>take a 300 year old empire
>massacre all intellectuals and send all hard-working landlords to camps in the far north
>while giving all their lands and belongings to illiterate slackers and hobos
What could possibly go wrong?
Take a 300 year old empire
Other urls found in this thread:
>hard-working landlords
Intellectuals are overrated.
Death to the bourgeoisie.
>It's a Bolsheviks weren't Russian Ivan wuz good boi we real victims here episode
Commieshits aren't just non-russian, they're not human as well.
>What could possibly go wrong?
Reminder that the constructors of the space race stem from a Russian Empire educational background.
Reminder that the current generation, stemming from superior Soviet education, is behind Japan and even France.
>Shithole that has always been shit is behind education wise two of the most advanced nations on earth
Jesus Christ who would've thought h
modern russia's space program is behind india as well
Its because all of the Bolshevik except Stalin were Jews. Look it up. From the original Bolshevik to the latest Stalin generation of NKVD, NARKOM, SOVNARKOM and Politbiro leaders.
>things that are false
>massacre all intellectuals
>The following Soviet scientists were recipients of a Nobel Prize.
>1958 Pavel Cherenkov, Ilya Frank and Igor Tamm "for the discovery and interpretation of the Cherenkov effect"
>1962 Lev Landau "for his theories about condensed matter, particularly about liquid helium superfluidity"
>1964 Nikolay Basov and Aleksandr Prokhorov "for fundamental work in the area of the quantum electronics, which led to the construction of oscillators and amplifiers on the basis of the maser laser principle"
>1978 Pyotr Kapitsa "for his fundamental inventions and discoveries in Cryophysics"
>2001 Zhores Alferov (RU) "for the development of semiconductor heterostructures for high-speed and opto-electronics" (working in the time of the USSR)
>2003 Alexei Abrikosov (RU), Vitaly Ginzburg (RU) "for innovative work in the theory about superconductors" (working in the time of the USSR)
>Japan pre-US liberation
You anti-Semite genocidal amalekite! You probably want to put all the Jews in the gas chambers just like Pharoah!
this is a meme. From the top of my head: Kalinin, Bukharin and Plekhanov weren't Jews. Stop believing /pol/-macros.
Former KGB colonel and president of the Russian Federation disagrees. See 0:13
This was before that glorious king Joseph Stalin purged most of them
>take a 300 year old empire
>replace it with one that didn't even last a single century
>hard-working landlords
>implying there wasn't a high agricultural output
Putler is an absolute madman, wish western leaders could be this based
>Its because all of the Bolshevik except Stalin were Jews.
>80-85% of the government are Jews
If you seriously can't see the difference between those two statements there is no point in talking to you.
Now find something other than a statement from a corrupt dictator to back up your claim (I am Russian btw):
>In the 1920s, of the 417 members of the Central Executive Committee, the party Central Committee, the Presidium of the Executive of the Soviets of the USSR and the Russian Republic, the People's Commissars, 6% were ethnic Jews.[20]
>Among members of the Central Executive Committee of the Congress of Soviets in 1929, there were 402 ethnic Russians, 95 Ukrainians, 55 Jews, 26 Latvians, 13 Poles, and 12 Germans – Jewish representation had declined from 60 members in 1927.[22] With regards to Jewish representation in the ruling Politburo, it waned rapidly starting in 1918. It began with the assassination of Uritsky in August 1918. Then Sverdlov died of disease in March 1919 and Sokolnikov was shunted aside. Three years later in 1922, Jewish members in the Central Committee, the Politburo's new name, had shrunk to a minority of three: Trotsky, Zinoviev and Kamenev. Eventually they were physically eliminated by Joseph Stalin: Zinoviev and Kamenev in 1936 and Trotsky in 1940.
>not knowing that the Soviet Union is a continuation of the Zarist Empire.
I recommend The Quest for Order and the Pursuit of Terror: National Socialist Germany and the Stalinist Soviet Union as Multiethnic Empires, in: Sheila Fitzpatrick/Michael Geyer (Hrsg.), Beyond Totalitarianism. Stalinism and Nazism Compared, Cambridge 2009, S. 180-230.
