Now is that the real length of his neck ?
No idea, not sure if I have ever seen the original
what temperature was it on this day?
No idea but this is what people here look like, lol. Whata laugh.
top wew
t. the people posting this
I wonder if they still browse
Who the fuck are these autistic humans?
Who's the little lesbian with the glasses?
im still here
You should leave you arent effay
you gotta sacrifice and suffer for anything you love (fashion)
you've never wore a bad fit before?
we never will
su nivel gay es de 1000 puntos si
post dylan"king of fa"roof shop i don't have it anymore
That qt tho
Which one are you?
guess which one is me and I'll timestamp with my new siqqfits
goth manlet
London Veeky Forums meet up lmao
much better because they're dressed to their surrondings
the black dudes fit is trash though
indian dude
me on the left
Those fucking clown shoes far left.
I seriously hope...
Someone post the cartoon/drawn version of this
Oh yeah but far left is stylish af hmm
the same people in this picture make fun of streetwear meetups lmao
Only his boots look dumb, rest is bretty good
>no dylan roof
Furthest right
t. Carlos
Post proof faggot
mirin your hair. also your fit isnt even bad
in fact most of the fits arent terrible. its just all of them looking so miserable and awkward makes them look bad. its the reverse cheerleader effect.
i dont think anyone of them would stand out in a crowd
(other than the long neck guy but not due to his fit and maybe the one with the pink hat because he looks like prime trap material)
These people are like you.
You're the least terrible in that pic
let's r8
>all black ratface
not an awful fit, but looks awkward. also the hair and face makes him look like a faggy prick
>normie white sneaks
very normie high school fit, nothing interesting about it. kind of embarassing at a fashion meetup
would be decent without the bucket hat
>young jack black
just looks like a random normie with a pinch of nerd. no fashion sense, pretty bad overall
>giraffe man
fit wouldn't be too bad if it weren't for the hat and the guy's neck
>communist genderbender
really cringy fit, and why the fuck is its bag hanging so low?
>hello darkness my old friend
probably looks the best, simple fit but looks decent
>fetishy scene guy
I don't feel qualified to r8 this one
>manlet of doom
not a bad fit honestly, would look better if the guy lost some body fat
looks like a typical fit from H&M. not awful but not very good either
ahahahha wtf these where taken in dropkick lane
i remember when the pics with the faces blacked out were posted first and people weren't talking shit. Rather, many in the thread were talking about how much of a success it had been and talk of another meeting started. But then the faces were released and they became the laughing stock of this board and only like 2 people showed up in at the next meet.
Goes to show how easy it is for an autistic face to ruin everything. These guys aren't even overtly ugly (like you wouldnt notice them and think to yourself that they are really ugly if they were among a large crowd), just that their facial expressions scream autism/discomfort/nervousness
Me on the far right.
I have the original here
you tell me anons
>tfw this picture used to be laughed at mercilessly when it first came out, signifying a drop in fashionability of users and a general younger newfag population on Veeky Forums
>tfw these fits actually look dope if you side-by-side compare them with anything in a modern WAYWT thread
>yfw the quality of users on this board is dropping so severely, 2017 will be the year of Croc's and boot cut Levi jeans
nice fit
black dudes fit is only decent one in the picture though
rest look like normalfag loser fits