Haoleopteryx on Reddit MFA

Anyone else hate this bald fag? He can't even dress himself and falls for every meme in the book while flaming people for wearing polos or techwear. He is a joke.

I can't post this on Reddit because I'd just get downvoted into oblivion. Hate that site sometimes but I'm too prolific there to quit. Funny thing is he thinks we are friends on MFA but I secretly hate his bald ass.

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This is so fucking pathetic please off yourself OP.

why do you care

hi Haoleopteryx
Because I wanted to rant? Is that not allowed here anymore, Stalin?

i'd hate to be your friend. you sound toxic

you can quit MFA, you won't be missed

its a good fit tho lmao

Tbh not a great fit but you don't have to be a giant dick OP lol

anyone who wears polos and techwear should be flamed

Why don't you post a fit so we can judge you

So I'm the only one who hates this insufferable cunt? There are so many MFA cross posters here, I am surprized.

give the people who dont know him context
judging just by the fit you posted he seems to be a slightly better than average but still not that good poster

Got fit of your own we could check out?

is his phone really big or is he just really small

looking at him is like a logic puzzle

Veeky Forums is not your blog.

>litterally who sucks
>I know him from reddit xd
>I don't even have the balls to tell him that I hate him xdd
>I'm just gonna vent on Veeky Forums about how uncool that reddit guy is xddd
this is pathetic

Reddit may be a cesspool, but you're the faggot here, OP

He is a massive cunt but you're also a blog posting faggot so fuck off

So are you dom or imatleasttwelve?

I hate crossposters so fucking much


here is an example of his faggotry

oh and this pretentious article.




this is solid proof this board (and eventually this site) is dying

lel this is the dude who has you triggered

Imagine actually going to reddit at all



You can see how he's trying to go norm core but with highquality shit. Except none of it really works. The trousers in particular are just so fucking out of place with everything else.

why do l torture myself by coming here

this thread officialises Veeky Forums as a reddit suburb

what a faggot lmao
polos are totally fine

You're crazy. I started coming here for something that was just like reddit, but edgy. This is perfect.

>hates reddit
>afraid of downvotes
>"too prolific to stop"

OP are you sure the tremendous fucking faggot wasn't your own reflection

internet fashion is for fucking losers period

Back to plennit.

if this is a joke im not laughing

That pic looks exponentially better than 90% of the blouse and tights wearing closet gays that post here.