Ive noticed a trend with this board that's just absolutely depressing, yet sobering

Ive noticed a trend with this board that's just absolutely depressing, yet sobering.

So much talk of success, productivity, profitable ventures. And then when someone asks to discuss how they did so... radio silence. And so on and so on, ad infinity.

so on that note, for those who actually came here looking for advice on how to be more productive... just get off this waste of space. i dont have answers, and it seems nobody else here does either. its just vacuous air, here.

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=11&rct=j&q=the lazy man's way to riches&ved=0ahUKEwiusd-Y-qXMAhWLWz4KHaFpAQMQFghcMAo&url=http://www.what-is-coaching.com/support-files/lazymansway2riches.pdf&usg=AFQjCNHUbCyrjX7xwRUcoJ-AU_eBqd1UGg&sig2=-3TI0j-m-Y2J63pQqYoT2Q

Look everyone a no coiner.

maybe you failed to listen to the gurus on here.. Ive told many people on here to buy X stocks and invest in Y.. but they never listen.. I guess when you have a low IQ and cant follow simple instructions, you are doomed to a life of a poofag

This was a containment board for meme coins being spammed on /g/ and /b/. Literally nothing more. Besides the meme coin neckbeards, you got college students pretending they are successful people making up stories. Same thing at how all the teenagers on /b/ claim they make $300K a year. There's like 3 tripfags on this board that are successful. The rest are NEET meme coiners or college students/wage slaves. If you take anything here seriously, then you are as retarded as the kids on /adv/ taking relationship advice from other cucks or the people on /fat/ taking fitness advice from other fatties.

why would people tell you how they make money? you're potential competition

Good try OP but you wont get my secrets that easily...

Nothing inherently wrong with college or wageslave jobs tbqh despite all the hate they get on biz. Especially in regards to the latter; there are loads of wageslave jobs that make good money and can provide you with a really comfortable lifestyle. Statistically, few of us will be really loaded and the truth behind obtaining that is almost always enormous and concerted effort, so I totally understand why some people want to take an easier route

Not at all. But it's wrong when they pretend to be something they are not.

Been thinking the same thing for a while now. Fucking useless place. Later dudes.

>when someone asks to discuss how they did so... radio silence
More like someone asks, and then refuses to believe the person they asked.
They then request proof to a degree they know that the person asked will be uncomfortable giving, calling bullshit when said proof is not forthcoming.

>some people want to take an easier route
That's this board in a nutshell

This just in: People won't openly tell you how they make money.. What a shocker!

Back to you in the studio, Jim.

>They then request proof

a large part of that is trolling though, especially if its tripfag cancer

Here is your answer retard:
Work on yourself. Do what you need to do and do it. Do you want to make money? Ok then go fucking make money. Either you are a hustler or you are not.

Nobody will hold your hand.


>Ad infinity

It's "ad infinitum" you dolt.

>large part of that is trolling though
I won't believe you.
Unless you post brokerage statements with your account number visible.

What do you guys want to know?

I would bet most people who actually have some good advice are too busy to come on here that often.

>what you should do is go to places like forbes and read how absolute geniouses like notch and zuckerburg made their money
The door is that way.

And I post ways in every thread i'm in.

>Posting brokerage statements with your account number visible to prove your performance to user


Wait, so you won't post your brokerage statements for us?
I was betting you would.

I come on here when bored, because I can see the fire in some of you and it keeps me going and I get new ideas all the time.

>nobody gives answers
I literally do, all the time.
Most will say 'but I can't do that/don't know how/I'm dumb/lazy/awkward/autistic/ etc and expect to be spoonfed rather than given pointers.
Also, people expect some miraculous post that's gonna change their lives - it is a progression, it doesn't just go *click* - it might take you one night, or days, or weeks, or a course, or one book, or 50 books, or one conversation or advisor, or 100 conversations and 10 advisors/gurus whatever.

You are unique, your path to success will be unique.
If there was one 'way' - there would be one book called 'success - volume 1' and everyone who could read and understand it and APPLY IT would succeed.

