I'm a girl trying to make a decision. Is it more Veeky Forums for girls to shave than to unshave (their armpits)...

I'm a girl trying to make a decision. Is it more Veeky Forums for girls to shave than to unshave (their armpits)? What about bush?

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shave pls

Unshaven is better, as long as it's clean.

if you want to unshave at least trim it

Shave is Veeky Forums

don't shave if you want people to know you're kinky, put out easily, and have political beliefs that people make fun of behind your back.

Not shaving is unhygienic but do what you want

Shave or wax or whatever you have to do. You should spend 0 (zero) time thinking about this. You should not have hairy armpits. No one finds this appealing except people who don't matter and will do nothing to help you in life (far out feminists).

I find it hot in a freaky kind of way, nothing long term though. Chicks going to be fun in bed and be fucked in the head. That's the appeal.

it's Veeky Forums but no man will ever fuck you.

if you're a lesbo it's okay

holy shit, i am man and i'd need to grow it for year to be like this

I agree, it could be a little sexy, but it could just as likely seem gross. I think most people would find it gross, however, and it would only be sexy on a really stunning woman where it would only serve as a contrast

I've only fucked a borderline girl who didn't shave. She was blonde and naturally not very hairy even so. (She dyed her hair black though) I'll tell you one thing, other than the annoying chaffing friction, I prefer bush. There is something so much more sexual when your hand goes in her pants and you first feel it. As long as the chick isn't fucking balkan or arab hairy it's cool with me. I normally go out with particularly white girls anyway.

You just sign up for psycho and don't let yourself get emotionally attached. Good to go.

Only girl with unshaven pits that I've done bedroom things with was a stoner hippie-Marxist SJW,

>There is something so much more sexual when your hand goes in her pants and you first feel it.
wow why is this so true

if ur into the crust punk vibe go for it

post armpits please

if its unhygienic then does that mean that all men are unhygienic?
i dont know any men that shave their underarms/legs

The less hair on your body the better according to me, excluding hair and eyebrows of course. I prefer no hair at all, but a short, controlled bush can work sometimes, just don't let it become a jungle

shave everywhere but bush

Men are gross

body hair is gross, only dyels, hippies or guys with little body hair doesn't shave oh right and also gays

My favorite shit ever honestly, most people are either plebs or tumblr chucks though and can't into it properly

Fuck off.

Either is fine.

Impress people by buzzing a fade into it, tho.

she asked for my opinion you fucking bitch no need to get aggressive, I'll put you in the fucking ground you dirty smelling hippie fuck

only men should have hair on their pits desu.
arm hair on a girl is qt as long as it's not crazy thick

Hairy women are erotic af desu but I dislike this being associated with any of the feminazi outrage beautiful at every size shape and other bullshit these days.

ANY body hair on a girl that isn't permanently laser removed is the most vile disgusting thing to ever touch this earth.


Do not shave please

Don't be mad, fboi. Come nuzzle in my pitbush.

hi fran


Don't shave

Only whores shave

Ugly girls become uglier if they do not shave their pits, beautiful/hot/thicc girls like OP's picture won't be hit at all by this

dont shave, only whores shave

thread is getting interesting…

This resonated stronger with me than anything has in a while

You are living in a shitty place. In my city only poor people and dirty migrants don't shave armpits.

Best post of the day

Shaved pits, pic related for bush.

Veeky Forums confirmed for underage.

it literally doesn't matter either way. if someone finds you less attractive because of a bit of hair under your arms, they 100% didn't have it in them to fuck you correctly anyway.

t. cunt

t. shrimpdick

i mean if its a dealbreaker, sure, that guy is probably p shallow

but if the question is just preference, it's not some deep abuse to prefer shaved pits and find them attractive

Please shave your pits and legs. I prefer pussy trimmed over shaved just because the skin doesn't get as irritated and stays smoother

fuck the EU those assholes are appointed they arent even elected

actual tumblr poster


Point A) Why ask? The point is not to care.

On that point, it is not a bragging right. Cannot believe hat women are proud of their body hair. We all fucking grow hair passively you might as well take pride in shitting or breathing.

If you dont shave expect attention, nobody will say shit to your face probz, but they will think what they want, see point A)

The bragging point is more about rejected beauty standards. I agree that if girls don't shave it should be because they don't care, not to brag or attract attention.

Goddamn do girls do weird shit all the time? How can you lick your own armpit hairs holy shit


Can do whatever you want but most men wouldn't go near you looking like Harambe like that.

