Money or power?

Money or power?

>hardmode: you can't use the money to buy power and you can't use the power to acquire money

The answer is power then, because money represents liquid power. If you vant turn it inti power you cant even spend your money

if I have power you can't tell me that I can't turn it into money

first you get the...

Money no question. Shows like HoC really exaggerated the concept in real life people don't care about favors or influence because people are stupid, inconsistent, and untrustworthy in real life. Money is concrete power is nothing.


For me it is definitely money. Pay me millions and I will be the janitor for all I care

>not choosing bitcoin

House of Card, the main character constantly speaks about money vs power and how power is superior and why he chose politics over endeavors more profitable. It's good perspective and writing but most people just look at is as a drama and not how successful people think.

But you cant buy power according to rules, so youd be robbed immediatly because you cant pay your police tax

Yeah that's a great theory until you realize the president is a puppet for a billionaire and the only way to get elected anyways is to accept MONEY from lobbyists. Money is power.

Not necessarily true. There is a theory that politicans are not bought, they are actually extortionists and the tables are turned from the common perception. Corporations and interest groups are required to pay to receive favorable treatment instead of buying that treatment. It's a subtle difference, but the theory is lent creedence by the fact that many interests pay into multiple candidates pockets across the isle.

Money. I don't want people to know me.

>this meme
Get 1 million dollars for flights and you could win

Rubio and bush had the most expensive campaigns

Easily money. Power always comes with duties, obligations and expectations. Money is just freedom distilled. I could eat my supper in a norwegian fjord tomorrow if I had money. I wipe my ass with power, I take money any day.

Depends on how much money the cap for power is. Are we talking power with a six figure income attached to the job, because most of them have that.

>tfw only like one person in the thread even understands what power means because everyone else is underage

if you're talking about having fewer problems, maybe some finite amount of money gets you through okay, but you can't compare that shit to actual influence. how many times do you need to see some big company or political campaign completely flop on their investments in some shitty idea? how many depressed millionaires do you need to see fumble around with who they want to be?

If we are talking big numbers I would go with money. Who do you think has more real influence? Obama or Warren Buffet? If we are talking about absolute power like a king I would choose that.

Vladimir Putin's power or Bill Gates' money?

Did you seriously just compare the guy who turned an entire continent of Russia into an episode of the sopranos to Bill "king of the cucks" Gates whose greatest accomplishment is being a greedy Jew? Fuck biz you are so dumb sometimes

They don't see the upper class in front of their own eyes. It's not an uncommon phenomenon.

I seriously had to post again because I am just flabbergasted. Hmm let's see would I rather have the ability to ASK people to download my shitty botnet so I can steal their worthless records or have the power to shoot an intercontinental ballistic missile from outer space at whatever I want whenever I want fuck that is a hard decision

I'd go with Putin even though he's a dirt bag.

Money is power.
If i have enough money i have the power to quite my job.
If i have enough monney i have the power to travel whenever i want.
If i have enough money i have the power to buy a high end escort.
If i have enough money i have the power to buy whatever car i want

Money is power and OP is always a faggot. once everyone realizes this... your life will be much easier

if some guy has the legal power or political power to levy some sort of rule against you he can take your money. if some guy has physical power he can take your money,

if i have enough money i have the power to hire someone that handles those situations for me and hides cash.
If i have enough money i have the power to hire someone to kill the guy trying to take my money due to some rule.

Money is power.

The sooner you learn that the sooner you can get on with life.

if some guy has physical power he can take your money,
If i have enough money i have the power to hire body guards

What if I had the power to print money?

Checkmate, atheists.

>He actually thinks this

So then you are choosing money in the end.

checkmate faggot.

If you havn't learned this you are probably in highschool and still posting shit on facebook to get likes to be popular so you can have power.. but in the end you will become a loser because you were focused on popularity and power over being finnancially secure

People chase money for power and people chase power to do what the people with money do.

It's a retarded question

Money is power and OP is ALWAYS a faggot

the sooner the learn this the sooner you can move on with life.

power of course. money is only used to buy power, when the purchase is already done and simply given to you, all the better, saves time

Nigga you have a fixation, but project more because it's funny.

just the way it works user.

money is power like age is wisdom. you're completely misguided.

based Puting has promoted a Bishop.


so you pick power? Putin will be dethroned eventually. Gates will always have his money

>you can't use power to acquire money

I'll take the money anyday senpai.