You will have your own unique constraints, strengths, talents, weaknesses - know thyself first, define yourself, then define your dream, then your goals - work backwards from there - what is it gonna take for you to fix or overcome despite those constraints?
If you define the above, you are ahead of fucking 90% of plebs daydreaming through life asleep.
Give an average man a hammer and tell him to smash rocks for bread and water and he'll do it all day, tell him to stop and think about how to do this better...and his brain hurts and he just wants to break more rocks.

>>how they did so..?

Again, people look for some magic answer here - if you only ask vague low-quality questions, you get vague, low-quality answers.
You can read what every rich and famous person did on their Wikipedia page.

Bill Gates stole BASIC software like a boss, then sold it. OK, does that help you? You asked how they did it, right? OK, Steve Jobs teamed up with a tech wizard nerd and built a company around the machines by selling dreams. Any more details can be found on Wikipedia. That's 'how he did it' - does that help you?

the board is full of people with similar problems who want similar things. They hate their 9-5 (or more likely 8-8) jobs and want something better. But we're not supposed to promote our own startups here. Instead we're only allowed to talk about nonspecific ideas.
End result a bunch of cryptocurrency, bullshit penny stock, bullshit daytrading, and other miserable complainers get through. We're all in the same boat Op so quit your fucking whining you're no better or worse off than anyone. Fuck you.

I've shared my story to retirement on this board multiple times.

Everything you need to know.
google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=11&rct=j&q=the lazy man's way to riches&ved=0ahUKEwiusd-Y-qXMAhWLWz4KHaFpAQMQFghcMAo&url=http://www.what-is-coaching.com/support-files/lazymansway2riches.pdf&usg=AFQjCNHUbCyrjX7xwRUcoJ-AU_eBqd1UGg&sig2=-3TI0j-m-Y2J63pQqYoT2Q

>>people won't tell you
>>you're competition

What planet are you guys living on?
Repeat after me -
'I have no competition.'
It's a false dichotomy.
You simply would not do everything I have done and will do, because there's only one me, and I have done it, and will be doing it.
You would be breaking the laws of physics otherwise.
In one hour, I will be calling my Tokyo Office and talking to Jim - nobody else here will be, because you don't know Jim, or have a reason to call him.
Jim works for me and nobody else.

But then I can't compete with you either, the world is not balanced that way, and neither is business, you have advantages you probably can't see or don't yet know, as I never did.

I am more surprised when I learn just how many people talk about it, and how much is out there.
Some write whole books on it, most founders have either appeared in interviews, books, etc or written them themselves.
Again, I'm not sure what super-duper info you are looking for.

If I say I set up a coffee shop and expanded and made millions, how does that help you?

Are you going to set up a coffee shop, user?

Did you screencap it?
Can you greentext it in one post?

>I come on here when bored, because I can see the fire in some of you and it keeps me going and I get new ideas all the time.
this. i dont really expect anything big, but i do get some laughs when there's blatant insider trading. noticed it twice. pretty fun board, but its just entertainment

We have a discord chat now, scrub.

Get on board or die.



>Repeat after me - 'I have no competition.'

Your abstract theories are bullshit. Sorry.

I've personally had business stolen from me by opening my mouth like an idiot, being naive.

Absolutely everyone is competition. Always. From the neighbor who wants to fuck your wife or girlfriend to the anonymous (but seemingly harmless) question about a specific of your business to the scrub next to you at the gas station going 'dayyum nigga, how much did you pay fo dat?!'

Lose sight of that and someone else will be stealing your paycheck, plain and simple.

Bitcoiner cope. Only deprecated grandpas are still holding bitcoin this late in the game.

I'm convinced most people here are just neets living in delusion. It's always bragging about jobs and shit and most people here claim to be ultra successful. I don't buy it, I'm sure a few are doing well but I'd say at least 50% are lying. That's why you never get any useful advice. The only good threads are the stock market related threads and even those are full of novices claiming to be experts and giving horrible advice.

