Nocoiners on suicide watch

Nocoiners on suicide watch.

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People drove up the price of virtual beanie babies again?

anjoii yer trip succ' ers


Naw not really.


So you mean that... difficulty goes up over time and has no correlation to price? Holy shit that is such a genius observation user!


This word does not mean what you think it means.

hahahaha. /r/buttcoin is right. all of you buttcoiners are the same

just use a log graph!

see. it's going up!

i have 0.01 will it go to the moon?

I bought $100 worth a couple months ago can I tell my boss I quit?



This word does not mean what you think it means.

This word does not mean what you think it means.

>this is all nocoiners have left

ecs dee

Insulting people is the strangest recruitment tactic I've seen as far as pyramid schemes go.

Looks like it's not really effective.

The halving isn't going to do anything to the price, just like the last halving, you dolt. Why do you think this one is going to be any different?




This word does not mean what you think it means.

subtract chinese holders and traffic and it's not even a pixel.
it's already done lol.

this these guys don't seem to comprehend what happens at a halving.
market share of some miners increase while others drop out if the transactions fees don't jump to compensate. that is all that happens.

> derivatives

Imagining that derivatives are actually worth money is worse than believing in bitcoin. They're just a scam to get fund managers paid.












>yfw this is all one person
Fucking hell bitcoiners are so autistic.



This word does not mean what you think it means.

How do I buy BTC
Should I buy them?

Yes you should definitely buy some. Theres one guy on Veeky Forums who is extremely bullish on them and gives his assurance that they are going to 10k per coin by 2017 and not slowly stagnating like they have been for years. His assurance is as good as money in the fucking bank. Don't listen to the rest of 99% of Veeky Forums who has abandoned bitcoin a long time ago, we are just coping with the sweet gains he is getting and all the lambos he is buying.


Lmao. Right on cue.

In all honestly, investing a few hundred into TRUMPCOIN was the best thing i did, receiving great gains and like seeing 15% gain daily.. get onboard before its to late my friend

I ignored the shills and abandoned bitcoin after mt gox.

Why do I need to cope?

According to that graph, USD is literally the most stable. Bitcoin BTFO'd!

How does the price doubling in the past six months equate to "slowly stagnating over past years" in your head?


Haha same! Bought in with $50 4 days ago, sitting at almost $180 now. Take out my initial investment and let the rest ride for a couple months.

truth is the autists just make a lot of noise.

Because user doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. As well as trying to undermine the belief in any currency other than the centralized fiat he loves so much. If Bitcoin was really worthless then there would be no point in these people constantly trying to convince you it's worthless.

well truth is bitcoin is not worthless because the mass hallucination by the believers that it has value gives it worth.

it's kinda like watching the orks in wh40k go about their business.

the fact that it's unsustainable, unstable, highly speculative, and highly inconvenient as a currency doesn't mean it has no value tho. but i can only laugh about people giving prophecies about it's future price because as fast as it was adopted in a mass hysteria it can be dumped faster in one and possibly never recover. i think it can go to $10k or $0 but it does look like it's gonna repeat the previous stunt and if offshore gets cracked down by world governments some wannabe rich-fags might try to rush their illegit savings into bitcoin which would skyrocket the price like with the greeks... so yeah there is that.

nocoiners on respiratory support


it equates to nocoiner cope

cope like the pope

I don't think you know what stagnation means.

I don't think you know what cope means.


retards like you are the worst thing that can happen to a cryptocurrency

kek the truth is it's not bitcoin that gets up in price it's the usd that gets shit on right now. most currencies are backed with usd too.

the cope thing is pretty funny

What are you... 5?

I honestly hope you are trolling.
>Currencies compared to USD
>USD most stable

Yall think Trump coin could pull a Doge?

>Pyramid scheme

"An event that consists of just three roundtables moderated by the founder of the EDCAB Siân Jones for industry and policymakers with representatives from the IMF, World Bank, United Nations, OECD, Bank for International Settlements, Barclays, NASDAQ, and Circle Internet Financial all in attendence in the European Parliament of Brussels for discussions focusing on virtual currencies is a sign of times.

The European Parliament is preparing its own initiative report on virtual currencies, with the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs scheduled to vote on the report on 25th April 2016."

