Its time to start investing in AMD, even though theyre at an all time low, being in every video game consol and soon to be in every new mac (
Its time to start investing in AMD, even though theyre at an all time low...
Earnings are due and they're expected to look bad. And I really like amd, but if Polaris and the new cpu's don't deliver shit will hit the fan
people are bound to buy the new macbook regardless, so im going to put 500 into amd.
how much would you say it will grow in the next year?
around 20million macs were sold last year, lets assume that figure stays the same even though its likely to rise.
An amd cpu will cost around 40 dollars to produce and we can eastimate apple will pay 60 per chip, so thats a new profit of 400mil. Game consols will continue to sell at a steady rate and ps4 will increase in sales due to VR support.
I dont know how much this will affect their stock price by though, probably will double it, it seems to spike with each new architechure release as well
well its worth putting 2000 in it
>VR support
I eagerly await all the stories of nausea and vomiting after it becomes apparent that a PS4 can't get 90fps at 1440p
where can i buy their stock? (i should mention that i am not from the us)
Degiro maybe?
Already up, new deals announced with chinesr oems. get in before its too late to make serious money
source of semen demon
Is it worth it at this point? It's up 20%
>tfw I cancelled my order to buy at $2.68 a few weeks ago cuz I thought it would go down..
it's at its highest since 2014, but with the announcements likely coming in the next 2-3 months, it could potentially reach $8-10 again like they did during the hype in '12.
OP delivered, 18% gain overnight.
Why would you not short sell this obvious spike first thing tomorrow, THEN buy and hold?
mfw AMD actually spiked and u can make a decent profit by pump and dump
Stock newfag here.
Will the stock likely be any higher at the end of next week or is a drop inbound?
It comes with a piece of supplemental hardware for additional processing power
I don't buy off-brand.
Not with my PC parts, and not with my stocks.
sell as fast as you fucking can now
Because stocks don't behave like cryptocurrencies. When they go up on tangible news, they can stay there. That said, there will most likely be a bit of a sell off tomorrow. A short would probably still lose his ass, though.