This is not bait.
Why do atheists keep pretending that without religion we'd be "colonizing galaxies and sheit" already?
This is not bait.
Why do atheists keep pretending that without religion we'd be "colonizing galaxies and sheit" already?
They have poor understanding of history
For every book burned by the church 100 were kept safe and transcribe by the church's monks, and that's not even mentioning the role religion had in developing complex and advanced social structures and civilization
Because triggering autistic theists is fun.
pic related
>colonizing galaxies and sheit
This is funny because we will never be able to find any "alien life" "out there".
fuck you
I think it would be nice if we colonized most of the galaxy (using either genetic alterations if we needed to colonize a planet that was particularly hard to terraform), fell apart as an empire, and then tens of thousands of years later we'd rediscover "alien" races that are now so completely different from the established norm on each planet that we'd encounter major cultural differences.
plot twist: we're the aliens
They saw an internet meme online.
Not even exaggerating. Anyone who claims religion has significantly stifled progress in the western world has done no actual research at all into the history of the west.
religion is something that would have happened no matter what to explain things humans couldn't understand. no specific religion is special. you could live and advance without trying to give reason to why things are.
I think it would be nice if this has occurred already.
It is a statistical fact the more religious a society is the less educated it is.
I too would love to see an intergalactic war
>no specific religion is special
Only one is and you know which one. Why? Because the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
Literally the plot from Warhammer 40,000.
That's a new development that has everything to do with the fact that natural science has pointed out all of the fairytales in old religions and has made belief in them untenable. Its not religion that is bad, we just advanced too fast for religion to evolve organically with its population's knowledge of reality so it crashed. New religions will rise that will bridge the gap between science and metaphysics without all of the fairytales that were necessary in the past, but ridiculous in the present. The new religions will have fairytales in them too, but to us they'll look like legitimate questions
Yeah, I stole the idea from the tons of sci-fi stories that did that, like Macross for example.
>christianity is correct because the bible says so
Nice circular reasoning, dumbfuck.
I don't know about your country, but counter-reform fucked Italy so much it drove authors insane, due to how scared they were of being considered heretic, this lead to a stagnation in literature.
The Holy Bible is pretty much a history book.
Not an atheist, but you shouldn't generalise atheists are reddit-tier logical positivist plebs
>some parts of it are based on history, therefore all of it is factual
>christianity is correct because the bible says so
It's still circular reasoning.
An inaccurate heavily biased history
high level shitposting my friend
While this is mostly true, it still saddens me that we lost thousands of books in mesoamerica from the inquisition book burnings. And the few stuff friars wrote about didn't come close to compensate for the huge loss.