You have no fucking clue what a pyramid scheme is, unless your definition of pyramid scheme is applies to any form of asset.

>highly inconvenient
I got some money in Bitcoin, and trust me I agree to the possibility of it failing, and being volatile and bla bla bla, but ffs you just said highly inconvenient I want to punch a wall of how retarded that is.

Also, I would argue that Btc (or the crypto currency that gets the job done, I'm talking more about the concept than Btc itself) is better than gold in any scenario, but even if you disagree, just judging market caps, should give you an approximated idea of how freaking far both are, and how much fucking room to grow there is even if we admit Btc is 1/100 as good as gold.

market cap of gold:
market cap of Btc:


It's a pyramid scheme.

>you just said highly inconvenient I want to punch a wall of how retarded that is.
i stand my ground user it is inconvenient as fuck if i want to buy bread or milk i can't possibly use it. i would have more luck with a silver coin with the cashier lady. transactions take forever to go through while bank transfers go down to almost instantaneous card payments in fact are.

it's just not there yet to be useful as a full currency. huge problems with the unregulated trade also.

when early adopters / organizers take huge gains and late adopters hold the bag it's usually called that. details are unimportant.


This. OP just can't cope with being a late adopter.

So gold, silver, any form of investment, no matter what or how it is a pyramid scheme.

If not elaborate where is the difference between them.

>room to grow
This is the stupidest argument you guys have come up with yet. By this argument we should all invest and convert all our USD to Nigerian Naira since it has a ton of "room to grow". Lets totally dismiss the fact that it is a failing currency used by a very small percentage of the world population for anything (much like bitcoin). You have to have a very active imagination for that amount of mental gymnastics.

>Let's not dwell on the fact that it has a small marketcap, is scarcely used and extremely volatile, no, lets instead look at the small marketcap as a "growth opportunity"!

Topkek. Bitcoin is like the kid in class who the teacher takes pity on and gives the "most improved" award at the end of the year even though he is still failing.

bitcoin need to drop
eth is bleeding

It's only inconvenient when the population doesn't know how to fucking use it. Of course it's going to be volatile, and risky Crypto currencies are still in their infancy and will have plenty of time to mature. There is a mountain of untapped value to be had here, so of course it's filled with pnd's and get rich quicks. It's inevitable that crypto will dominate the future of currencies. But I guess there will always be naysayers and blind devotion

>It's inevitable that crypto will dominate the future of currencies
This is where you went full retard.

except that early adopters are gone ages ago and in no way profit from today's exchanges

Are you fucking retard?
SEPA transaction 2 avg natural days, not working in holidays.
BTC transaction at it worst day 1 hour, normally around 5-20min any time, anywhere, laughable fees.

Go ahead I bet you 500 Euros, that I send you btc and it arrives at least 5 times faster than what it cost you to send me money in my bank account with less fees.
And now you are fucking talking about buying bread, lmfao.
Won't even bother answering that part. (You can fill visa type cards and pay with them on the fly.)

It is just not there, WTF do you think you are talking about, of course it is not fully adopted yet fucking come on, kill yourself.

Some user sent a video of an interview of random people being asked about cellphones in 2000~ same aplies, hope someone got the video and can link.

Not even gonna bother answer such a retarded argument, when Nigerian Naira get's accepted as a payment for the new model of Tesla the same week Steam anounces it will be adopted as a payment option, while EU discussing about it with a lot of big names involved, ALL IN THE SAME FUCKING WEEK, just call me, and I will be investing in Nigerian Naira, you fucing donk.

Yeah you aren't wrong but there is plenty of convenient uses if you know how to use it. Besides its gonna take more than 10 years for cryptocurrencies to breakthrough to mainstream when it's hampered by systems currently in place. You think banking and other systems would open up right away to a crypto currency? It's all groundwork for the future, people are impatient and can't see any farther than tomorrow.

So being adopted by fucking banks to use it as an underlying transfer method, because it is a more efficient system than any current one is failing for you, please bro, illuminate all the fucking math genius that proposed nakamoto to be the nobel prize, you are a fucking ignorant.

And don't get me wrong, I know Btc have flaws, but you won't ever comprehend what them are in your lifetime, so fucking please, shut the fuck up.