You're a fucking idiot if you're upset because people don't follow investment advice from some nobody on Veeky Forums.

This is the most autistic role playing I've read on here in a while. I'm about to piss my pants. This is copypasta tier.

It's not abstract theories, it's the distilled opinion of hundreds of books, courses, conversations, consultations.
I could tell you everything I do, and there would still be 0% competition here or anywhere.
There are not limited opportunities, they are unlimited, there is always an opportunity cost, so if I am looking at real estate somewhere, if the price is right I buy it at cash price - where's my competition? If I open a business, where's my competition? It clearly wasn't here, because I just did it here.
Everybody is unique, that is not abstract, you would see things differently, and do them differently.

How exactly can business be stolen?
The etymology of the word business is 'busy-ness' or 'busyness' - it's what a person or group does.

You may do it over there, in your way, but you won't do it here in my way - you have unique local or other knowledge from your life that would take me decades to understand.

At any rate, even the best competition following me every way only helps me keep my eye on the ball and sharpen my game up.
If they are too good, I can offer to sell my business to them, or collaborate or do a joint venture or strategic alliance.

You wanna fuck my girlfriend?
Sure, what can you trade?
Maybe I can fuck your GF or sister?

Dat scrub?
If she's a golddigga, imma tell dat bitch I paid $50k when I really lease it for $500 a month lkle I always have.

I have 5 laundromats for starters.
2 I sold.
Go, Veeky Forumsrealis, steal that knowledge, crush me.
Or AMA...

'ideas are worthless, execution is what matters'
- Felix Dennis
Oh no, it's another rich guy giving away his secrets, somebody stop him!

Here's one for you - name me a rich person who hasn't told you how they did it/do it?

>at least 50% are lying
You're being far too generous.

Ironically, I am autistic, and yet, probably more successful than you. Many more autists are.

Go change your panties, user...

'you're born, you take shit, you get out in the world, you take more shit, until one day, you are up in the rarified atmosphere, and you can't even remember what shit looks like'
- Layer Cake

See, that's one reason I come here sometimes.
Once you are successful, you actually forget what it is like to be a pleb wageslave on min wage doing shit jobs or just being NEET.
You actually, like me, forget the simple-minded meme mentality.

Sometimes I see a certain story or interview or book or thread and think 'oh, shit, that shouldn't be public, don't talk about that to fucking plebs watching TV, I had to scour books and company records and case studies for that kind of info' and then I see what's on next, and I think 'oh yeah, phew! Most plebs just watch sitcoms, game shows and play vidya and jerk off to porn, chat with other poorfags, like I did...It doesn't matter.'

Like when the Panama Papers/offshore tax avoidance thing was trending told much for my liking, it was an inconvenience and I was a little concerned, but then I remembered people's short attention spans, like mine was...lol, there's always another tax haven or method.

The Bahamas and the Caribbean are still great places, and I can do investments in Africa on a handshake, and I do...no paperwork.
Many of you probably wouldn't even trust a "nigger" with your money - your loss!

I can tell you this because it changes nothing...

Same thoughts here, OP. I thought that this board will foment a brotherhood of billionaires but instead we see scammers and memers trolling each other.

>Veeky Forums

I'm going to give you a life lesson here:

Success isn't based around money.
It's true the best things in life are free.
I know people who have absolutely no money and have more meaningful lives than most the people on here.

At the end of you twenties you're going to wish you were happy. Not rich, happy.

Don't chase money. Chase the things that matter: Your health, adventure, love, confidence and a job you don't dread that lets you live this life.

Interesting. I can tell you have vast experience you're drawing on.

Just curious - how exactly do you invest in Africa on a handshake? Where do you go? Who do you talk to? How do you avoid paperwork? As you said, if I tried to do it myself it would break the laws of physics so there's no harm done.

>investments in Africa on a handshake, and I do
As soon as Robert Dutu gets out of the country, he's going to give me my money back.
plus a percentage of the billions the royal family owns.

