Effay movie characters
Effay movie characters
Other urls found in this thread:
your mom xD
The entire cast of Alien
love that movie
How do I into 90s Val?
Jake is the fucking man
They really nailed "I'm a highschool retard"-core
how the fuck do I get his hairstyle, it's so fucking good in this movie
not a movie but whatevs
theres tutorials on youtube
I want his hair so much but I've got fucking curly hair. is it possible?
honestly i like sick boy
Bobby was Veeky Forums as fuck desu.
>tfw this movie foresaw the inevitable renaissance of 90s dadrock/metal tees
>tfw this movie is responsible for shitty meme rappers, high schoolers, and streetwearers wearing metallica tees
>tfw luke was the only man who could truly pull it off
>>tfw luke was the only man who could truly pull it off
the fuck do you live to not ever see people in band shirts that actually pull it off?
Jake Gyllenhall is such a dreamboat, I'd suck him off and I'm not even gay
Murray's Superior Hair Pomade
It's for black people, but whites use it all the time. It will tame your mane. Available at Walmart and other places for like $3.
Cool can too.
i can't find a single one, can you pls link me some desu x
I never wanted straight hair until I saw this son of a bitch and his god-tier HY cut, fml
idk if he meant this, but there you go
literally searched prisoners haircut on youtube and it was the first one.
jesus, what movie is this from??
Great movie.
>tfw I'll never be a cowboy
I'm right there with you
not sure if there is a movie where he isn't effay, so based
dat shit posture
this movie is one of the best
How is Leon not on here? By the way, w2c his glasses?
what movie is this?
Okay so I'm watching this movie and just found out jake's character is a fucking freemason!
Can we talk about this?
Are freemasons effay?
fuck no, freemasons are jews
What, seriously? I didn't think they were jewish
Actually nevermind. I don't really need to hear a /pol/tard's opinion
I usually like Joseph Gordon Levitt's movies
Apparently it was a character thing. He's a neurotic, obsessive, dogged detective. You think he gives a shit about showering when he's on the case?
>ywn be this aesthetic even after being beaten up
What they stand for is pretty effay in theory. Good, principled men upholding what used to be a pretty valuable trade secret for their way of life.
Unrelated, but Jesus Christ I think they got lazy and just modeled Rafe Adler after Jake.
Rafe is pretty effay
>knows how to fence
It's a fine line with his haircut, cause you shake too hard and then you end up with a YungLeo
Wait that's pretty fucking fa too
Michael Pitt get shot literally two minutes into the opening of the movie, but damn I liked how long his fringe was.
An option for those growing out from an undercut.
An argument could be made that Michael Pitt in Boardwalk Empire was a catalyst for the undercut trend.
Fun fact: the stylist on set used American Crew Grooming Cream for Pitt's hair. But do note that they straightened his wavy hair, which is why it ends up so weird looking when it falls apart.
Alright, I'm reaching back into 2011. This was the goal for a lot of people back then.
get some fucking taste plebs
Ripley's Magical Homo Adventures in Europe
So many posts... and not 1 reference to Jeffrey Lebowski.
His character? One of the most effay characters of modern cinema.
It represents reason, science, knowledge, law and greater community opposed to Hugh Jackman's emotion, religion, belief and independence.
Check out his tattoos too. There is the star (possibly Star of Ishtar) on his neck which is conveniently covered by his shirt collar when he's in contact with the victims and witnesses and openly revealed when he's interrogating suspects.
I don't recall the relevance of the astrological signs (I mean their exact meaning rather than what they generally convey) on his knuckles but I recall reading they are prominently featured here for a very good reason.
Did you take a picture you your computer screen?
I adore this movie.
What's he keeping in his shin pockets
Look in your hearts
>tfw you will never go to a playboy coke party.....
wtf i hate women now
Honestly this movie is just great. Watched it again yesterday, still love it. Do you think his jacket is effay?
Please tell me you're joking
Mate just finished watching Trainspotting for the first time, showed up to Veeky Forums, seen this thread and was about to post him
What a boy
>saw TPBTP like a year ago
>went and bought the exact same Metallica tshirt
>cut the arms off, looks exactly the same as it does in that film
>realize my arms are tiny and will never look like based luke
oh well, at least im working out now. tfw a ryan gosling movie is what motivated me to start exercising
jake gyllanhaal's body in nocturnal animals that i saw a few weeks back has been my motivation. he looked like a greek fucking god
Yes. Everything he wore in that movie looks fantastic.