Who here is willing to lay down there life to stop communism and all the communism-lite leftists who've infected our...

Who here is willing to lay down there life to stop communism and all the communism-lite leftists who've infected our university's

>there life
>our university's

this is the anti-communist movement you fags fantasize about

no because gay space communism will win you fascist fuck

>communists aren't human
But I thought it wouldn't work because of human nature :^)

You are willing to die, but not to learn to write, speak and think and actually argue against them and agitate for the long term?

>argue against them
spotted the commie, mommy and daddy will provide for you

kek fuck off classuck

classcuck* :)

>this is the current state of the right wing
Where did everything go so wrong?


nelson stop making threads

Im willing to start purging them all at once. I just cant do all the work myself

Not sure what this has to do with Veeky Forums tho

I hate leftists and niggers too but this is objectively off topic

Fuck off


i feel like you would actively have to try every day, just to be this stupid.

there are so many idiots on both the right and left its painful.

Because you will need to look good while purging.

Do you really wanna stop this at the source? Teach your kids about Jesus. And they will never give leeway to evil.

I will gladly gas any commie I see but this is off topic.

Capitalism is anti-fa tho.

You don't win by laying down your life, thats how they win.

Being Veeky Forums involves capitalism.

Veeky Forums - Fashion

you have to go back


Who here is willing to fuck right back off to your containment board?

Political compass thread?