In my case?
1) Go to Uganda or Togo.
2) Enjoy ridiculously cheap cost of living, allowing you to leverage your pleb tier savings or entry-level freelance income. Live on $100 a month. Bonus if you like fucking black hookers like me.
3) Find mid-sized town.
4) Find barely educated yet highly moral and-fearing peoples well entrenched, with some land or property or microbusiness not well managed
5) offer a better finance deal than some shady firms out there wanting 2-400% interest on short term microloans. Even 50% is generous.
6) offer 'training' and 'systems support' - my assistant feeds them curated biz advice to improve profits. The money is a tab, they can lease or buy goods/equipment/assets, etc to increase business if necessary.
7) we agree on either profit/revshare if I invest a large sum, as equity (a share of ownership) or a payment plan for repayments, as appropriate
8) once you have a deal or three under your belt, you gain social capital
9) you say you may be able do the same for their friends and family if they apply
10) ????
11) profit

>>how do you avoid paperwork?
You don't do it or mention it.
If I offered random Veeky Forumsrealis money, how many do you think would ask for paperwork?
Few of these people have even seen paperwork beyond possibly some statutory local of government permit, or a tax form at best.

>>who do you talk to?
In Togo or Uganda, just talk to people or set up an investors supper club or something.
If it's more established like Nigeria or Ghana, it would be likely the Chamber of Commerce that could make introductions.
Best to choose an official channel for introductions there initially, as the more populated, established and experienced the country is at capitalism, and the more education/infrastructure, the more fraud and corruption.
Hence Nigeria - Nigerians are basically westerners.

You could do it on paper too, if you like, just be an angel investor.

4) *typo - 'god-fearing peoples'

Nope, I visited while travelling and loved it.
Rent was so cheap I stayed.
Interesting that people forget that all of the top 10 scammers, maybe more, were hidden in plain sight, using their own name and face.
And they weren't even black.

>At the end of you twenties you're going to wish you were happy. Not rich, happy.

This must be bait.

World is too large for it to matter.

If you have an idea or a possible product to sell, a hundred other people are probably thinking of or have done the same thing.

Life is too short to worry about theft of ideas because in the 1/1000000000000 chance you have an original idea you will probably be able to do nothing more than say "that's nice" and move on your merry way.

>And then when someone asks to discuss how they did so... radio silence. And so on and so on, ad infinity.
i'm honestly afraid to post screenshots of my IB account because i'm scared i'd post something that would compromise my account

Are you trying to imply that Mr. Dutu is not who he claims to be? Have you perhaps met the man?
I would not be surprised, if you are as we say 'a big wheel', because Mr. Dutu is very well known.

>a hundred other people are probably
>life is too short
>insert random numbers

More abstract theory... have you ever actually owned or run a business?

The world is a lot smaller than you think. Six degrees of separation and all.

It doesn't matter if the idea is original or not - that's not the point. Your specific approach to that idea might be original and that's ultimately where the value is. Which in turn is why people (the smart ones anyway) keep their mouth shut about it when they've found such an approach.

Veeky Forums logic thus far:
"If you're good at something, tell everyone because it's been done anyway and give it away for free!"

This isn't abstract theory.
This is basic logic.
There is still opportunity cost involved in even contemplating a new potential opportunity,
Nevermind the countless variables of luck, focus, etc
That person who intends to copy you can never have all your reasons for doing what you do,
The validators or experience, etc - they would still be in the research phase while you are already running beta tests or have launched.
You have first-mover advantage in capturing market share. But then, if they move first, you have second-mover advantage - you get to see what mistakes they make, or to position yourself deliberately against them and attack directly, or operate under the radar.

>>"if you're good at something, tell everyone because it's been done anyway and give it away for free!".

How does me telling you I'm good at something, make you any better at it?
Whether I charge for it or not is irrelevant.
Some people only value paid information, some think 'free advice' is worth what you pay for it,
Many will think I'm bullshitting or will have a different mentality, temperament, mindset, worldview, the variables are too many.

