Where did the Dravidians come from? Why don't they look like East/Southeast Asians?

Where did the Dravidians come from? Why don't they look like East/Southeast Asians?
No angry "Indo-Aryans" in this thread please.

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Their closest relatives are the australoid aboriginals

Some racial anthropologist call them veddoid race.

well, they were there before the Aryans showed up, but nobody's really quite sure. some people think they're Elamites.

Australoids and Dravidians are probably descended from a common ancestor.


That little girl looks pissed.

They're not related to Aussie abbos as people like to think.

They are the original inhabitants of India, and they are Proto-Caucasians if you can imagine such a thing.

Probably a left over from before the Indo Aryans

Actually these people ventured to Australia and rekt aboriginals so hard that they took over most of the country as seen by the language shift.

The original inhabitants of India who founded the Indus Valley civilization, which had variations of the civilization replicated by the Aryans. Nowadays, Dravidians reside in mainly southern India. I assume that most of them are poor due to the fact that they were the traditional "untouchables".

fun fact for you
untouchables and castes themselves varied largely over the indian subcontinent.

What's your point?

Who cares? Shitskins are all historically irrelevent.


indians are veddoids.
elamites (caucasoid migrants from persia) created harappa.
The Veddoid natives of India experienced Dravidification by adopting the language of the Elamites.
mitochondrial DNA (which is maternally inherited) studies indicated that Indian mtDNA lineages cluster with the southeast Asians (Papuans), indicative of the Australoid-Veddoid substratum.

tl;dr indians are veddoid/australoid

recent studies indicate that the mtDNA lineages in India belong to the Australoid M haplogroup, whose Indian variety (T at np16223) probably originated around 48000 +/- 1500 years before present (i.e. about 46000 BC), and more than 98% of the M individuals carry this variety. This haplogroup is reaches 96.7% amongst the Kotas of the South.

Among its lineages M2 is the most diverse and occurs in significantly higher frequency among the Austro-asiatic tribals. The M3 (frequent among Dravidian tribals), M4, and M5 are also found in significant numbers.

papuans are not south east asians, they're more related to papua new guineans, pacific islanders and aborigines

Papuans and Negritos are the original southeast Asians from Indochina down.
You need to read the genetic studies done on Aboriginals. South Asians migrated en masse and influenced aboriginal genetics.


nothing, much like the user who lumped every dravidian into being an untouchable

That picture is a straight up abbo woman, not Indian.
This whole area of genetics is very blurry to us. I struggle to believe they have anything in common with abbos when abbos are clearly borderline subhuman, incapable of anything, whereas dravidians have had plenty of great civilisations and built those awesome towers and all sorts. I think theres definitely admixture which makes it all very confusing but they are most likely just their own race

aussie shitposter as usual

~50k yrs ago veddoids from india followed coastal route to australia to become aussie abs

~5k yrs ago veddoids from india returned and reinforced themselves in australia

veddoids form the bedrock race and have spawned the mongoloids/caucasoids/negroids

elamites are persians who dominated over veddoids before yamna

dravids are veddoids who adopted elamite language

in india there still exists veddoids who speak the original australoid language related to austro-aboriginal lang

Why are indian women hundreds of times more beautiful than their male counterparts?

>in india there still exists veddoids who speak the original australoid language related to austro-aboriginal lang

Their Australoid language has survived in many Indian tribes, including the Kol and Munda (Mundari) in Eastern and Central India.

The majority of modern Indians have adopted either Dravid (Elamite) or Hindi (Aryan) languages that replaced their ancestral Australoid (Veddoid) languages.

The Australoids are a race of people with wavy hair, spread over the whole of India, Burma and the islands of Southeast Asia and Australia. They are said by some to "form the bedrock of the people."

veddoids are the original ppl of asia from whom other races developed.

caucasoid elamites moved to india and introduced the dravidian language to veddoids of india.

dravidians are veddoids who adopted the language of the elamite elites

As far as I know the southern aboriginal population of India emigrated from East Africa to South India by sea route