Wow, fucking Wikipedia is full of shit. I'm gonna take the President of the Russian Federation's word for it.
>Putin is le corrupt dictator
>I'm a Russian btw
Jew or LGBT?
>Wikipedia is full of shit
>Putin isn't
Wiki has references, Putin doesn't. But it's pointless. You are a /pol/tard and you would even doubt Russian primary sources since nothing is able to change you pathological anti-semite worldview.
>Jew or LGBT
Straight white male. Also if you think Putin is somehow against Jews, you are plain wrong. One of his closest allies was/is Abramovitch. Guess his ethnicity.
>post Youtube clip as source
>better than a heavily reviewed wiki page with dozens of references
I know Jews are powerful in Russia still. They are everywhere, thanks to constant US and British support.
>pathological anti-Semite worldview
Sorry, you mean the one that's supported by an ever abounding multitude of cold hard facts?
>an official speech given by a former KGB colonel and current President of the Russian Federation (the internationally recognized legal successor to all Soviet governments)
>worse than an anonymously edited internet webpage
>cold hard facts
You mean the things you chose to ignore? Like the figures and names I posted? Including reference to standard works on the history of the party?
>former KGB colonel
>not the epitome of a professional liar
>Shithole that has always been shit is behind education wise two of the most advanced nations on earth
You'd think Soviet education would have made the country that launched the first man in space on par with Japan and France in the 21st century, don't you think?
Instead we have Russian politicians admitting they're far behind the US in therms of space technology.
>He also said that the press had misquoted his statement on Russia lagging behind the United States in space exploration.
Well, that backfired massively.
It says they lag in production, which makes sense. We still need to use their rockets to enter space though.
>Intellectuals are overrated.
>those digits
>Reminder that the current generation, stemming from superior Soviet education, is behind Japan and even France.
which is why teh only way to get people to the ISS is from a former soviet cosmodrome in Kazakhstan using russian designed and built rockets
user, I'm afraid that you're very wrong.
Now, look deeply into my eyes...
>hard-working landlords
The USA is literally relying on Russian rockets at the moment.
As historically happened.
Can they shoot one up and land it on a drone ship?
Musk:1 USA: 1/2 RU:0
Just wait until the SLS takes off in 2018, no one will be able to compete.
I love what Musk is up to but let's not get ahead of ourselves SpaceX haven't conducted a single manned flight into space yet.
You can boast when you actually are back ahead of the Russians and not relying on them.
Can they launch a rocket without dying?
The answer's yes.
You think because they have a decent rocket that can reach the ISS in LEO they're ahead? You are sorely mistaken.
Wow 2 shuttles blew up over the 30 years it operated. Where was the Soviet's reusable launch vehicle? Right they couldn't build one. Busan was ashit.
>Wow 2 shuttles blew up over the 30 years it operated. Where was the Soviet's reusable launch vehicle?
Yes, killing a grand total of 14 people to the Soviet's 4 (none of which were for disintigrations on re-entry). Also note that the last Russian fatality was in 1971, whereas the last American one was in 2003.
>Where was the Soviet's reusable launch vehicle?
Dude, if your reusable launch vehicle keeps killing people then maybe you're better off without one.
>You think because they have a decent rocket that can reach the ISS in LEO they're ahead? You are sorely mistaken.
The fact they have a rocket capable of carrying people into space puts them ahead of the USA at the moment, yes.
Come back to me when you have one and I will consider whether to agree if you have caught up.
It's 2 vehicles to 2 vehicles what's your point? if the soviets could support 7, then 7 would have died each time.
>better off without one
Yeah remember all the satellites we repaired? try to do that in your iron balls.
This. This is why we're ahead.
2 years
Come back to me in two years and I will re-assess your progress.
Until then you are dismissed.
Also note that both Soviet accidents happened for two different reasons, which seemingly must have been rectified afterwards. And neither of which were a problem as major as the entire thing exploding.
