the basic white sorotitute at this point.

im going for the annoying entitled vibe it's my aesthetic. link me your insta please

Don't have one babe

:( i wanted some inspiration

There's already an Instagram thread quit shitting up the board

>how to identify the 'I'm not racist but...' guy
also is sorotitute a word? if so what does it mean?

I know this probably isn't you posting but you're damn cute

Instagram is at its core a cesspool of pretentiousness and attention whoring...Unless you actually create something of value you have no reason being on it. It's by far the worst social media outlet in existence.

Go look at the photos you put on yours dude. Do they actually represent who you are or what you enjoy as a person or do they only serve only to reinforce a persona you have created for yourself and thus label yourself as?

You have a quote from Malcolm X that boils down to "yolo" on there for fucks sake...are you proud of that?

Identifying stereotypes isn't racism. Sorostitute means a basic sorority prostitute with zero personality.

Also everyone is racist dude. Get over it. Good qualities don't erase the bad. Bad qualities don't erase the good.

lmao i post pictures of things i think look nice and yes i like that malcolm x quote.

lmao why lie bro and im not gay

>street "art" that an 11 year old can replicate


but what you said is racist in that it represents the mentality of white privilege. It doesn't make you a bad person, it's really just a white fear of chickens coming home to roost (only using that because Malcolm in this thread).
These words that get thrown around a lot like entitlement come from a fear that minorities, if given the same status as whites, will do what whites have historically done to minorities whether they have been African, Afro-Caribbean, Native American, Latin American, etc...
In reality minorities want equality, not superiority.
Racial divides have historically been created to crush unity between poor whites and poor blacks, the mentality of 'well I'm poor but at least I'm not a nigger' is really what has fuelled a fire that should have died out when slavery ended

bro this is Veeky Forums your points won't be taken seriously sadly. you'll be seen as an sjw. Please don't make this thread one big argument

You do have equality though...

I'm gonna let you in on the biggest secret about blacks in the US today...all of your problems are self-inflicted. The destruction of the nuclear family, rampant drug use and distribution, gang activity, having athletes and rappers as your primary role models, failing education systems, fighting over different shades and skin tones...these are all your problems and they are all your fault.

I'm 23. You're probably under the age of 25. I was never a slave holder. You were never a slave. I never participated in Jim crow laws. You were never the victim of Jim crow laws. You face no institutionalized oppression in 2016.

You blame everything on some nameless group of old rich old white guys sitting behind a mahogany desk rubbing their hands together as the cause of all your community's problems. What's even dumber is that you believe this AND think that it's white peoples obligation to give you your equality.

I live Uptown, New Orleans. You know who stabs black teenagers? You know who sell drugs to pregnant black women? You know who vandalizes public property? You know who's responsible for 99% of the murder? You know who makes up 90% of the gang members? You know who's raping black women? You know the reason everyone is afraid to go into the city unarmed now...


ok I'll start with this, in the 1920s there was a lot of black prosperity, you had the Harlem Renaissance, 'Black Wall Street', entire black towns that offered better standards of living than you find in black communities today but due to many events like the great depression, outsourcing manufacturing jobs from urban areas etc we saw an end to that prosperity.

Since the 1930s you can see the downward slope that black standards of living have been on. Through mass migration into urban areas combined with restrictive housing (red lining) you're able to easily control where minorities reside

Growing unemployment ( a big part due to the loss of manufacturing jobs), the gradual erosion of social services (a recent example being the cutting of $17 billion in public housing during Bill Clinton's Presidency), the huge influx of cocaine into black communities as a result of the Reagan administration funding the Contras (there's a book on it but I feel like you're not a reader so the movie is 'Kill The Messenger') and most importantly imo the 'New Jim Crow' (seen as you like the phrase, it's also a good book) is the creation of a criminal caste system that depends on arresting as many minorities, not just blacks, as possible. If every white frat boy that smoked pot got arrested like every black kid with drugs gets arrested would we see vastly different statistics about incarceration. White statistically do use drugs and sell drugs at higher rates than blacks but that's understandable being the majority race in the country but they are not represented in prison in anyway that matches those statistics.

I honestly can't explain it all now because it would become an essay but I can recommend books to read to at least give you another perspective.

I don't deny black crime is a thing, but the idea that black people are inherently criminal, lazy, stupid is just offensive. Those ideas date back to the 19th century with work on eugenics, very outdated

>never participated in Jim Crow laws
Yes, you do. They have been re-packaged through race-neutral terms but no educated person can see the bigger picture and not say we live in an age of Jim Crow laws.

Listen, I'm not saying these things target black people because they are black, I'm saying black people are targeted because they are poor and they are poor because of many interlacing systems of control. The same reason any poor people suffer. Classism is and always will be the real issue

but this guy made the best point so I'm out

>thinking the government is trying to force blacks into run down tenements through housing programs when the government is actively giving subsidized crap mortgages to black families so they can move into upper class white neighborhoods knowing that they cannot repay the loans
>thinking cocaine only comes from Nicaragua and blaming blacks selling cocaine to other blacks on Reagan
>not taking into account multiple prior run-ins with the law and arrests for drug related offenses when talking about incarceration rates and time served
>not adjusting for population percentage when talking about whites selling more drugs than blacks

You have no sense of personal responsibility do you...


>doesn't bring up the sky high divorce and single motherhood rate amoung black women
>doesn't bring up the staggering rate of high school dropouts among the black community compared to other races
>not understanding the difference between inequity and inequality

Now I'm out

race-bait thread that gets newfagg cucks going...