I used to believe that BS about trade secrets, etc. It's outdated, most people are too busy or distracted and there's so much noise these days it matters even less.

Are any Veeky Forumsrealis going to copy me and go to Africa and invest? Or set up a chain of laundromats?
No. Maybe a handful of people at best may take a couple pointers away, even if I wrote literally a 200-step detailed guide.

>go to Africa and invest? Or set up a chain of laundromats?
Do you refer to the laundry as "Lights and Darks", or "Whites and Colors"?

Go on user, you have my interest.

If your are genuine, then I am absorbing your insights and outlook.

If you're roleplaying, then I will be entertained for a Sunday morning.

he's right, I do similar shit in Owerri, Nigerians are loaded with money but need know-how.

this user is smart.

Let's talk about living in Lagos. I can't wait to shop for groceries in their markets, date their women and walk freely each evening about the city, enjoying the night air.

>2010 + 6
>still separating laundry

Boomer detected.
Fuck off grandpa, life's too short...

I was out all day, lol.
Whaddya wanna know?
I have many interests and ventures,
In many countries,
These were just some I kinda fell into.
I have online assets too.

I don't live in Lagos.
I think Nigeria is a little hairy for me,
And there is a 'brain drain' problem there, like much of Africa -
The smartest tend to go for government jobs or go full gangsta, or get the hell outta there.
It's hard to take the law seriously when cops want bribe money from you, and politicians steal public money.
Most Africans speak such poor English, the standard is so low that if an African has good English absorbed via Western culture he may as well have a PhD in terms of business communications, since English Common Law is the fundamental basis of most international business speak, despite any variations.
So most Africans, even if intelligent, will struggle with simple business concepts due to so many dialects and cultures.

They simply can't pick up a business guide or textbook, because they will mostly have at best a basic or conversational level, it could take years to grasp more complex language, and consultants tend to migrate where bigger corporate opportunities exist.
That's fine if you want the suit and tie thing,
I'd rather sit on Coco Beach in Togo with beer and snacks for pocket change, in linen shorts and shades, smoking a joint while kicking it with a local and explaining how I could write 3 things on this napkin here and double his profits within a month at the very least...'what's that worth?' I could decide to do this and take a percentage of those increased profits as a consulting fee, or I could pit some money in if needed and buy in/co-own a share for profit share/equity.

If you and an African agent or PA/intern you hire can translate a concept, you can charge fees or take a cut.

I was more making a point about why I think smaller countries are overlooked and underrated,
Particularly in Africa.

Uganda and Togo are still very viable.

>2010 + 6
Jeez, man. Learn to math.

2010 + 6 = 2016

What do you make it?

>I'm convinced most people here are just neets
>tfw not a neet but don't make enough money to do anything but survive
It feels like I might as well as be a neet at this point.

Elaborate on your start. Were you always entrepreneurial? Were you ever a wage cuck? What were some of your first ventures?

>What do you make it?
Never forget September 11, 2000 + 1

suck my dick

What I've noticed is people are ready to debate/shitpost and give their advice on concepts and ideas, but every thread I started around specifics and remotely technical(I remember one about investing in ETFs via broker vs. investing directly in the fund, or another about investing in real estate as an individual vs. incorporating) died ou with 0 answers.
I'm suspecting most people here have high ideas about themselves as business entrepreneurs, but very few have actually put money where their mouth is.

>nobody ever answers
You're just not looking then. While I'm not rich by any means, I just got out done with a full ride Master's program. The big guys in the real world help me out, I help the University kids out. Hopefully the University kids will help the underagers.

I think of it like an ongoing cycle. Also, the most successful are probably more busy actually working or being an entrepreneur or whatever instead of shitposing meme stocks on Veeky Forums.

