my phone blew up so im looking for all the pictures i had saved. looking specifically for a pair of boots that were wolverine (ramon i think), they were grey and had a bit of red
Boots general i guess
Other urls found in this thread:
do iron rangers have a place outside of work-americana-core?
I need some boots that are black, look mildly dressy, and have tread on the bottom. I know that's vague but it's all I have.
Yeah in a clown suit
Looking for similar boots for about 200€. Thanks senpai
I like em.
the grails
needs more chains though
all I want in life is a pair of dark brown 1000 miles, though I could also settle for the iron rangers. having a hard time finding them at a decent price though, them being american and all make them a bit harder to find in Europe. capital of sweden only has like 3 stores that sell them, and they seem to be phasing them out.
any tips?
travel and buy
to the US you mean? that's actually not an awful idea, never been there and guess that's the cheapest place to buy them
I would also like to know where to find something like these
or you can international order and get fucked by customs but traveling is more worth the money I guess
I just started getting into wearing boots and I have a black pair, but now I'm looking for a brown one. Can anyone recommend me some nice brown boots? I was looking at these solovair ones because they're on the cheaper end of the boot spectrum and I just want something that looks nice that I can wear frequently.
>tfw AE Higgins Mill finally came in the mail
>tfw theyre too fucking narrow
Just kill me
I copped these red wing beckmans on sale, did I fuck up?
>On sale
>Didn't say how much
Wow. No one fucking knows
show fit
$280 canadian
Just ordered them online yesterday, haven't arrived yet
Kaloo Kalay no work today motherfuckers
since apparently newer docs are trash quality what are good boots that work in casual fits (i.e. black jeans and a tee
I just bought my first pair of real boots (Red Wing Beckman 9016). Really like them.
I bought my Iron Rangers with 20% discount. That's the biggest discount you are going to see them in Europe. The same with the Wolverine.
How much can you spend? Now you can find the Wolverines around 3000:- (the dark brown ones) and around 2500:- the black ones.
Anyone have the faintest idea what these boots are?
Those are peeps boots
Shhh no one has to know that
for a fellow peep fan x
so everyone says that docs are bad quality but are the forlife ones any better? i'd buy solovair or milsurp but they don't do women's sizes in ones i like ;-;
i just want some boots that are cute ans will last but won't cost me an absolute fortune and are sold in the uk
yeah their laces are strong enough to noose yourself from
wOah there buddy
You are welcome.
I got a pair of these. They're versatile boots and the soles are really nice, but they are slightly darker in real life than in that picture
nope. not these :(
Anyone from the U.S have experience with Solovair? I ordered a pair of boots there 8 days ago and within those 8 days the admin said they couldn't fulfill my order due to the particular style and size being popular, so they put said style back into production. They told me to make it clear as to whether or not I want to wait or to exchange styles. I messaged them saying that I wanted to wait, but I wanted to at least get an estimate for how long waiting for the shoe's making would take. They have, up to this point, not responded to me at all. Should I be worried?
You're gonna get them and they'll be the wrong size congrats
I'd start looking at Chippewa collaborations. They look like a variant/ 1 off of some of their models.
the boots were recommended by someone in a boots for starters post if that helps
really considering getting a pair of redwings 8085 or 8111
anyone have these? they're pretty pricey and would be my first real boot purchase
also 8085 vs 8111
Wolverine Evans
Just bought a pair of these.
looks nice but i heard quality is horrible if rothco
yea you can wear them with alot of things
here are mine
I got milsurp ones.
milsurp is still made by a brand
the government contracts out to various companies to make products for them
common footwear companies include Rothco, Wellco, Bates, and Corcoran.
recommend insoles for slightly roomy boots, please.
I thought they'd be more versatile than normal tan boots
Hopefully these are nice and worth the price
I got IR blacksmiths at nordstrom for $200 price match to some rando site. Hawk /r/fmf
What are some good winter/snow boots that you can still wear to a business casual environment? Ones less expensive or more work appropriate than Red Wings
Thanks in advance
Got Danner lights 2 for $150 cancuck pesos. Wanted a shorter boot for everyday wear and going through woods when fishing. Hopefully they don't look too jarring.
pls advice
they're around 320 and im not rich ((((
Can someone tell me what boots these are? I saved this photo from a while ago
Any recommendations for boots with a jackboot/jump boot aesthetic? And how to wear such a boot without looking autistic?
also curious
Found it for you, the brand is Zuriick William, however their website is dead atm.
The heel is high as fuck though.
White's. They're by all accounts very high qualty but kinda 2008 Americana workwearcore
There are iron rangers on sale for 260 right now on amazon
not the 8111s or 8085 in my size
Good ol timbs cause fatasses like me can't look good in anything else
Thank you user. I know the heel is super fucking high.
Can anyone recommend something similar to these? Not into the boot game.
These looks similar, but the heels are too high as well
please don't walk around with them untied
Literally nigger tier
Yo chill b, deadass
i like these in brown because i'm poor. am i being retarded?
i kinda like the brown ones better as well.
tempted to buy them
>fatasses like me can't look good in anything
What do you guys think about these Timbs?
