What can the Milgram Experiment teach us about human nature?

What can the Milgram Experiment teach us about human nature?

people will gladly push a few buttons for cash.

the authority of money eliminates the presence of physical authority to push others into doing something they may regret.

Gets real interesting when the only one the subject has to blame is himself.

Like all but the most trivial of experiments in psychology, it tells us whatever the fuck we want it to. There's a thousand possible interpretations and no clear way of selecting one.

College students are basically shit people

How much do you think the experiment fucked the participants up? I would probably have nightmares and shit at the very least.

How so? The results appear to be pretty clear

The Milgram experiment has always seemed pretty stupid to me in light of the context that the participants were obviously aware of - what the fuck kind of institution would actually allow someone to be physically tortured for an experiment?

That was le point.

Authoritarian personality detected.

Figuring out that it was a sham?

Getting shit done master race.

There was no monetary motivation because they got the money as soon as they participated. They wouldn't lose money by refusing to shock the tester beyond a certain point.

Americans are shit people

The Stanford Prison Experiment was real. That doesn't seem cruel to you?

>implying the test wasn't repeated in several cities and countries to ensure a minimization of cultural bias.

Not just several countries and cities. It's been replicated vast number of times all over the world.

That most people are retarded.
>If the teacher asks who is responsible for any negative effects, the experimenter replied, "I will take responsibility."
Are you telling me that more than 60% of partecipants believed this? I would never have taken the risk, especially after having been repeatedly told about the heart condition.

This and Stanford proved that the social construct around science, can make people harm other people based on scientific authority only (a white lab coat and some fancy words).

But it's nothing compared to the Trinity test.

I want to read Mengele's and Shirō Ishii's research.

Any leak from project paperclip that some nice user would like to share?

Admittedly I didn't read a lot on this, but from my limited research it appears like 731 was mainly concerned with combat medicine than psychology (how to allow frostbitten soldiers to survive, how to propley amputate, how to stop cholera from spreading, etc... - all of it on tested on filthy chinese dogs of course).

that the human race is a race of slaves and only a few of us managed to grow out of this condition, most of us went even lower and turned into subhumans



It has a lot to do with personal feelings of responsibility and duty.

>They already paid me to do this
>I better do it right, otherwise they might take the money back or not offer to pay me again
>Surely it can't be dangerous, I mean, we're in a lab setting, there's tight controls, and these guys are the ones getting in serious shit if anything goes wrong
>Yeah sure I'll crank up the voltage, I don't even know this guy, nothing seriously bad can happen to him, and he's consenting anyways, so if he's uncomfortable it's his own stupid decision, so what have I got to lose?

Logically, one wouldn't have any reason to assume that they're actually torturing someone if they really think about it. If anything, the way this experiment "outs the sheeple" lies more in the measure of regret or distress the subject feels, which shows how gullible they are.

>the standford prison "experiment"
>researcher was coaching participants
>researcher was constantly interfering with the results

Philly Z is a fucking hack.
t. Shrink

slave morality runs really, really, really deep

That was the point of the experiment, in a real prision you have a warden that makes sure that you do your job.

It was an experiment to test authority, you have to use authority at some point.

Proves that nature is still stronger. When coming to getting food (surviving) people couldn't give less of a fuck about others.
Or do you think something upright and moral would come out of the meat grinder that's nature?


People are animals, just ones that developed an advanced imagination and the skills that come with it.
Many animals eat the wounded and weak of their own species, even their own social groups. They think nothing of it. The weak would hold them back, and food will push them forward.
The only reason humans don't constantly throw each other under the proverbial bus is because we've constructed lives for ourselves that eliminate this kind of desperation for survival, so if we're put in that situation, we're usually safe, secure, and well-fed enough in our lives that we have the luxury to reason with ourselves and think "well that would be pretty shitty if it happened to me, so I won't do that thing to that guy."

>human nature
Get out.

What does the experiment have to do with survival? The subjects weren't threatened.

> Stanford
> Prison
> Experiment

It did happen in Stanford at least.