If Chiang Kai-Shek won, how would China be today? Would it be better off?
If Chiang Kai-Shek won, how would China be today? Would it be better off?
>Would it be better off?
After he would be killed in violent revolution, along with his nepotist buddies.
Now the question is whether great leaps forwards did more harm than another civil war would do.
yes. it's possivle it still would be authoritarian but as long as the cultural revolution and the great leap forward didn't happen they would be much better off
>great leap forward and cultural revolution don't happen
>mainland China has a hideous flag
Even trade off desu
Taiwan had its own "Cultural Revolution" when those losers showed up. See: 228
Not really. Everyobody under his command were corrupt idiots who sold off equipment even to their enemies.
China would most likely be a dictatorship, Taiwan become successful because the US was able to prop it up, but China as a whole is too big to handle. Modern day Republic of China would be must like Brazil in today's world.
Nope. Chiang wasn't Sun Yat-sen, who was a good man that united the parties. Chiang was an edge lord. Taiwan is nice because it is a tiny country with fuckload of us support, heck their new president can't speak Chinese properly, they're in for trouble.
This. It's weird cunts don't realize this.
The best outcome for China was to become a nip colony.
Subhumans who can't rule themselves without foreign help aren't fit to rule their superiors.
The cultural revolution was one of the best things to ever happen to China.
On that basis alone without Mao they would be a massive shitcan.
Chiang tried to force China to become Christian. Communism comes and goes, but Christianity would've fucked China forever.
No, it would still be an illegitimate regime. China needs an emperor.
>Thich Quang Duc immolated himself in or had any ties to china
Taiwan was also a nicely developed and modernized Japanese colony even before the mainland refugees poured in, it was similar to Hong Kong or Singapore in many ways.
Yeah, a Japanese one.
t. Hiroshi Wakataka
Only weebs and chinks/nips are so stupid to think that some races inherently need authoritarian leaders. No, your culture is not a unique snowflake.
If pic related is to be believed, then it possibly could be if they were able to continue the success of the 1930s.
If Chiang followed Sun Yat-sen's political motives, then the KMT would eventually become less authoritarian as the quality of life in China rose. Of course, there is no guarantee that Chiang would follow his predecessor.
Marginally better.
Then again, the Soviets may have killed them all if the KMT won.
What ifs are so difficult to know for sure.
The mandate of Heaven passed to the Gong dynasty founded by the First Chairman (birth name: Mao Zedong)
t: CPC cadre
Taiwan had preferential US trade deals as well and Japanese support.
That's crucial.
Once Communist China got a trade deal with America, they boomed 10% a year.
This, finally someone knows about the Nanjing Decade. The warlords were subjugated, the commies were close to extinction, it was a time of unparalleled hope and progress until stupid Japs came and ruined everything.
Considering Nips got BTFO so hard they became an American colony, I have to disagree.
>Japan's emperor is an 85 year old dude with Alzheimers
Lmao no
This looks inaccurate and purposefully exaggerated.
Does it include "number of warlords" "amount of rape" and "civilians starved"?
Qing Emperor legally abdicated to the ROC, and in 1971 the UN legally passed the ROC's ownership to the PRC.
The Japs always ruin everything.
>"amount of rape" and "civilians starved"
Why would the Japanese army be in China during 1912-1936?
>what is Manchuria
>what is Tsingtao
>what is Shanghai
Although yes, those regions didn't have much to do with the majority of the nation.
His country got invaded and cucked by china just a few years later so I think he would be rather mad about that.
And they were idiots in their battles
>le chiang was corrupt maymay
Literally no proof, except mad US advisors that were bullied by a small chinkman
>citation needed
>Thich Quang Duc is the only person to ever immolate himself
Read a fucking book, or at least a news article, nigger.
>The warlords were subjugated
Lel. In a small area around Nanjing.
He killed himself in protest against the oppression of buddhists by south vietnam during the vietnam war (which lasted for two decades), while the US was supporting this regime. China invaded almost two decades later, and that war lasted a few months.