looking to get a pair of white trainers to keep clean, got some low converse but they turned into my beaters, edging towards either pic related or gats, any other ideas?
White Shoes
Get something leather like an AF1, a Reebok classic, Sk8 highs or stans
owner of pic related here
very solid shoe, comfy, haven't worn that much since i bought them
Are these okay for casual running or a lot of walking? Good arch support?
Just copped a few of these, definitely worth whatever price you can get them at
My life was turned upside down by these sneakers, partner.
What can I say, I'm a baskethead!
Help me choose between these
If they're good with running that's a huge bonus
Air Force 1s or Adidas originals
kinda liked these, but not enough to cop back then.
Memes, but nice memes
In the grey, pink and navy colourways stans are still pretty nice, especially the gumsole versions and the ones with suede details or whatever
Want to pull the trigger on a pair of CPs but I can't shake this eerie feeling that as soon as I do a cheaper and better looking alternative will pop up out of nowhere
anyone bought off of urbanforestltd.co.uk?
looks dodgy, scamadvisor says 80% safe but theres no paypal
Don't buy those you can't keep them clean (and i love them so much i don't want them to become a meme)
no no they are very baaaaaaad
Please shut up and keep it secret
yes these are nice
there probably won't be a better looking alternative, also, considering the life of the shoe, the price isn't too bad. i'd cop if i were you
White leather nike blazer lows with the navy heel
100% fake
there are so many scam websites that look exactly like this