Is he effay?

Is he effay?



He pioneered the whole vintage dad hat thing. It all started by him.

He has a nice look that works for HIM, but when people try to copy it just looks trashy

I think it's because he genuinely doesn't care that much about what he wears, but when people put effort into looking bummy, it just looks like trash

This is honestly a good way to put it. I'm not blown away by his music, but he has his own look and seems like a chill dude so good on him.

he's suchhh a goofball!! ;DD

This is just how Canadians dress

was in like 2013
now his whole ironic thing is past, we're now in a clean and polished post-ironic phase in fashion, and black is making a hard comeback.
so no, i'd say not anymore

he got a lot of fat since he is in love

He's been with her since he was like 15 or something, it'll just be age and touring catching up with him. he is like 26 now.

26 is still young, you can eat whatever without balloning still, unless like you eat 3 bic macs a day

If you are under 30 and go anywhere near this style you should be sent to a camp

Otherwise it looks pretty good

No, he's a faggot and shitty singer who appeals to the teens who don't quite fit in with the other kids, but aren't that socially distant to hang with the cyber goth/meme rap crowd who do bars every weekend. His band sucks and everyone of his fans I've noticed are cringy losers who unironically crave a rebirth of 90's fashion and entertainment.

W2C That jacket?

w2c shirt?

Why is this meme still a thing?
Yes it works on HIM, but not you, because you actually care.
now stop


you are making me very cross


because he looks like white trash so he wears it confidently and doesn't give a fuck, it just works