Lights and darkies or whites and coloureds

>were you always entrepreneurial?
Yes and no - sorry if that seems evasive.
What I mean, is that I have always had the work ethic, temperament and some of the personality traits of an entrepreneur (stubborn, like working alone, curious, like taking things apart and seeing how they work, like doing things my way, or looking at something differently, solving problems for myself or others, etc) but unconsciously.
I was always pretty good at doing negotiations, haggling prices, smalltime deals, buying and reselling goods - eBay, classified ads, etc I just never thought of it that way or really pursued it.
I just thought that 'anybody can do that' (a fatal assumption) until people kept asking me to list stuff for them, for a percentage.
That should have been a sign, but still had a pleb mentality mostly for years.
I guess you could call it a 'venture' once I started deliberately buying stuff to resell.
I found it fascinating that most people think merely listing something with a shitty picture and one-sentence description is enough.
You may be listing it for sale, but you're not really SELLING it.
Certain watches, older cellphones, cars, even real estate all suffer from this.

So, I was a wagecuck until 35.
I became a personal trainer and went self-employed, but wasted years learning too much academic and vocational stuff and not enough sales and marketing stuff.

The eBay thing sharpened my writing and presentation, and I dabbled in copywriting for a while, then studied those good at that.
Very lucrative.
Consulted and sold info related to that for a while.
Designed and had built a website for that, and some other sites, so created more services and products around that too.

If you learn to love learning, and doing, you can get rewarded for teaching others how to get where you are...

From there, I advised and consulted some other peeps I knew who wanted to start businesses, and have a business consulting business built around that.

>I was a wagecuck until 35
>Boomer detected.
Fuck off grandpa, life's too short...

I got a 4 year degree from a state school (BFA Graphic Design) in 2010 and ended up having to continue to work at the grocery store I worked at all through college. It was literally the only thing I could get even though I graduated top of my class and had the best and most marketable portfolio and two 6 month internships during my time at college. After 2 years of this bullshit getting paid basically minimum wage per hour I decide I have to make a plan. I start working a second job. I've always been good with computers and was MCSE certified and got some network cert in high school so i apply for an entry level cable monkey (tech support) at a local university. Get the part time gig, 20ish hours a week. Now I'm working 60ish hours a week. Soonafter this situation turns into 3 jobs, I start working as a tech consultant based on the people I met at the university. I am now basically working 90 hours a week at this point. 2 part time tech positions and 1 full time grocery position. (niggaz gotta eat and I can't afford to loose my healthcare through grocery store.) Finally the consulting place decides to add me full time after working for several months. They pay for me to get a couple certs, a year later I apply and get another job in the DC area in tech. I have already moved 3 positions up and have basically tripled my income from my first cable monkey job as now I'm working as a back-end systems tech. If you aren't dumb as fuck hard work actually pays off.

what if i made some youtube vids of me doing cold calls to help motivate others

would that be valuable do you think

putting a face to it and showing you guys that it works? just an idea

i always tell people how i make money in OTC markets in the .0001-.0009 range but people always shut me down... Yes i know some companies are scams but that doesn't mean you can't make some money off some good trades.

sure, id watch.

I'd be interested to know:
A) How large your positions are to make trading in that range profitable.
B) What you're being charged for commissions.
C) Whether you're trading both directions.

Somebody doesn't know what a Boomer is.

Also, you have contributed nothing here.
Isn't there a dank meme or 'rate my cock' thread somewhere for you to contribute to?

>living in an african shithole on $100 dollars
>giving advice

>probably never travelled outside of your home country except for 'vacation'
>probably can't afford it
>probably in mom's basement
>except you call it your 'fortress of solitude'

I didn't say I lived there, I said I stayed there.
The point to i was making was that 99% of wagecucks either live somewhere substandard, or spend over 50-60% of their income on rent somewhere 'nice', rather than lowering that expense so they have time and money to multiply their effort and their income.
I love black hookers, so that was my reason.
Others may go to Asia, if hey like Asians,
Or Latin America if they like Latinas.
If you are still falling for the white women meme,
Have at it.

I live anywhere and everywhere.
At this point, I live where I want.
In the UK at the moment because visiting family.
Last month was Dubai.
Hotels get addictive, especially if they have four stars, room service, no hassle with neighbours, landlords, maintenance, etc etc
But then, you probably wouldn't know about that.


