I heard pic related was actually a pretty good country back in the 60s but then shit happened.
Can anyone confirm? Because when you google "Iran in the 60s" and "Iran 2015" it's like seeing two different countries.
I heard pic related was actually a pretty good country back in the 60s but then shit happened.
Can anyone confirm? Because when you google "Iran in the 60s" and "Iran 2015" it's like seeing two different countries.
well technically they were
no religious moral police roaming the streets
religious moral police roaming the streets.
I don't care how much of a shit Shah's rejime was. Mullahs and Basij ruined their nation.
Hmmmm, i wonder why that could be.
It certainly couldn't be because a very popular leader who was doing good things for the country was overthrown by the two most powerful western countries over oil interests (Which is not a conspiracy like Iraq, this is mentioned in the official documents as why they did it), who then gave the power of the nation back to the monarch over the elected prime ministers by making the prime minister a general, and then the more powerful of the two western powers pressured that monarch to follow a Western morality even on the Islamic issues that even liberal Iranians were still conservative on, making the people feel helpless to a Western imperial force.
Iran was the biggest fuck-up of the US, and it was almost entirely the US's fault. It is embarrasing to know my country's politicians are still so bitter they fucked up so badly that they caused a popular revolution, that they still haven't ended the break in relations.
Well the Shah liked to crack down pretty hard on dissenters and SAVAK was a pretty brutal police force and a large portion of his "modernization" programs were just an excuse to piss away a bunch of oil money on US arms deals, and there was the usual US and UK sponsored coups and other covert fuckery which definitely did not benefit the average Iranians.
All in all it probably wasn't the worst, though. It definitely got much worse after the revolution.
Both Iran and Afghanistan were fairly westernized in the 60's and 70's.
Even now Iran is more western than most people realize. Tehran is even crawling with hipsters
Haram as fuck.
This is Afghanistan in 1960-something.
Islam is the cancerousest cancer to ever exist.
The westernisation that so many people claim was widespread in both Iran and Afghanistan was really only apparent in the Upper Class and perhaps the Middle Class. The working and lower class still adhered to a Shia Islamic Culture and found the marginalisation of Shia Iranian culture to be insulting and alienating. What was replacing it during the heydays of the Shah's rule, was an American consumerist culture, which was being expressed by foreign workers and visitors who according to people like Axworthy, had contempt for ordinary Iranians.
The photos are from the urban middle and high classes. Those are pretty "modern" and westernized even nowadays, although technically not allowed to show it too much.
The rest of the country is the same in mentality and more modern in everything else nowadays.
The mistake of the monarchy was not arrogance, oppression or the western influence (although they did all this) but failing to gain the sympathy of the rural and uneducated classes.
Can't talk about Afghanistan.
Yeah, americans have nothing to do there.
>Even now Iran is more western than most people realize. Tehran is even crawling with hipsters
This. Should be mentioned that this is not what the government wants, though.
>Islam is the cancerousest cancer to ever exist.
The problem is is that what you've shown is Kabul.
If you'd go to the Afghan villages you'd see the same hurka-durkas as you can see today everywhere. They've got to power and started "ruling".
You have same shit in Pakistan, where big cities are very liberal and cool but then you go to the villages and see the morlocks
Mossadegh deserved it.
Mossadegh wasn't that popular by the end of his time in office. Was certainly as unpopular as the Shah in 1953, if not more so.
Not him but it wasn't so much about Mossadegh the man as it was about him being the symbol of Iran being humiliated by strangers (again).
I thought he was overthrown because he was a socialist and 'Murrica didn't like that.
He tried to nationalize the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, when the contract wasn't up for renegotiation until 1960.
The British asked Eisenhower for help, and a joint CIA-MI6 operation removed him from power.
Mossadegh was in fact a wanker who had seized power through violence though.
There's something especially sad about seeing a garden destroyed.
They were trying to nationalize their shit post WW2 to secure their resources.
Problem was that the oil they were nationalizing was british, so the brits ran to the Americans and screamed "HELP COMMIES" So then the US deposed the leader, and instated the Shah as head of state.
Fasforward to 1979. Shit hits the fan, and a fundamentalist revolution is kicked off that drives the country futher down the shitter, and eventually into a pseudo-democratic dictatorship.
Essentially they were turned into a cold war battleground, and eventually said fuck it and went to shit.
In those countries like 90% of the population was poor as fuck, those "westernized" kids were the wealthy minority. It's one of the reasons the Islamic revolution took off in Iran, they convinced the poor population to support them.
I'm not defending the Islamic revolution in Iran because they installed a pretty shit theocracy run by maniacs but the former pro-western government wasn't as good as some people wants to believe.
Another pre-islamistan image
those pictures are bullshit, if you build a shit hut in california and say "dis b us and a" it might be true, but its not representive of how US actually looks
>90% of the population was poor as fuck
No it wasn't. Not in Iran at the very least before the Revolution went down.