I believe money is power.... I could be happy if I were financially secured. Can someone recommend some life changing titles so I don't hate myself forever?

"Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac."

Henry Kissinger

Money is a proxy for power but it is not power.

Plenty of very wealthy Jewish people found that out the hard way in the concentration camps.

It's the other way around. The wealthiest and most well-connected Jews tended to be able to evade the Holocaust and escape to Britain or the United States

Money. Money is power. Now fuck off with your silly rules I'm rich I do whatever the fuck I want.

>in real life people don't care about favors or influence
Except that isn't true at all. And do you honestly think that Bill Gates is more powerful than Barrack Obama?

Obama just does what Saul Alinsky programmed him to.

Power and the money, money and the power
Minute after minute, hour after hour
Everybody's running, but half of them ain't looking
What's going on in the kitchen, but I don't know what's cookin'
They say I gotta learn, but nobody's here to teach me
If they can't understand it, how can they reach me
I guess they can't, I guess they won't
I guess they front, that's why I know my life is out of luck, fool

Been spending most their lives, living in the gangsta's paradise
Been spending most their lives, living in the gangsta's paradise
Keep spending most our lives, living in the gangsta's paradise
Keep spending most our lives, living in the gangsta's paradise

What power and what money?

That doesn't even make any fucking sense. How much money? What kind of power?

What kind of power you want senpai?

>2 black bishops

The artist drew a 7x7 board instead of an 8x8 one.


Absolutely. After Obama is no longer president at the end of the year, what will be left of him?

The president was a puppet because they knew each other, not because his friend was a billionaire.

>Not being obscure while having infinite money and living how you want and your children's children's children's etc, will never have to worry either

I would probably flex hardcore by buying Lamborghini (I fucking hate those things), a giant house, and then shitpost on biz with pictures.

He said Bill Gates' money, not Bill Gates' power.

No fucks given

back to counting school with you

you make it sound as if you're disagreeing with the person you responded to...

Not true, actually. Read up how Allen Dulles's firm treated its Jewish clients trying to get out of Europe.

His power comes from his presidential office. I suppose you can make the argument that a lower level of power over a longer period of time is better than a very high level of power over a short period of time, but that seems arbitrary.

At the end of the day, there's a reason millionaires invest their money into Congressional campaigns--because those Congressmen have the real power, and are a way to translate their money into power. The problem is that that translation isn't one-to-one at all, and a person who has been serving in the Senate for 30 years in a state where he has no chance of losing and is very popular will be able to veto whatever money comes his way and vote how he likes, and chair committees that directly decide which policies become law and which do not. They are more powerful.

Don't forget all of the times in the past where power has trumped money. Rome turned into an Empire simply by rallying the people and turning them against the rich.

You can't bring up rome in this conversation and not mention marcus Crassus. Bought a private army, funded caesar's career, became a member of the senate without being part of the patrician class. All because he was the richest.
Money > power

You should probably mention how he was presented with his son's head on a stick by the Pathians and died from molten gold being poured into his mouth. So much for Crass-cuck.

>Money is better than power because in certain situations it can help make people you like more powerful than you

How does that make any sense, retard?

The isolated instance of what Allen Dulles did should be taken as representative of the entire historical period because why???

No, faggot.

>Putin will be dethroned eventually. Gates will always have his money
>Putin is changing the world, Gates is selling bugged software.

You cannot even compare it, Putin made it in Russia (his left ballsack would make it in New York) and that by climbing the ladder and fighting against russian Cheneys, Rotschilds and the whole cluster fuck of oligarchs and post-soviet CIA payroll fags like Kasparov and Hodorkovsky. I give the man A LOT of fucking credit.

While we are sucking saudi arabias and turkish jihadi cock eventhough last month it was revealed (holy shit that was unexpected) that they support terrorist cells around the world with intel and finance, this guy actually fights them.

>putin is the hero of the story
What the fuck have you been smoking?

Bill has also helped greatly increase the survivability of children in Africa.
Because it's important that their population multiply another 5x over in the next 50 years like they did in the last 50.