Oh yeah because we haven't already started phasing out coinage.wealth is digital. Most people don't even use cash to buy everyday things anymore. You went full retard when you proved you can't see past your Jew nose.

Bitcoin isn't even close to it's all time high. So the train hasn't left, if it even is one.

Holy fuck you're an idiot lmao.

>can buy a car with bitcoin
>can buy games online with bitcoin
>can't pay nigerian taxes with bitcoin
>can't pay rent in nigeria with bitcoin
>can't pay for electricity bill for nogerian house in bitcoin

Now let's look at nigerian naira.
>can buy a car with naira
>can buy games online with naira
>can pay nigerian taxes with naira
>can pay rent in nigeria with naira
>can pay for electricity bill for nigerian house in naira

Holy shit Bitcoin just BTFO by one of the most worst, volatile, failing currencies I can think of. That's just embarassing.

>Besides its gonna take more than 10 years for cryptocurrencies to breakthrough to mainstream
Will never ever happen. Bitcoin is a shit currency and will always be.

Cool, didn't mention Bitcoin.

>bitcoin is being adopted by banks
>i dont know what blockchain tech is
Hahahahah. Oh fuck. Fucking kill yourself.

>elimination of cash means everyone will use bitcoin

Banks aren't buying into bitcoin you retard. They're using blockchain technology to process payments in fiat currency.

>elimination of cash, capital controls, negative interest rates won't incentivize people to use Bitcoin


Cool, never said It had to be Bitcoin.

Daily reminder:

If you don't own any bitcoins by now, you should seriously rethink your life.

Ok wise ass. Let's look and see which one is faster and more convenient. Lets assume that people already have accounts since we know that bank accounts take 15 minutes to open and verify and bitcoin exchange accounts can take days.

Fastest way to send money with NO fees:
>intrabank transfer
>bob and tim both have accounts at Wells Fargo
>bob sends tim $5000 directly to his account online. Takes 1 minute.
>tim can spend the money immediately anywhere that USD is accepted

Another fast way to send money with NO fee:
>paypal account
>bob sends his friend tim $5000 over paypal
>tim can spend it immediately wherever USD is accepted

Slower way to send money with fees (assuming that bob and tim dont have access to same bank or live out of country):
>inter-bank transfer
>bob sends $5000 from his banking account to tims banking account
>bob and tim pay less than 1% fee combined
>transaction takes a couple business days
>tim can spend the money wherever USD is accepted

Even slower way to send money with MORE fees
>bitcoin transfer
>bob wires $5000 worth of USD to bitcoin exchange
>this usually takes a couple business days to go through
>bank charges same wire transfer fee as they would for interbank transfer
>some exchanges charge a deposit fee on top of that
>bob buys $5000 worth of bitcoin on exchange
>bob recieves bitcoin pretty quickly and sends it to tim
>because it is a couple days later, bitcoin drops 5% in price because bitcoin is volatile
>tim needs the money to pay rent so sells bitcoin on exchange
>exchange charges a transaction fee
>tim has USD sitting on bitcoin exchange now so sends it to his bank account
>some bitcoin exchanges charge a withdrawal fee
>bank account charges an incoming wire transfer fee to put it in the account
>it takes another couple business days for tim to recieve the USD that is considerably smaller after all the fees

...bitcoin is so much faster, easier and cheaper, amirite?

Exactly this. Nothing will incentivize people to use bitcoin at this point. Its a terrible currency and an even worse store of value.

no fucking shit it's going to be more convienent to use an already in place established system than it is to use a new one.

Yerp. I dropped $125, now it's soaring. Going to sit on it and probably pull out half after he wins Cali.

If you can't beat em, join em.

Not really. Paypal was always super convenient even in the beginning. I guess thats why payal blew up to almost 200 million users and bitcoin is struggling to maintain even a tiny fraction of that. Covenience is king.

How do I buy into this and help make currency great again?

What did I just say?

Gonna repeat it just in case you don't get it.

being adopted by fucking banks to use it as an underlying transfer method
transparent to the user
not buying bitcoin
using it anyway

I stated since the start of the conversation, I'm talking about blockchain more than bitcoin itself, but still being bitcoin the best and only reliable blockchain out there yet.