Redpill me on Ceauşescua.
How does he compare to Tito and Stalin? Was he able to repel Soviet interference?
Redpill me on Ceauşescua.
How does he compare to Tito and Stalin? Was he able to repel Soviet interference?
cute commie boyz
literally murdered by his own guards to turn Romania into an oligarchic cleptocracy
It's incredible how he went from being such an attractive young man to being so fucking gross in his later years. I swear his lips puffed up like an extra inch every year he lived.
He kinda looks like a more alpha Elliot Roger.
Underrated Hero of Romanians, If Romania is a tad better than Hungary (debatable), Bulgaria (not debatable) it is because of this man.
>be Romanian
>parents lived in Romania
>tell me how shit Romania under Ceaucescu was every day
>stupid fucking american communist on Veeky Forums says Ceaucescu is my hero
Codreanu was such a loser, just barely less pathetic than Mosley.
How the hell is Romania better than Hungary in any discernable way?
>be Croatian
>parents lived in Croatia
>tell me how shit Croatia under Tito was every day
>stupid fucking american communist on Veeky Forums says Tito is my hero
I swear...
Communist? No. He was a hardruler, corrupt yes, but boosted Romania tremendously.. His birth campaign is alone to thank him. Given they fact you are dwindling ever since he is dead.
Manpower for one.
by being a diaspora shitstain preaching about his homeland but living somewhere else
I'm not a communist, thats what I meant
One can admire Vlad, or Stefan without being a monarchist. In the same way Romanians burry too much of his achievements just because his last years of insanity.
Give the devil his due.
>Manpower for one.
>>My country has working infrastructure, effective crime fighting services, a secure and growing economy and a virtually non-existent corruption. How is your better than mine?
>Well we have none of those things, but we can call upon a couple million more illiterate peasants to die in fruitless wars, nyyyyyer suck on that!
Your country doesn't have Transylvania for one. The rest is only because you mooched eubux better than they did.
I wasn't actually talking about Romania/Hungary specifically, I don't have a damn clue if either Romania or Hungary has either of those things. I was just pointing out that "more manpower" is a retarded metric for what makes one country "better" than another.
He looked like an ultra top model
He didn't repel shit
To a point Romania was like pretty much every gommie country in Europe,but in the 70s and 80s Ceausescu wanted to pay all national debt,so wages were reduced,shit was exported en masse and generally,the citizen despite having money at times,would have not been able to buy stuff because there wasn't literally any (and I don't mean random odd shit,but food and such). Aside from that,there was no advancement done anywhere because all we did was churn outdated shit,for instance,Romania got itself in the computer business around the late 60's but the institute that did this stuff was underfunded so nothing happened (there was some experimental internet thing going on,the project was called Unirea,it was 3 connection nodes between 3 cities),this is just one example of one of the many institutes regarding actual development went to shit and so did the advancement of the country
I mean, the intention was good,we literally had no debt but everything suffered and we remained behind the western communist countries,the fact that Ceausescu was become more and more delusional and mad by his end,he thought of DPRK as positive influence,tried to imitate the massive parades done there (let's not forget that he only did primary school)
His system's cultural legacy destroyed Romania,we're all grim shits,not necessarily because some are poor even at the moment,but because the elderly would get fucked in the ass rather hard by the system,resulting in a hard life which is a breeding ground for pessimism and related attitudes that were transmitted to the next generations. Also,we are a corrupt country because despite the system appearing authoritarian regarding to corruption and all on the outside,on the inside you could bribe and make your way through easily,not to mention that romanian people are not the best when it comes to integrity,as a result of the people being fucked in the ass by all kinds of regimes and shit,communism being the biggest top.
there is that story about him going to North Korea and then thinking "well yes, my country should be like this too"
Quantity has a quality of it's own. The Soviet Union beat the Nazis with manpower. The Germans were better on an average basis, and if the numbers were equalized the Nazis would have won. So yes manpower can be used as a metric to see how good a nation is.
So Uganda > Romania, good to know.
Different user, I feel it should be added that pretty much all warsaw block countries were deep in (Western) debts by the 80s, Romania wasn't a special case.
Uganda is actually fairly well off, especially for a African country that had to deal with a dictator.
It depends. I mean you have to be close enough in tech that the numbers can help. For example if the Soviet Union had no guns and relied on medieval tech they would get but fucked no matter their numbers. However if tech is close, but one nation is more advanced than another slightly but the second nation massively outnumbers the higher tech nation. Then country #2 will win.
So Uganda is to shit to beat Romania, but China can beat Japan even though the Japs are more advanced technologically than the Chinese.
>be Slovenian
>parents lived in Yugoslavia
>tell me how good life was under Tito every day
>stupid fucking spawn of ustaša on Veeky Forums says Pavelić is my hero
Dude the original point is, population matters when it comes to mlitary, international relevance etc., but when someone says x country is better than y, one thinks of level of development and quality of living.
But that's wrong
FYROM here, everyone talks about how fucking great Tito was, except that you could not speak against him. BUT WHY WOULD YOU SHIT WAS GREAT
No, they don't. Military, and international relevance are higher than quality of life. Thats why the U.S. is considered a better nation than say Sweden, or Norway.
haha,our good immortal friend Ion Iliescu and his friend Dan Voiculescu had access to huge sums of money which they just took for themselves and as time passed our debt increased like hell
Maybe you're confusing "better" with "greater" or "more relevant".
god you are grasping at straws, can't you just admit you were wrong? No of course not, since you take anyone disagreeing with you as an offense to your ego.
Going back to original shitpost, user said "If Romania is a tad better than Hungary (debatable), Bulgaria (not debatable) it is because of this man."
no one thinks of military size or population when you say 'better', everyone thinks of how much or much not is a country a shithole, how the average citizen lives, things like thatr
So that means India and China are the best places on Earth
If he lived two years longer, he would have seized power with his party, and unlike Sima, he would've beaten Antonescu