Let's talk >dude weed lmao

In light of 4/20, Trudeau's government released an official statement saying they are looking to decriminalize weed starting January 2017. Once it's decriminalized, I see a huge cash flow increase in the current sector. The companies I'm looking at are:


I did some crunching, and looks like OGI is undervalued the most. Its stock should be price around $1.50. Am I missing something here? Any thoughts welcome.

do you think medical mmj is going to profit from legalization? wouldn't it just make them less relevant ?

Was literally about to make this thread. Looking at CGC right now, looks dank.

Absolutely not, they will just sell mass amounts of weed. Most people can't be assed to grow and want some niche strain or gimmicky edible.

I mean, whose to say it will be medical mj suppliers who see growth from legalization rather than new players?
just wondering about your reasoning, I'm also interested in this as an investment

CGC has a meme vibe as snoop dogg has a partnership with them, though they have the largest market cap in the country. OGI just posted a positive cash flow during the recent earnings call so it can only go up from here. As I said, still vastly undervalued in my opinion.

That's a good point but from seeing one of my friends start up a 1,000 acre farm out in Colorado, I can tell you the medicinal game is brutal and you need deep ties or serious talent, and will most likely be selling to a middle-man (dispensary) that redistributes the product to consumers/turns it into hash then distributes it for more profit.

The Canadian weed companies look like they'll viciously fight to keep their market share and massively expand. I'm sure there will be new players as well, but right now this is what we have to study of an industry that will soon explode.

I'm going to do a quick write-up on why the industry is going to explode when it becomes legal in the robinhood slack, do you want to share your info on these specific stocks in it? Would post in long-term.

Just waiting for Altria to get a piece of that sweet maple pie

I like trtc myself, but I'm in the usa.

trtc just opened a grow op in Nevada to service their already profitable retail operations for medicinal Marijuana in California, and recreational in Colorado. They're one of the first companies to vertically integrate, and once they get up and running in their new home they should be gloriously profitable.

if you are living in canada you should be looking to start your own marijuana company. doesn't necessarily have to be growing weed, since ive heard there are very strict regulations and shit like that. think outside of the box like maybe sell the equipment necessary to grow. remember the people who made the real money during the gold rush were those who sold the picks and shovels.

an industry worth billions is about to be legalized. you need to take a piece for yourself while its new.

Yeah, grow op suppliers, also tobacco companies have actually grown enormous, would invest if I could be bothered. Reynolds for example is smoking up China and India and what not now.

Decriminalization =/= legalisation

yeah with that asswipes prices, nobody is going to be buying medicinal

what kind of equipment is needed to grow weed?

should I invest in halogen lights and trimmers?

I think that's dated now, too hot and dangerous, LED and sodium. Seed banks and clones, paraphernalia, vaporizers, socks with a weed leaf imprinted on them...it's endless and btw, weed use will decline after the buzz wears off in a year.

>after the buzz wears off

but even if I were to invest in lamps or something how would I even know that the weedheads are going to buy lamps from the same people I invested in

>weed use will decline after the buzz wears off in a year.

Are you looking at it from the perspective of young smokers?

I think it's going to boom. My parents are in their 60s, and have many friends who are now using it 'medicinally'. The only demographic growth in Canada is among non whites and people over 65. If you go to a hospital or retirement home, they practically force feed old people pills all day. I could really see some edibles or high strength oil becoming very commonly used.

Will medicinal companies sell weed to everyone? Or they'll keep medical market and new companies will start to grow

yeah i'm expecting all the medicinal dispensaries in major cities to just convert to all purpose dispensaries and start selling to everyone which makes it hard to compete if you wanna open your own dispensary since they're already in the game.

Idk - I mean I can see gains but youre getting this tip from the news so the real moneys already been made.

Canada is shit tier economically too - this will speed up american legalization though and thats where the moneys at

Are there any american weed stocks? Shit was just legalized medicinally in my state

Yeh but if it becomes federally legal instead of just states than its going to be a vomparison more akin to budweiser vs microbreweries - tobacco companies already eat up all the crops on certain tobacco varieties (go try to find unprocessed whole leaf oriental for sale , xanthi , basma any of it - you cant because the crops are sold years in advance)

Not that phillip morris is going to be all over it , theyre dinosaurs , just look how bad they bungled ecigs. But venture capitalists are already plotting and they have fields and agricultural specialists and supercritical c02 setups and all that lined up

It's legalization. Legislature for 2017 will be created to allow buying marijuana from large producers on the recreational level...

It will be on the federal level, and will limit the growing of marijuana by normal citizens. The MJ facilities need to be regulated by health Canada. They will distribute by Canada post, and "bringing back" Canada post was one of the liberal's platform goals. All of this is to create a corporate, quality controlled and taxed environment which should make you fucking bank if you accumulate a few shares now.
There was a MJ stock that was about $1.50 in the USA and it shot to fucking $220 when a state was in the decrim process, and I am hopeful we could hopefully see at least 1/10th of that growth next year. Just my take on it all.

How do you determine the ideal stock price?

