Out 35k witch executions 30k took place in the >H>R>E.
Were they politically motivated?
Out 35k witch executions 30k took place in the >H>R>E
Witches aren't real, so it's protestant related fuckery.
>Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Lorraine, Austria including Czech lands - Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia
Might be due to size alone.
But the belief in witches WAS real.
Which is a heresy.
>Might be due to size alone.
30 out 35 is about 85%.
Probably a mix of sheer ignorance on the part of the peoples and used to consolidate power amongst the nobility. Displays of power and execution were highly effective especially if it was against someone deemed to be possessed by the devil.
Almost certainly related to the Protestant v Catholic grudge matches occurring in the area.
Leviticus 19:26, "Do not eat meat that has not been drained of its blood. Do not practice fortune-telling or witchcraft."
Deuteronomy 18:10, ""There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer,"
if it's biblical that sorcery/witchcraft/divination exist and are forbidden, then how is it heresy?
>then how is it heresy?
Easy, if it's forbidden, why the fuck would the person reporting it would know about it?
So accusing someone of sodomy is heresy because it is biblically forbidden, and if you make the accusation you must know something about sodomy and must be guilty of heresy.
That makes no sense.
>That makes no sense.
It's the bible you're talking about, try making sense of the christian description of heaven.
We aren't talking about sodomy you idiot, we're talking about mystical magic shit that summons demons and fucks over the area. What you're suppose to do is ask for the priest to do an exorcism on the witch.
No, there were just a lot of German witches dude.
You know what Sodomy is. Sodomy is forbidden.
You know what Witchcraft is. Witchcraft is forbidden.
The belief that those things exist is not heretical, because the bible says they exist. The fact that you know what they are confirms they exist in the cultural mind, at the very least. Just knowing about something forbidden to be able to make an accusation does not mean it is heresy to make an accusation.
And I challenge you to find where in the bible it says that you ought to ask a priest for an exorcism. Especially since the passages quoted are from Leviticus and Deuteronomy, where punishments tend to be things like being stoned to death. If you were to infer a punishment from those passages, death would probably be the most obvious. Especially to the protestants in the HRE and America, who would have no reason to turn to some "priesthood" for exorcism like a Catholic would.
>You know what Sodomy is. Sodomy is forbidden.
I don't do gay shit.
>You know what Witchcraft is. Witchcraft is forbidden.
I don't know how to summon demons.
>And I challenge you to find where in the bible it says that you ought to ask a priest for an exorcism
No. I'm telling you that magic shit ain't real, that if it is real that you call a fucking priest and get some fucking Holy water and pray to Christ that the damn thing gets out of your house.
It doesn't matter if you do it. You clearly know what they are. That is all that is required to make an accusation. You don't have to be a murderer in order to accuse someone else of murder. You don't have to know how to perform witchcraft in order to accuse someone of witchcraft.
>You don't have to know how to perform witchcraft in order to accuse someone of witchcraft.
Lying is a sin. So in order to do that someone must lie about my involvement in doing witchcraft which I don't know a single thing about because I'm not an edgy faggot that's willing to trade my soul just to get my dick jerked off by "succubus"
Not the person you're responding to... but so you're saying it's forbidden to accuse someone of witchcraft, because you would have no conceivable way of knowing what witchcraft is, and therefore your accusation would be a lie?
>but so you're saying it's forbidden to accuse someone of witchcraft, because you would have no conceivable way of knowing what witchcraft is, and therefore your accusation would be a lie?
If we're going by protestant standards of just burning the witch, yes it would be lying.
If we're going by Catholic standards you go fetch the priest and you try to remove the demon inside of the idiot that's trying to call demons.
Germans are just autistic.
>Witches aren't real
They are, or more likely were.
>there are people in this thread who don't believe witches existed
>The Witch
Those are cultists, you can kill cultists.
>Jane Wenham was among the last subjects of a typical witch trial in England in 1712
, but was pardoned after her conviction and set free. Kate Nevin was hunted for three weeks and eventually suffered death by Faggot and Fire at Monzie in Perthshire, Scotland in 1715.[65][66] Janet Horne was executed for witchcraft in Scotland in 1727. The final Act of 1735 led to prosecution for fraud rather than witchcraft since it was no longer believed that the individuals had actual supernatural powers or traffic with Satan. The 1735 Act continued to be used until the 1940s to prosecute individuals such as spiritualists and Gypsies.
>The act was finally repealed in 1951
It is amazing how long it took for us to get over this.
