Post men with facial hair.
When did Anglos start shaving their beards, and why?
Post men with facial hair.
When did Anglos start shaving their beards, and why?
>facial hair
Pretty sure Iranians thought you weren't a man if you had no beard.
Beards couldn't fit into gas masks so soldiers had to be clean shaven in WW1
It caught on because the boys returning home were cooler than the rest.
What I'm curious about is if having a beard way back when was the same as having a beard now. When beards weren't popular it was a sign of masculinity, but now it's a clear fashion statement. Was that also the case in the past?
Facial hair is for extreme faglords like OP
You're on a history board, I'd think you could tell the best men had beards.
You fucking what?
Like who? Ulysses I'm-Too-Drunk-To-Eat-This-Chicken Grant?
You guys intentionally get neckbeards.
how can you not start the thread with him
General Ambrose Burnside has god-tier facial hair.
A persons religion has nothing to do with their capability to grow decent facial hair.
>has fantastic sideburns
Apparently sideburns are named after him.
Facial hair is impractical as fuck for war fighting. They just add another thing that the enemy can tug at. That's why Alexander had his men all clean shaven.
Youre dumb as fuck. If the enemy is close enough to grab your beard youre already dead. If they can grab onto your beard they have a free hand, so no shield. You should have gotten them already. If you have a beard like this then they cant actually grab anything. Youre a dumb cunt.
ITT: hipsters vs hipsters
Because as the bourgeoisie overtook the nobility as the most empowered class following the industrial revolution their more sober and reserved sensibilities and fashions overtook those of the nobility.
Beards became something for rebels, hence why every communist who could grow a beard did.
I was always curious how this would translate to real life. Those blocky beards man, gotta love em.
In Dari (Afghan dialect for Persian), "bacha be rish" (boy without a beard) means faggot basically.
Fuck, you cant beat that shite, all those fucking swirls...most stylish crap evar fo sho