Another established, yet emerging company is Aurora (ACB.v) it is producing bud, has the health Canada clearance, a hash oil clearance, it's near Calgary and Edmonton so it'll basically supply Alberta, and can has the cheapest access to power/water, and has low sales tax.
They have Strong strains maybe 15 in total now, one should be 27% THC and they have a high 25% CBD strain. Also signed plans to expand to the Washington and start a "Marijuana business section" with restaurants, a fucking rock climbing wall, all in a mountain tourist town as per the April 21, 2015 Press release. That shit is back burner though and few know/care about that short term. A solid normal company from the front view though. Took me lots of searching to find that one.

You can get a good approximation by finding the 1)Market Capitalization 2)outstanding share amount & price, with warrant stipulations 3)amount of issued shares at current price 4)Monthly burn rate or Cash flow...
Find a financial audit of the company and then use division and addition and subtraction to arrive at the share price valuation. This is harder than just posting "to the moon!!!!" But you will find the true value and find bargains.
If you are comparing similar companies just get the market cap and divide by number of issued shares and compare the ratio for a quick evaluation. Just a little trick I use to get started...
BTW the company I was posting about Aurora, is about 56 cents Canadian.

Fuck guys,

My family has nearly 100 acres outside of Edmonton. If it wasn't willed to my dad and his siblings I'd be fucking gearing up to start a grow. My parents already own the portion of it that is lived on.

>Build a big green house and supply to local shops around Edmonton, Calgary.

I'd really only need a few acres to do this.

I think Tabacco companies are the ones who will take off, they already own fields for making weed, manufacturers that could convert to marijuana cigs easily. They've been actively looking to get into the market too since the 60s, the tipping point is coming soon.

Yeah but they're stupid as fuck. They're all charging $80 for a pack of cannabis cigs.

If you're connected on the street it's 3x cheaper for better quality.

It's harder than you think. You're gonna need workers and a bit of investment capital if you want a return of over 100 pounds.

I bet you couldn't even trim 20lbs yourself.

my friend who smokes weed makes the same complaint that the taxes on the drug are too high and buying off the street is cheaper. While this is true, how do you explain people buying so much weed in Colorado that's priced higher? Most people probably won't want to break the law and face the risks of buying illegally.

The average person is an idiot and doesn't have close friends with connections. The average person also isn't a pothead who isn't willing to pay $10 to get high and instead have the connections to pay $2 for that gram.

After smoking a few ounces back to back you'll need a gram to get nice and high. I can't even imagine east coast fools at $20/g.

Dispensaries excel at concentrates imo.

We've grown bud illegally before

There's a convenience factor too. My pot shop is right down the street and next to the pizza place. I'd rather go there and pay a few bucks extra then drive to my buddy's house

lol you can get 3-4 lbs off a single plant

>After smoking a few ounces back to back you'll need a gram to get nice and high. I can't even imagine east coast fools at $20/g.

.dude lmao take a T break damn

From my experience living in alberta, the majority of people are working in the oil and gas industry. This industry drug tests so weed isn't really used much

I've lived in Alberta for my entire life and I know tons of people who smoke weed everyday. But what are you talking about, like cenovus layed off the last of the contractors last week. The amount of workers in the oil patch are down 80%. Plus when I was working on a drilling rig almost everybody even the driller smoked weed all the time. So did all the truckers and welders. There's a small chance you'll get preemployment drug testing, but you are only tested in the case of a workplace accident and maybe just get rehab. The people left in AB are all cooks and service industry people now...

I heard they're all literal degenerate junkies

I think some of that stems from jealousy because of the high wages, that said there is some truth in it because there is a portion of them that have been to jail before. Sometimes high risk individuals will seek hard labour jobs. To be fair many oil workers are from all over Canada especially during the boom times.

Some are junkies though. I worked in North Dakota and meth was abused by a few guys I know. The average oil worker doesn't use drugs though because job is already dangerous enough.

Nah everybody here smokes weed, one of the reasons there was a labour shortage a few years ago was because so many people couldn't pass a drug test

t. Albertan

All I was really getting at was that if the guy I was replying to knew anything about the Canadian economy as of the last few months to a year, they would know there are hardly any people in the oil patch anymore here. There is no production, expansion or exploratory drilling, also even office workers are down by over half. Almost everyone is layed off, so his argument is pretty stupid and outdated.

Oh yeah, I agree 100%.

TRTC is the best choice at the moment, the rest are mostly pump and dump schemes.

idk if they just bribed politicians or something, but the california infrastructure that TRTC has built in the past 5 years literally fits perfectly with the next medical regulations that everyone else is shitting their pants over

>think outside of the box like maybe sell the equipment necessary to grow

you mean the one legal industry that has existed for decades regardless of legalization status? the entire industry that has prospered literally because weed is illegal (hence forcing growers to grow indoors and buy said equipment)?

>how do you explain people buying so much weed in Colorado that's priced higher?

anyone who lives in colorado most likely has their own connections, lots of customers are tourists and californians who recently moved to denver