>probably make more in a month than 99% of Veeky Forumsrealis make in a year
>giving advice


You, i like you

>you have contributed nothing here
That's not true at all.
I think its been a wonderful conversation about black hookers and your chain of VD clinics in Nairobi.
Stay black, my Nubian brother.

The same people telling everyone their degree sucks are people who don't have one

Heres the review from the pic you stole..

Now this beach looks beautiful with it's fine copper colored sand and palm trees. If the undertow doesn't kill you then it's use as a local toilet will. Unfortunately, the locals use it as their potty-ing ground but it still is worth a visit. Just about .3 kilometers from the Ghana border is the Lome beach. Only went there for a short time to say we did it but there is a lot of trash (less than I imagined), stray people and a dip up in the sand (and down) to actually get to the water. We had heard the undertow was bad but I have to say while walking the beach, I thought I was getting my ass kicked when the waves came in and it was only up to my shins. Be careful and go early. The sand is also hot if you take off your shoes/sandals and it's a bit of a walk from the start of the sidewalk. Do not go at night.

Um, thanks I guess.

Nairobi is in Kenya, which I never mentioned?
Also, I'm white.
Well, more like brown because of my permatan.
Like most birds, I fly south for the winter.

Stay hatin' and stay poor...

>Nairobi is in Kenya
Nairobi is in Egypt, everyone knows that.

>Also, I'm white.
You are not white. Pakistanis are not considered Caucasian.

Stay brown, my Urdu speaking brother.

If by 'stole' you mean downloaded, then yes.
What's your point?

>shit in water

I'm a britfag, this beach would be gold standard compared to 80% of ours.
It's also a retarded argument since every fish and sea mammal shits in the sea anyway.
Humans also dump sewage and shit in the oceans worldwide.
Deal with it.

Also, I don't even swim, I like boats and chilling on the beach.

Fuck, this is like one country I mentioned where I happened to do some business, everywhere can be dangerous. I travel all over.
How's the crime in your hometown(s)?

I was mugged 3 times in London before I learned how to handle myself.
Shit ain't new to me.
FYI, once you make it, bodyguards/security is cheaper in cheap countries.
(in fact, I just got another business idea just now,
I have security experience...)
Shit, even hiring a police escort is cheap,
And they are everywhere in tourist zones.

>soooo much coping on this board...
>stay home and keep away from the windows in case of snipers, people
>Implying you don't have more chance of being harmed crossing the street, or a home accident
>millions of people worldwide die of stupid shit like slipping in the shower or accidental overdose/poisoning
>fucking grow a pair

LOL, epic-tier coping here.
You have to be trolling, bro.

>Nairobi is in Egypt
>you actually have internet access and still got it wrong

Here, I googled a map of Kenya, showing Nairobi, because I'm not sure if you have a carer or responsible adult to do it for you.

Where do you even get this shit from?
Based on what? LOL

Seriously, this was entertaining, but I think we're done here.

>I was mugged 3 times in London before I learned how to handle myself.
how do I handle myself and avoid getting mugged, user

don't go, I like you too

>still got it wrong
Nice fake map, Farook.

Ok, so Afghani, big difference.
I don't care if you're brown. We can all profit equally. You can shag women of any colour you like, and use your African clinics to cure everyone's clap.

Learn self-defence?
Learn a martial art?
Take precautions?
Hire bodyguard/security?

There's some options there,
But you can only minimize risk, you can't eliminate it.
The lithium battery in your phone or laptop could explode right now, that's a risk, but you're taking it.

Anyway, I think I've shared enough...see ya

C'mon Farook, don't go.
Tell us more glorious fables of the dark continent, like the afternoon you enjoyed Aboka and Kanina after seducing them with your Pashto poetry.

>I've shared enough
That's what the African whore said, too.

>If you learn to love learning, and doing, you can get rewarded for teaching others how to get where you are...