If you're lesbo just be the bull dyke and you're ok tho.

Yes we would, slut.


i don't have a problem with people doing w/e they want with their bodies, but first-world third-wave PLEASE TAKE ME SERIOUSLY feminism is pathetic.

>if something turns you off about a girl its because you couldnt fuck her in the first place
this is the sort of 'feminist' garbage that gaga or a similar troglodyte would spew

And this is why I prefer twinks and boygirls.

>mfw this has been my fetish for my entire life

The first girl I had a crush on had hairy armpits, back in like 6th grade.


Pic still relevant though.

my african americans
I just remembered the first time I slightly slipped a bit of my finger below my gf's pants' waistline and felt the bush. I'd never been so turned on. good times

As a girl, I love the bush look. I wish it was more functional though, because hair holds onto smells really badly. Only reason why I shave.
That and guys hate it.


Most guys hate it, but I love it. Love hairy vag and anus too.

I love being able to smell a little bit of my gf's BO, it smells really sweet.

you still think harambe is funny so your opinion doesn't really matter

can we just take a moment to appreciate how nice those tits look in that shirt?

and here we see the wild troll op. after cursory study of internet culture, the op posts a question about armpit fashion, knowing the answers will invariably be about how much it personally does or does not give the poster a boner.

i wouldn't say it's unhygienic, you aren't more dirty for it, youre just kinda unnappealing

But that is the function of it. Pheromones and stuff. Apparently people often smell worse due to their diet.

ITT: children afraid of body hair on women

REALITY CHECK: anyone saying a girl should not shave her armpits is a fucking fetishist.
Women shaving their pits is so strongly ingrained that both men and women will think you are weird and gross for not doing it.
It doesn't really have to be policed or taught actively, it's just what people do.
Would you go to a job interview in a skirt with completely unshaven legbeards in view? Probably not, right? I didn't create these standards, it's just how things are.
So ask yourself, OP: do you want to be attractive and accepted by 99% of people, including Chad, or do you want to be attractive to a handful of creepy guys on the internet that you won't even meet?

TRUE REALITY CHECK is that shaving is for prostitutes. It has been a common knowledge for centuries.
Unless you want to look cheap and trashy don't shave.

she's also raising her arms, which always makes tits look good

Would give anything for a girl like this

if you're hot you can do literally whatever you want and people will fall over themselves to enable you

attractive girl = life on easy

I have a naturally strange, metallic smell. Its weird. But maybe someone should invent shampoo for pits....

>mfw chick at work with a crush on me was yelling at my coworker for voting trump
>he says I did too
>she says she's going to yell at me through text about it

do Americans really get this upset over people's opinions


i think its fucking gross
shave it op

/S/H/A/V/E/... Literally, you shouldn't even be thinking this thought. It's an absolute deal-breaker, disgusting

Don't shave it dye it or make hair tattoo out of it

Shave armpits, trim bush

Unshaved is the patrician choice of armpit hair. For real though who cares about shit like this, y'all checking under their arms before you decide if a woman is attractive or not? I don't understand why this bothers some people so much.

The bush is another question because there are actually practical reasons to shave, but again I think it's whatever.

This shit is exactly why I voted Trump.

yeah, me too. First girl I ever ate out hadn't shaved in a few weeks, it was crazy good. It makes sense though, for 99.9% of our species history we haven't shaved our bodies, it's pretty genetically ingrained.

How the fuck does every girl in this thread have more armpit hair than me?

>thinking that Veeky Forums = what you like

wew lad

So basically, people who have better things to do than primp themselves all day?
You must be Patrick Bateman

I call it gravy but everyone calls it sauce

Shave the pits keep the bush.
Dubs of truth check em'

she gets a pass because she's stupid cute

Are you 12?

>tfw eliza is in the mental hospital for attempted suicide due to bullying/threats
you did this Veeky Forums
this is on you


Always shave pits. Just keep the snatch hair fairly tame.

What about on men?
I shave mine completely. Love them nice and smooth.

yeah, i dont shave mine complete, just a #1 guard but it feels and looks so much better. also shaving my legs with the same #1 guard feels great and looks nicer too imo

this attention seeking whore tried to scam money from the most miserable people on the planet on /r9k/
fuck her, shes a disgusting cunt

you can do whatever you want with your bush but shave your fucking armpits you dirty bitch

dude, dont be so hard on her, shes just a kid