80s are back right? I fuckin love latino/Miami aesthetics of 80s like shown in Narcos or Blow or Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
ITT what to implement in nowadays wardrobe of that glorious times not to look like wannabe drug trafficker douchebag grandpa
Proper 80s look
>proper 80s look
you are reffering to very early 80s. in 85 the era of the brown shades ended and saturated synthwave colours were in
implement style that were fashionable then and are still fashionable into it. Sperries have always been nice, so have converse. Windbreakers too but not that obnoxious neon shit you find at goodwill. Stan smiths work well too. As far as pants, skinny jeans and some monochrome tee and you're good. Most of these dumb faggots here think dressing like jerry fucking Seinfeld is """effay""" but the don't realize everyone looks at them like complete poser faggots.
>Stan Smiths
You can always go back to plebbit you know.
to me it looks more like 90's are back
coming from the nigga who dresses like this 24/7
more like somebody who doesn't wear made in china fast-fashion
> poser faggots
lmfao, salty 12 year old skater detected
2nd guys legs are freaking me out
another 80s insp thread? I'll dump once I'm home tonight if thread still alive.
That's late 70s to very early 80s. What's seeing a resurgence is the late 80s aesthetic.
slaughter gang shit 100100100
those haircuts look gay
next year 60s will be back, especially with the resurgence of counterculture symbolism in fashion
you're way behind, man
60s were back nearly two decades ago, i think you're the one that's behind lad
in 96? wtf are you talking about
huge resurgence, especially in the indie scene back then. horn rim glasses, bell bottoms, stripes, etc. some of it manifested in grunge.
doesn't matter where it's made, looks better than the boring ass outfits you probably wear. I could walk around butt fucking naked with a pair of stan smiths on and look 10x better than you in your """dapper""" v neck sleeveless sweater and tailcoat, brown wool pants, and fuckin bowling shoes. Fashion is about not looking like a complete try hard, it's about looking good for the situation.
wtf are you even talking about
nobody on this board even knows what a tailcoat is
chat shit post fit, slimeboy
Uh, were you even alive in 1996? The 60s were huge in the late 90s
>tfw 80s nostalgia is coming to an end and we have to deal with a shitty 90s comeback soon
have you been living under a rock
Please tell me that you're not serious.