That's why witches aren't around anymore, we fucking killed them.
You mean cultists. Witches aren't real.
Yes they are.
Not this one
Do you wanna summon demons too?
Those were real witches in the Witch.
No? It's a massive sin.
You mean actors?
Prosecuting gypsies is a good thing so I can see why it lasted so long.
It's no wonder that witches were often Gypsies.
Then why you talking about witches then? If you don't wanna associate yourself with demon summoners, don't call them witches, because you shouldn't know what witchcraft is. Just tell the priest that these hooligans are doing stupid shit that you have no idea what they're doing.
Witchcraft in that cultural context was making poisons, and there are several translations that more accurately translate the verse to "poisoner" instead of witch. If you accused someone of witchcraft in Italy or Spain you'd end up getting lashes for trying to get your neighbor killed based on a falsehood and spreading dangerous superstition
>associate with
Nigger please, I obviously agree with burning these fucks.
>not forcing them to repent there sins
You idiot, you can still save there souls and have them be saved by God.
Interesting fact: Heinrich Himmler considered the witch burnings as a Judeo-Christian conspiration against people practising ancient Germanic rites. The vast amount of data his staff collected is still of great importance for research on the topic.
Heinrich Himmler was a faggot that even Hitler laughed at.
Heinrich Himmler then just copied Margaret Murray and her shit has been long debunked.
I mean this: en.wikipedia.org
I'd execute that ass desu
Idols were shown to be just wood when tested against Yahweh, yet there is still a command against having other gods before him.
The height of witch executions happened because the Germans were driven frantic and insane by constant warfare and mercenaries coming to kill their children, take their food, steal their gold, and rape their women. General social unrest.
Why did King David hire that Jewish witch to do some necromancy for him? If his God was omnipotent, then he wouldn't have need to ask a ghost.
Look up Malleus Maleficorum
Nope. It's just typical Germanic autism.
Now all German women are ugly, because they've killed all the pretty ones back then.
Yeah, I know a certain liberal jewish businessman, literally /pol/ stereotype made real.
The only thing he's not liberal about are gypsies. He hates them.
How do they do it?
>posts some slut sticking her ass out
>expects serious replies
fucking kill yourself OP
Protestants are tribal ooga booga tier
I'm pretty sure they only killed the ugly one and the crazy one. You wouldn't kill a pretty lady, aren't you?
And yet, everything was fine until you showed up.
The paintings of witches from 16th and 17th centuries when the hysteria was at its peak usually portrayed attractive women, although unproportionally many of them were gingers(still all very attractive and often naked).
The Witchcraft Act was kept because it was useful to have when there were people going around claiming to be spiritualists and able to speak to the dead. The last person prosecuted under it was a fake spiritualist who was affecting wartime morale by telling people about their relatives grisly deaths, so she was locked up as a witch to shut her up.
get off the internet battler
>Christians ACTUALLY take a book that mentions witchcraft like an actual threat to society seriously
Even if it was once god's word and not just fiction, you cannot deny it is pretty corrupted by man when it forbids things that never existed.
>implying that people didn't believe witchcraft was real
That is some nice ass
That's exactly my point mate. PEOPLE did believe it was real. But god has no reason to warn people of a nonexistant threat. If anything, he should have warned against such superstitions developing.
My point is that if it was the book of god at one point, it's clear some outside forces have removed that aspect a tad.
Think of it like keeping out a negative influence. While there are no actual powers in witchcraft, it being in society can lead people away from Christianity.
Murdering tens of thousands of people for no good raisin can also lead people away from christianity, or at least some sects of it.
I agree, but man "no good raisin" is cracking me up
>unproportionally many of them were gingers
So they burned the prettiest ones.
so they died because of a flaming faggot?
>attractive women, although unproportionally many of them were gingers
You're not making sense bro.
>r-r-ride the tiger guys!!!!
>"no good raisin"
the sax player was known to phone his performance in more than a few times
finally a post that makes some sense
Just a lot of more people practising the pagan rites and faith, since the roman empire never penetrated Germany that dep.
But that's severly times most people killed than the total Inquisition of Spain, than killed 1,500 people (mostly Jews and Moors at that).
Memes aside witch hunting and the inquisition had nothing in common. The inquisition was a sophisticated institution used to control and prevent dissent. A proto political police. Witch hunts were just the spontaneous product of butthurt ignorant rural people.
>Witch hunts were just the spontaneous product of butthurt ignorant rural people.
and the need to remove witches
Any good Christian knows the bible isn't the word of God and to think otherwise is blasphemous idolatry.
