ITT: cardigan/sweater inspo

ITT: cardigan/sweater inspo

how the fuck do i into cardigans?

INB4 someone goes "hurr durr cuckcore"

That's only if the person is A) A fat cunt and B) Buttons the fucking thing

whats so wrong about buttoning a cardigan?



hot opinion, fagtron

Re-read prerequisite A and think about why it would be a bad idea.


Cardigans are too expensive for what they are

Does that look work without the cardigan?

>Re-read prerequisite A and think about how insecure I am.

It's literally mustard colored pants and a blue button down, what do you think retard?

>this entire thread

Be azn twink, cardigans look super cute on them, especially loving the uniform looks

but a normal sweater is "worth" it?

post pics


they are gay af

only wear if ur kurt cobain

Cardigan looks good on manly/muscular men or really effeminate ones. There's no in between really. I have a comfy cardigan i mostly wear inside for cold days/reading.

I dont get it

Me stating the objective fact that fat cunts look ridiculously bad in buttoned up cardigans doesn't make me insecure.

no one here wears sweaters?

Sure, but cardigans are more versatile and comfy.
Sweaters aren't great as a top layer, and can't regulate temp as easily.

You must be handsome. And not fat.

i like my cardigan
buttoning them up is pure gay though

You have to commit to a sweater, a cardigan can open or even come off


Make sure it's always properly fitted.
A shirt too puffy like animu vulva equals extra fat when buttoned.

that's not a cardigan

W2c mod cardigans like these?