Ignore the trolls. Go on with some specifics about what you meant here.

How should I live to enjoy the hotel life? I am on my first trip abroad with my mentor. I have spent most days just sitting around in my hotel room as I can't go to most meetings. Then in the evenings I go to dinner/drinks where I network and get buttered up by association.

I'm gaining a lot from this trip, have an important meeting tomorrow night, but I still feel so stagnant during the day. I just read a book and browse Veeky Forums. Do I learn to enjoy hookers? I don't have much money (having expensive dinners and wine bought for me every night is sick).

Also how do I manage free time. I have my eyes set very high for success and have a rough outline of progressing through opportunities. I have basically been promised a career, but I feel useless waiting around for these opportunities. Like after this trip I have 20~ days to kill before next trip, exposure to this circle.

I was thinking of developing a drop shipping side business just to occupy time and learn more business skills. I am young (23) but feel like I've wasted to much time already. Any tips on developing skills for business/financial success along with enjoying life would be great. I stress out too much and can't find the balance.

Turns out you were right. This board truly is full of nothing but warmed shit

Would you even recognize decent info if you saw it? Could you give us an example of something that isn't warmed shit?

Veeky Forums is GOAT, Veeky Forums is not that bad and I've gotten some pretty solid advice here. it's all about being intelligent enough to sift through bullshit , and obviously sometimes you never know whether someone is full of shit or not.

>Could you give us an example of something that isn't warmed shit?

I don't claim to be the African laundry king and go around spinning bullshit stories about hooker handshakes to any sad underaged babby willing to listen.
That is not doing the board any favors.

You want to know why I don't give out great business advice?
Because I'm not qualified to. Its that simple.

>the African laundry king
This is his cousin, the Atlanta laundry king.

OK, specifically it was related to information marketing, don't let a single faggot on this board or on this planet tell you that you you don't have, or cannot acquire in a short space of time, knowledge or experience that can be leveraged.

Look at the pyramid pictured here.
When you do something, you become an expert at it. More of an expert than someone who reads about and talks about shit all day?

Holy shit, tell me about it? Tell me how that half-baked plan you had to sell seminars or import dildos from China, and you'd thought you'd make $20k a month but you actually made an easy $2k a month anyway, and what you learned along the way.

Can you put in a $20-50 ebook, at around 100 pages, with a couple bonus videos?
Each time you pass on lessons, and when you escape the prison, you leave behind a key.
Others will follow you.
Aside from a team of 5 staff worldwide, and perhaps as many as 20 contractors at a time, you can leverage what you learn and your relationships, I also have around 50 people around the world who are not even my employees, just people I helped along the way, and if I need a place to stay while travelling, or home-cooked food to eat, or a favour done, they will drop what they are doing and tend to it, because I improved their lifestyle, that’s the power of social capital.

I have literally had people offer to pay me half their earnings because I elevated their income so much.
I had to refuse because this would look shady and it is not in line with the universal law of reciprocity - the more I give it away, the more comes back.

I'm wiling to help people out. But no entrepreneur will share his ideas and neither will I.
They can help you with your idea, but that's it. So a lot of people here are asking the wrong questions.

Where are you at the moment?
Do you have clearly defined dreams and goals?
Why does he not let you go to meetings?
Would they object to your presence?

You stress out too much
>Try Propranolol.
Confidence booster and anxiety suppressant.
Try to cop in more 'understanding' countries where you may be able to donate to a doctor's practice or further study fees.
Or smoke weed every day like me, but I have ADHD and this helps balance me, you will have your own 'medicine' and I'm sure if you ask some of the more high-powered businessman for tips confidentially, more than a few may own up to some early boozing or diazepam or xanax.

I didn't say I had laundromats in Africa, I said that's where I do a version of angel investing and microfinancing of small existing businesses.
The laundromats are in the US.
I sold some that were in the US, and a few are co-owned in Australia but that's a lease option because the whole island's a bubble.

>big international success
>has to make two posts from being so mad