Who else is trying to be Christian Bale/patrick bateman mode?

Who else is trying to be Christian Bale/patrick bateman mode?
I'm trying to be the brown christian bale

Then shave those disgusting brown pubes off your face.

>tfw my hair doesn't have enough volume to look like bateman

I-is this autistic?

you need more muscles though

P.bate would be disgusted

wash your hairs before going to sleep. helps me

Bateman doesn't have that much mass?

No it looks fine but I would recommend shaving

nice bod, bad shorts

but like 1,5 times more than you. you need more muscles

let it get longer and try using hair spray.


not really, that's the low bf% in the shot- op has similar amounts of mass, not as vascular though

Yeah, if my bodyfat gets lower than this my dick stops working.

but bateman in white

what's your routine?

I know
I guess atleast i have brown hair and pretty good skin.

I actually made this thread to see some other people batemanning


can i be bateman mode or am i too ugly

too ugly
kill self immediately

ugly-cute, with a good smile. if your personality is decent, you'd be endearingly attractive.

ugly cute sounds nice but what exactly constitutes it
fml dude!!! i even have the glasses :(

Jason bateman

Holy fuck. Are you natty?

you will never be bateman you poo in the looer
and you shouldnt aim for that anyway
its all about daddy vahid

You actually look pretty good but yeah shave your face, whiten your teeth, start taking better care of your skin!

Learn how to blow dry your hair for volume.

Depends how tall you are, but here's what I'd do. Get ears pinned, work on smile, start working out, but keep the glasses, move to a city, wear some handmade stuff and #americana menswear. Get some "indie" hobbies, like photography, Go (围棋), screenprinting, riding and maintaining a bicycle, and cooking or something. People will think your body is naturally hot but really you will be a gymbro like everyone else. You have a good alt look and honestly really nice hair.

are my ears really a big deal no one outside of Veeky Forums says anything about it

also the idea of maintaining a bike sounds kinda nice i ride one around my uni campus for convenience. what are some effay bikes?

I envy this fuck so much man

I mean would people tell you you were ugly to your face? No. The ears are very noticeable.

I know they stick out but is that actually ugly

But anyways what is 围棋


Fml just cuz I'm not a weeb doesn't mean shit u goober

Fuck you

bod looking good

shave though for real



It's a game called Go

Just the bottom of them kind of flips out

Get a nice lightweight frame somewhere and then build your bike from scratch

If it is so envied by you get a job with heavy wheelbarrow.
I'm not even from Veeky Forums and know this

You won't get shredded from work.
Diet and a little bit of training are better.
I train 2 or 3 times a week (I'm OP)

his teeth are white af

just meant it as a general tip

Skin, and hair are the most important ones

>I'm trying to be the brown christian bale
>brown christian bale
how has nobody shitposted some kek meme image in reaction to this yet?


Wrong board fuckface. We want Christian Bale/Trevor Reznik here.

You're really attractive, you look like an intellectual who got rich in silicon valley. A better smile and maybe teeth would improve you, a body like bateman too of course

Good hair, nice face. You could bateman for sure my dude youre pretty attractive


But, obsessing over a fictional character and wanting to look like him his

You can be the Bateman that works in call centers and kills people on designated shitting streets

>Let's see Pajeet Saarjaban's card

I meant that

Well you are autistic, but the fact that you have superior genetics and a good body will mean the autism won't fuck up your life.

Call it benign autism

Luke is that you?

i get what the guy was saying about 'ugly cute' but dont take it negatively, you got the kinda face that could get the qt-est of qts idk i cant describe. some yuppie liberal yknow, but the good kind

who is this?

>some yuppie liberal yknow,
lmao my first gf (and only technically) was a hardcore lefty
she wasn't that qt though. her personality was qt at least

My dad paved for a living and there's no better way to get in shape.
>500 pound lifts
>made Arnold and Bale look bad in comparison
>phenomenal chest width
>irresistible to women

The corners of his eyes slant downwards

you had no chance

You use too much product

you look decent

what was your routine+diet like

almost got the body, everything else is comnplete shit

You missed Veeky Forums

Looks like you could care for your hair better

love me some bale

c-can I touch your muscles senpai

Whats your workout routine to get results like that ?
Any special diet ?

Help a faggot in need please ...

your stalker.

test and hgh

That's not impressive, or very hard to do

100+ grams of protein daily
2300-3200k calories depending on your current weight
do a 4 day split for 6 months


whats your height bro
ive been thinking about getting buff but i fear im too short to ever look like that

Let me cuddle you
search "Eric Helms Hypertrophy Routine for Intermediates" and there'll be a link to bb.com

I started as skelly I had a bit more flexibility in regard to what I could get away with eating.
Macros were roughly 150p/100f/500c
Why you sound so annoyed bro? anons just asking a question

Thanks a lot i appreciate it

and then he spawned you.

n looks u pretty d good es

1. Physical appearance

Go to the gym
Get a good haircut.
Grow a good beard, well maintained. If you can't grow a good beard keep a very clean shave.
If you wear glasses get contact lenses.
Shower twice a day.
Brush your teeth a lot.

2. Outward Projection

If you have money buy good, tailor made smart clothes.
If you don't have money, buy off the rack clothes and get them altered, doesn't cost much. Clothes have to fit right.
If you have money buy a good looking car.
If you don't, lease one.

All that is easy brah. Once you got that down come back for more.
You can do it. Set small goals. Don't be defeatist.

poo in the loo

god tier body in that film

>Do you like Huey Loois and the Poos?

What is the female equivalent of this body aesthetic?

Him in slp is God tier fits 100%

Agree with most of this but shower twice a day. How the fuck are you so sweaty that you need to wash that often?

there is no such thing. Whites/Aryan's will always be the alphas. It is in their nature.

Just become proficient in coding and make money.

>its sad when other races think they are GQ.

> a loser in real life
>tries to make himself feel better by shitting on other ethnicities
>being white doesn't change the fact that he is a waste of air and should kill himself

Shower before work + after the gym, not that hard.

his identity has no bearing on the history of human achievement.

You can't argue facts, Caucasoids have singlehandedly shaped the modern world. If you have a problem with that, educate yourselves, work hard, and rise to the level of greatness instead of complaining and playing the victim.

The achievements of white people are not your achievements. it doesn't matter matter what your ancestors have done, what matters is what you have done. Those who can't admit this are insecure faggots with deeper issues. You are no better the retarded WE WUZ crowd.

Closeted homosexual with an inferiority complex? Veeky Forums has been batemanwave for years.

how do i level up
help im skinny as fuck

Don't do the "im so ugly :(" bullshit to fish for compliments, that only works for girls.

Workout in the proper way, chicken. Eat only good food and drink water.

fuck off dickerino go eat some salami

why are you bending your knees inward like that? looks painful

Aye this is pretty gay

lol this self delusion

Why are you wearing panties you colossal faggot?

there is none, sister

what you are looking at is peak human performance

I'm pretty sure that that's not what Bale did to achieve that physique.