>Yeah remember all the satellites we repaired?
Yeah, the space shuttle's so great. There's a reason we still use it.
Oh wait we don't because it was a piece of shit. Literally a step backwards from the Apollo program.
You're a massive faggot.
>Also note that both Soviet accidents happened for two different reasons, which seemingly must have been rectified afterwards. And neither of which were a problem as major as the entire thing exploding.
Same with the space shuttle. Additionally the space shuttle was a spacecraft, not a reentry capsule, much more complex and fragile, mostly made of aluminum. If you fly something made of aluminum through the atmosphere with a problem with the heat shield you will burn up and the aluminum will come apart. A steel capsule or whatever the Soviets use will probably just fry the guys inside like eggs.
Oh no, you're one of those "we shoulda kept shooting ICBMs into space" people. The space shuttles accomplished goals rockets and capsules could not.
>Socialist Sweden nobel prize
>The space shuttles accomplished goals rockets and capsules could not.
Wrong. Everything the shuttles did could have been done with rockets, and even better if done properly.
>Oh no, you're one of those "we shoulda kept shooting ICBMs into space" people. The space shuttles accomplished goals rockets and capsules could not.
It didn't.
The Space Shuttle was massively expensive, significantly more expensive in fact than expendable capsules whilst also being less reliable and generally an absolute shitshow. At this point in time advances in technology allow for expendable rockets to do basically everything the space shuttle once did whereas the space shuttle was essentially a waste of time. Had the US just stuck to expendable rockets the entirety of space travel might be better off.
>Straight white male.
straight white imperialist cisscum
>neo marxism
Soyuz is a spacecraft as well, not a "capsule". It's what the US will have with Orion.
this meme again
You realize that Putin is literally just a pawn to jewish oligarchs?
>(I am kike btw)
Thanks for the info. At least we know why you're so hell-bent on defending a genocidal minority of who spearheaded a plan to kill over 20 million people (in Russia alone) for their own financial and political gain.
Jews invented communism. Jews spread communist ideas. They led the charge to overthrow countless governments in the 20th century and they ended up reaping the benefits afterwards. That's not important, though, because they also had cronies who were non-jews. Give me a fucking break.
Why does communism attract such smelly masses of hippy fucks?
>Wears Che Guevara shirt
Do you know who half the people in your pic are? Outside of being jewish or having relation to jews.
>There are actually people who believe that Jews were over represented in the USSR after Lenin died
Get a load of this fascist puppet.
>Twenty Sixteen
>Thinking Le Comintern can ever compete with Capitalism
>The age of technology and social media
>Thinking anyone will ever think of themselves as part of a class, united as one.
>all evidence that contradicts me is Jews
>My info graphic and my Russian dictator fetish are 100% true and pure
>Just wait until the SLS takes off in 2018
>just wait
Totally gonna be 2018
The SLS is planned for 2018, but there's talk of a delay.
Also, the first manned flight isn't gonna happen till 2024.
Soviet Union had one of the highest literacy rates in the world.
My grandmother who visited the Soviet Union in the 70's as a tourist, told me when she went to the metro in Moscow every single person there was reading a book.
Plus the massive spending in public works, engineering and physics pushed science in ways the Russian Empire couldn't even dream of.
Mishima was a middle role playing faggot manlet failure
The Kulaks were not landlords in the traditional sense of the word. They were much more akin to the American yeomanry in that they were broadly self-sufficient land-owners who worked alongside their few slaves / peasants.
>Soviet Union had one of the highest literacy rates in the world.
>My grandmother who visited the Soviet Union in the 70's as a tourist, told me when she went to the metro in Moscow every single person there was reading a book.
Didn't take 20 years for it to become the most drinking one.
Communism in Russia was massively supported by intellectuals, actually, it could be said that communism, not only in Russia but in anywhere in the world, can be understood as an historical phenomenom not as the "common ownership of the means of production", which never happened, but as "rule by intellectuals", which is the common thread that links all communist countries.
>implying the landlords had anything to do with this