My grandmother is going to pay for my entire university education, and I will have zero debt. What should I major in so I do not fuck this up?
My grandmother is going to pay for my entire university education, and I will have zero debt...
Other urls found in this thread:
Rocket science
gender studies
general studies
study studies
pretty much all the majors that end in studies are gold. employers will see "studies" and think "huh this kid studied"
Liberal arts
Engineering, even if you're shit at math, srs.
use Khanacademy and similar sites to prepare
Finance. Become a portfolio manager in a hedge fund and make 2 and 20 percent off of a bunch morons billions of dollars then promptly go out of business and reinvest the millions upon tens of millions you've made from it.
Also do some transcendental meditation. Most people will think you're so peaceful and deep because you can see through the bullshit of the market and make them money due to your meditation.
Do whatever you are fucking good at. You want her to know her grandson is making a fucking A in Painting 1 rather than a C in Introduction to Bioengineering. And of course have fun.
Plasma Physics doctorate at MIT.
Just follow your dreams.
>when your gma wants to do this
>she hasn't put it in her will yet
>she slips, breaks her hip
>eventually gives up
>parents just take the money and run
Please, fuck up.
major in pimping.
Honestly, this. I know a lot of engineers who didn't like engineering, are not currently engineering, and most importantly to Veeky Forums, are not making engineer money. As in, less than 35k.
Veeky Forums will of course dispute this because Veeky Forums is 50% 1st year engineering students.
This is the best answer it opens the most doors and pays the best plus you can be a project manager and shit as well as get into finance if you want.
What are some things you've tried and liked?
Find your Ikigai.
Simple to say not so simple to do.
You're going to have to shadow people and really get your mind right.
It sounds like you're 18. Spend 1 week at in the office of a different job for all 12 weeks of summer.
The day to day is sometimes so fraught with bullshit that it makes doing the "fun" part of the job meaningless. Or its a field that simply does not pay.
Finding out who you REALLY TRULY Are is a journey of many steps. Some people like my buddy are born wanting to be cops he did cop studies, cop school, and is now a great cop. but its all he ever wanted since he was five.
Find out what you want and fucking go for it.
of interest to you is the program
Finding Your Dream Job by Ramit Sethi
links to download this $20k program are here
in the file triplemaximumwageslave
Its about 9 modules with 15 hours of a video plan and several thousand words worth of specific instruction.
Jdownloader is the best tool I've found to leech.
Please watch the first 2 modules at least
My grandpa paid for my college, I got a degree in applied math, things have worked out decently well
Anything STEM you can see yourself working in and enjoy (All jobs got some annoying aspects).
It's your foot in the door, if you hate your job you will underpeform.
Also, as an part-time artist; don't go to art education. Learn it on your own. Trust me, artist life is much better with that way.
Electrical engineering
link is 404'd, pls link again. Thanks!
dont worry got it, newfag here
I'm considering these.
God bless the kid.
Massage therapy
I was told I'd be inheriting my late uncles retirement, as it was willed to me.
>Tfw it wasn't me but a different uncle of a similar name as me that it was willed to
Oh well
If no one needed it they wouldn't pay for it
Unless by need you mean NEED, in which case all sports and entertainment vanishes from your venn diagram
Finishing university with no debt will put you ahead financially of other grads for a good few years, i.e. no interest payments. Study math and whatever else you're good at
Something you like enough to actually complete the course in
Something simillar actually happened to me. I had been caring for her for 8 years.
Once I knew that I wasn't going to see a single dollar, there was an unfortunate
electrical fire after I was essentially kicked out. They didn't realise that I also happened to pay the home insurance and had *forgotten* to renew.
The house would have sold for close to a million (aus). They wanted to buy all new cars and travel the world in their retirement. Eat shit you fucks.