>Veeky Forums dogs
I am a firm believer that the only REAL Veeky Forums dogs are of the hunting/retriever type. Little dogs are try hard dogs.
Pic is a pointer.
>Veeky Forums dogs
I am a firm believer that the only REAL Veeky Forums dogs are of the hunting/retriever type. Little dogs are try hard dogs.
Pic is a pointer.
There are smaller working dogs though senpai
Shiba Inu is top tier.
My vote for most Veeky Forums dog
Small dogs in general are try hard. They aren't Veeky Forums. Small dogs have the "cute" stigma attached to them.
>I am a firm believer that the only REAL Veeky Forums dogs are of the hunting/retriever type.
This senpai.
only good answer ITT
Rate my dog.
35 lbs French Bulldog x Beagle
Too small to be Veeky Forums. Angry face.
Real schnauzers are pretty damn FA.
Shibas are assholes. They don't get along with other dogs
Their hair and beard get so crunchy and not healthy feeling/looking.
So.... Veeky Forums IRL?
rate my doggo
shit picture/10
My lab.
Here's my doggo
American Cockerspaniel has effay qualities.
top doggos, would pet
The most Veeky Forums dog is the one who loves you as much as you love him
aka all dogs
Weimaraner is the top dog.
Daschund is the only acceptable answer.
Pitbull ofc
What's good with that dogs foot, looks chomped on
Dobermans are the best
Yep, it is. Got her used, and the rear passenger tire was blown out. She came from an abusive situation, but you wouldn't be able to tell if she wasn't missing toes/ part of her foot.
Austalian kelpie of course
irish wolfhounds is are the most Veeky Forums dogs by far
Gun dogs arent Veeky Forums at all. They are prone to obesity and more often than not, are hyperactive.
Small dogs and spitz breeds are just memes.
Dobermans and belgian malinois are pretty fuckn Veeky Forums though.
I like the local breeds.
What's the name of that breed?
All dogs are dope. I have a golden retriever and a half pomeranian half poodle that are both incredibly lovable. I've also had a sheltie and a rat terrier when I was younger. The rat terrier was the best friend that I ever had.
Rhodesian Ridgeback is THE milspo dog.
Every kid's first dog should be a terrier. They're too small to get too rough with the kids unlike bigger breeds, yet still have just as much energy as the child does.
My first puppy was a Jack Russell Terrier/Dachshund mix. I loved that little bastard so much.
Working dogs and other breeds that were bred for practical purposes will always be the best.
Them and I also just love the Pariah group, those are top tier too.
lmao are you so insecure in your masculinity that you need a "manly" dog??? Fuck me bud, cause you sound like a wet soppin puss.
Reminder that Poodles were bred to be hunting dogs. And they make top tier duck hunting dogs.
Fucking awesome photo. I'd give my eyeteeth for that dog or one of it's puppies.
borzois are nice
I could see this pic being the cover for a cool album
nice doggo 12/10
Veeky Forums opinion in my fuzzy doggo?
are you me
Any dog except the small yappy ones.
big doggos are the best kind of doggos, they're the only ones that consider you as their friends and not as their master
13/10, you managed to get a combo of two of my favorite breeds and I'm jealous
I got a Spinone, we're friends
You fuckers have clearly never seen a well groomed Wire-hair Fox Terrier.
Most aesthetic dog on the planet.
They are also genuine assholes. Almost lost half my nose to mine.
This is my favorite thread
Good dogs great dubs
10/10 looks like a good boy.
10/10 excellent doggo
Amazing, treasure them
These dogs are def /conceptualart/ af. William Wegman used them to great effect.
Beautiful doggo
I do have a soft spot for Dobermans, I believe they are particularly Veeky Forums with the ears clipped. That's abuse though unfortunately
10/10 best friendo lookin ass dog
Who's a good boy!!
Here's my puggo with her new sweater.
Xenophobic like the gooks that raised them
ony cats can be Veeky Forums
i wanna pet that pupper
Here's your >(You)
Yeah, go ahead and walk your cat in public retard.
georgian shepherd go big or go home faggits
I think Portuguese Water Dogs are Veeky Forums.
I had one growing up and it was great. Everyone says this but it may have been one of the friendliest and most lovable dogs I've ever known.
They are extremely athletic and intelligent. Plus they have hair not fur.
Brussels Griffon are the top dogs.
Dogs aren't fashion accessories. You should get the dog that fits your lifestyle best, not your favorite.
No they're not, they're a literal meme dog.
I saw someone walking a big fuckin saimese cat once, it was probably pure breed
lookin tough pupper 11/10
kind eye doggo with more muscle than me 13/10
branch manager 12/10
shiny coat and boopable nose 13/10
battle scar, would become pirates with 11/10
please do not post bears in the dog thread... 12/10
wise old man 11/10
effay bread roll 12/10
*Dachshund its german for badger dog.
my dog is more Veeky Forums than I am
lmao so insecure
corgos are the cutest
My pup is Veeky Forums as fuck
Woops, bad pic
tibetan mastiff.
do want
R8 doggers
The black one is sick, pray for him
3/3 I'd pet them all. Hope your doggart will be okay!
This tbqh familia
But I’ve heard that they have a pretty shit character...
stay hungry fat doggo
Heres my wolf-dog hybrid
Shes a cutie and my best friend
Black poodle come on guys....
I live with this little faggot who has tends to get his paws stuck in his collar. I hate him so much.
buy a smaller collar...
He's just big boned, ok?
Skinny is always Veeky Forums therefore greyhounds and other sightdogs are effay as fuck
get a smaller collar idiot
very pretty dogger
Best doggo coming through
lmao that face
Very handsome doggo
post an Veeky Forums small doggo if you're talking shit. pro tip: it's impossible.