>What the fuck have you been smoking?
obviously not weed, you fucking jihadi pothead

you lost

And Russia supports Iran, who we all know are much nicer than the Saudis, right?

>And Russia supports Iran, who we all know are much nicer than the Saudis, right?

well yes they are, you cannot compare Persians with degenerate Arabs.

literally by orders of magnitude. do you know anything about those countries or do you just believe what you hear on Fox News?

Money is but one of many forms of power. Op is senseless.

Money desu

Power is a meme. Obama may be able to say yes/no to shitty legislation or invade some backwater shithole. Putin may have an army of slavs and be able to piss off small countries

I'd rather be rich

yes Shia > Sunni all day everyday

Money is the crystallization of everything in this world. If you cannot grasp that then you cannot grasp the world! If a life cannot strongly grasp this world, it doesn't deserve to live!

The persian people =/= the Musilm extremist government

In general I wouldn't even disagree with you, but with the particular Shia that is the ayatollah, fuck no. Give me examples of how he and his government is better to infidels than Saudis.

I've never watched Fox News, m80, and I'm well versed in the history of these nations. Your mistake is assuming I think the Arabs are good. They're shit and historically Iran has been fucked over more times than is just, but the current government of Iran is not wise.

>two bishops on black

why not mix metaphors: looks like nobody's playing with a full deck!

>Give me examples of how he and his government is better to infidels than Saudis.

Iran has the potential to become a normal functioning state, Saudis don't. The government may be more radical than western governments are, but in comparison to Saudi Arabia, Iran is China while Saudia Arabia is North Korea.

Kinzo would trade money for cunny any day.

But only if its Beatrice.

>invests in memes, pumps them, then dumps
>commits treason for money and pussy
>massive goldfag
>has a rape cave
>kidnaps white woman
>fucks his racemixed daughter
>raises his inbred grandson as a girl after castration
Truly a 4channer at heart.

『Literally Me』

Money speaks every language, power needs some translation to get influence.

It's also more fragile and harder to measure.
Today's powerful dictator is tomorrow's burnt corpse in a bunker, or you get framed, jailed, hanged or beaten by the oppressed, defamed, accused, exiled, etc etc

Money seems to last longer, whereas power seems like a full-time job and still involves talking to and managing people, leading them, etc and often becoming bipolar with a dash of paranoid schizophrenia thrown in.

Money can be fragile, too.

Power could take a hit from a mere rumour.
An allegation could topple a leader.
Muh sheckels would not be affected.

one bad move and your fortune can dissapear, too. A lot of rich people have lost everything a couple times

Money, I have no interest in Politics.

That's fucking stupid as most of Putin's power consists of his enormous wealth.

>That's fucking stupid as most of Putin's power consists of his enormous wealth.

bullshit, oligarchs and mobsters under Jeltsin had 10 000 times more money than he could imagine, now they're gone.

I just realized. In this retarded fucking scenario the OP has presented, power is > money

>have $0
>demand poptarts
>receive poptarts

>have $999999999999999999999999999999
>seek to purchase poptarts

what about the cult of personality?


yes, Im sure the KGB connections were just an afterthought

its funny because its true.
We shouldn't be friends and allies with saudie arabia or turkey

Money is power you fucking dumbass, for god's sake Veeky Forums you really gotten shit.

Money = mercenary army = power.

With money you can buy entire countries and rule them.
With power alone over weaklings you can't do shit. Who would want to rule a poorfag shithole?

bullshit. Ever heard of military coups?

>We shouldn't be friends and allies with saudie arabia or turkey
We won't, ffs if America and Russia would find a common ground this world would achieve a renaissance. I sincerely believe this will be the case and Saudis and Turks will be 'consolidated' under a coalition of USA - Russia in the next 5-7 years. Iran is also surely a far more rational partner than retarded oil pedos in the dessert that still behead each other and consider rape to be a crime for the victim.

>Money is power
No. Money is the combination of a psychological attraction, and a material (gold, nbrs on a screen, green paper, etc). These things create the illusion of power, and generations upon generations huddled under this illusion have made it a human fallacy towards what true "power" is.
The reason power is better than money is because it yields all the same results as money, and cuts out money as an unnecessary middle man.

Money and power are the same thing.

it's more like i can't imagine a scenario where i can't turn power into money or buy power with money.