Danners? How do you like them? I ended up going with the lights instead of the mountain lights since they were a lot cheaper and 6" instead of 5
My redwing harvesters look exactly like this. I think they only had a canadian release though so it might be harder to find them in the us.
>decide to buy boots
>feet shape is kinda fucked up so I have to try them always before buying
>go through the stores
>all of them have shitty rubber/foamlike bottoms
What the fuck is wrong with manufacturers?
You got me there
Least I'm not one of the twigs here that live off of stress, cogarettes, and coffee
>Not buying handmade boots from your local cordwainer
Other than the obnoxious tongue, I like them.
>everyone says that docs are bad quality
I bought docs a few months ago and they're solid for the price. You won't find a lot of good alternatives for that kind of money. They just suck at the beginning because they're made of cheap leather that is coated with some poly-shit that makes them stiff. I stuffed them and covered them with towels and then bashed the shit out of them with a rubber mallet. Afterwards they're soft as butter and comfortable to wear. I advise you not to listen to these kids and just try on a pair.
I've worn them with suits and had people love it.
I'm looking to get a new pair of brown boots.
I'd like them to be USA made, and with a sole that has a visible wooden lining and not just the same color as the boot.
I'm thinking of Redwing Iron Rangers, but do you have other recommendations?
I'm looking for an actual brown, not with a hint of red.
People will compliment things that are noticeable (and IRs certainly fit the bill) - so I don't know that I'd use that as the best metric.
I would never wear IRs with a suitg, but that's just me. There are (more formal) boots out there that I think would be a better fit for that.
How about Cabelas boots? I'm liking the look of their moc toe boot.. Should I go for it or not?
Halp please
Any recommendations, guys?
Anyone know some winter boots that do a good job of keeping your feet warm?
cop them
not retarded but
i dont like them at all, sole is very clunky and you can tell at a glance the leather is fairly low quality. they probably won't last more than a season. save up a bit longer, and get yourself a pair of these, which are much better quality, better value for money, and will last years if you treat em well:
they are seconds which means they didnt past the quality control to be considered firsts to go on shelves, but they're usually always solid. i got a pair of 2nds of red wing 875s that weren't noticeably different from firsts after a few wears.make sure you get the sizing right if you do buy these. there's plenty of info on reddit or styleforum about red wing sizing.
do you mean a crepe/wedge sole? v popular and quite comfortable if they're the ones you're talking about
depends how bad a winter you're talking bro.
generally any boot that is waterproof and worn with thick wool socks will keep your feet warm, but if you're talking like feet of snow winter you might wanna get something that is waterproof but also lined on the inside
Yeah, they're the ones. I enjoy wooden/solid soles better desu
yeah wedge soles can bad look sometimes.I really feel as if it depends on the colour/texture/shape of the upper. i feel like boots with a slim upper look shit with a crepe sole, but boots that get a bit more roughed up, and are a bit chunkier can look good with the wedge sole. the sole has to be worn out a bit though, it cant be pure, untarnished white
Yeah, I have to wear formal stuff because of my work all the time so I'm looking for good dress boots but even them have this shitty soles and they're really bad quality too.
meermin have good dress boots in the $200s if your budget allows it, otherwise I would recommend trying to get a pair of allen edmonds when they're either on sale, or if you buy a pair of factory seconds. im sure nordstrom has them sometimes. even if you find a more expensive shoe you do like,t here's nothing wrong with getting a 2nd hand pair off ebay as long as they're in good condition.
Thanks man, see if I can find a store carrying them. Lille I said I gotta try them on before buying them, I have a weird feet.
meermin might be a bit hard then, but allen edmonds are at most malls so shouldn't be too hard to find a pair for reference. np and gl bud
Ignore the epic nigger meme, timbs are the best boots
Docs are hideous
I'm assuming by the fact that you referenced a job that you actually have money to spend. If so, see below for some recommendations on higher quality boots (all GYW I believe). Note, what you seem to want are "leather sole" boots.
For sizing boots you can't try on in person you should be able to go to a Nordstrom's or other AE seller and get sized on a popular last there and then use this information to compare to sizes in other brands. Look on other style forums for references between Brannock and AE last sizing and the target boot sizings. Or just go MTO and work with the maker to make sure the last and size work for you.
Note, costs are mostly based off of MSRP, but 1ks, RWs, AEs, etc all go on sale fairly frequently and can be picked up for low cost prices (esp. for 2nds). I've left off the higher cost ones with the expectation that if you're dropping >500 on a boot you know better than to be looking to Veeky Forums for advice.
Low cost:
Golden Fox
Various MTO Indonesian
Mid Cost:
Red Wing (Beckman)
Wolverine (1Ks)
OSB (see Trench Boot)
MTO Pacific NW (White's/Nick's)
Thanks for the help man, will look them up.
No problem, if you have a price range in mind I may be able to narrow down some - I was recently looking in the 200-500 range so that's what I know more about however.
Meermin looks good for my price range and looks really good, thanks again man.