>so it's protestant related fuckery.
But Catholics did it too, the Malleus Maleficarum was written by Dominican priests.
A lot of protestants rejected witchcraft as papist quackery, see Reginald Scot.
>pretend catholics and pretend protestants squabbling over the minor doctrinal differences between their respective RP faiths
>burning witches
The practice of witchcraft is forbidden, that doesn't mean that accusing someone of witchcraft or having any knowledge of its existence is. Witchcraft in practice was far from being seen as some arcane science that took years of studying black books, it could be as simple as blaspheming until the devil took notice, then asking him to cause a ruckus.
Did your cattle die after some old bitch said "a pox on you and your cattle"? well shit, sounds to me like she got Satan involved, let's see if she's got any unsightly marks that might be the devil's work. Well shit, she's got an unsightly mark, she said a curse and it came true, things aren't looking good for the lady.
It doesn't help that some of the ACCUSED actually DID think they were witches.
First off, I said nothing about burning. You could hang 'em too.
Second off, are either of my examples false? No.
There were clearly Catholics who believed in witches, the M. Mal was an influential book and it was written by catholic clergymen.
Sorcery, often translated to witchcraft, is explicitly punishable by death in the bible.
>Did your cattle die after some old bitch said "a pox on you and your cattle"? well shit, sounds to me like she got Satan involved, let's see if she's got any unsightly marks that might be the devil's work. Well shit, she's got an unsightly mark, she said a curse and it came true, things aren't looking good for the lady.
So if she's working for the devil why not say she's just working for the devil?
nice girl butt
would like to penetrate though it might be extremely painful
Because that's punishable by death?
Plenty did confess, naturally usually under a lot of pressure (sometimes torture) to do so.
Besides the malicious use of magic plenty of people also thought other magic, even beneficial, was the work of satan. This is where the protestants who generally believe there aren't any more miracles would accuse a faith healer of witchcraft.
Lots of witches actually made people afraid of them on purpose. "Give me some butter or I'll kill your fucking cattle" can be a compelling argument, the problem is people tended to get sick of it, and you can only give vague threats like "your cattle will get sick and die" or "I hope you fall and break a leg!" until you actually get it right and it happens. Then you've got pissed off people looking for someone to blame. Unpopular, ugly, grumpy old ladies were regularly accused by numerous people for a reason.
No, their bodies were tossed upon the flaming faggot to burn.
"The witch-trials emerge in the 15th century out of the practices surrounding the persecution of heresy in the medieval period"
"15th century"
"Although there had been significant earlier attempts to reform the Roman Catholic Church before Luther – such as those of Jan Hus, Peter Waldo, and John Wycliffe – Martin Luther is widely acknowledged to have started the Reformation with his 1517 work The Ninety-Five Theses."
Why are Catholics so defensive of their past fuck ups? Look, only retards on /pol/ and occasionally Veeky Forums are gonna judge a religion's modern standards by its past. Your religion is ancient and well-documented, it is guaranteed to have some notable issues recorded in history. Your religion was involved in legitimizing kings, ruling a state in italy, dealing with false claimants to the status of pope, and the crusades. It's going to have some sinful actions in its history, like any other nation that was ever relevant.
>Why are Catholics so defensive of their past fuck ups?
Because you got fucking faggots who want to point out the fuck ups now and the past, so people are gonna be pretty defensive over the Church.
wish I had a butt like that
Europe back then was basically ISIS-tier in religious hysteria.
>he doesn't believe in God
What type of faggot do you take people as?
That dude on the right.
>OK bro, chop my fingers off. Whatever.
A development of the concept of Witchcraft, which came from the academies of the Catholic scholatics, was that magics was possible only thanks to a deal with Satan or with a demon. Witchcraft or Sorcery were considered emanation of the diabolic power. From this the scholars developed the concept that Witches adored the devil and the demons in a rude and terrible meeting, the Sabbat.
It's interesting to note that usually the accusation of satanism came after that the suspect had been tortured and that he/she had admitted to have committed Witchcraft or Sorcery.
Of course they were. Pagan religions promote individual responsibility and personal development over adherence to a centrally controlled doctrine. They also see sex as a powerful transfer of energy instead of a necessary shame required only for reproduction. There's no winning against that without mass murder, and this has played out throughout essentially all of human history, the witch-hunts being a particularly salient example.
h-holy shit that's literally the perfect ass
wife material