History of beta uprising

Was there ever an event in history where socially inept outcasts took arms and fought against the rest of the "normal" world?

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tell me what do you mean by normal, any by socially inept?

no friends and gf


Literally hurr what good is actually evil: the religion.

Except for the taking arms part.

French Revolution.

>no friends or social skills
>organising and starting an uprising

>gets cut
>cut by that edgy atheist fedora

World War 2

> socially inept outcasts took arms and fought against the rest of the "normal" world?
Sounds like a communist revolution.

The Reformation.

The French Revolution
The Bolshevik Revolution


German peasant war
Munster Rebellion
Thomas Munzer and his Eternal League of God

Taiping Rebellion
White Lotus Rebellion
Nian Rebellion (perhaps the most beta movement, as the rebels were disenfranchised males who, due to their impoverished status, the practice of polygamy among the upper class, and the demographic imbalance due to female infanticide, had no hopes of marrying in their lifetimes. Many went gay in these circumstances.)

No. The reformation in general was not a beta uprising. Many German princes exploited it to their advantage.

The An Lushan rebellion: NEET went mad after they told him how beta was

The boxer rebellion: proto animetards took pre xvi century arms to fight against XIXI century euro powers while thinking that Dragon Ball Z could materialize on themselves

No, there's never been a large population of socially inept outcasts before, it's only been made possibly by the internet. In the past, without internet, you HAD to go out and socialise or just basically die.
But now you can have food delivered to your house while you shitpost all day about how horrible normal people are.

A bunch of black slaves took up arms against the Abbasid emperor in Baghdad and took half of Iraq in like the 11th century.

Not at all. Proleratians were the normies.

>thinking that suddenly life would get better if you destroy all the means of production, the markets who create the scenario for your work to be paid as well as destroying the people capable of managing that mess

Proletarians had no part in the creation or propagation of communism. It was all edgy middle class NEETs who hated their more successful classmates after university.

>destroy all the means of production
Thats how communism works folks...

some more:
English peasant uprising in the late 1300s
the French jacquerie of the same period
cudgel war of finland

>Munster Rebellion


"Socially inept outcasts" is a modern concept

why not; it was a bunch of idiots gathering in munster believing that the world was coming to the end and they got slaughtered

>burned books
>basically communists (Which is why communism is a protestant invention, thanks proddies)

ok i see your point, i only had a general idea about the uprising

This is why the Amish people are utter trash, fuck them and there fucked up roots, no amount of "pretending to go back to the good ol' days" will save there sins.

May 23rd 2014.

Also when Antonio Salieri killed Mozart.

Not just a concept babe ;^)


basically 'kill people better or richer than me' ideology

>image isn't someone building a wall

You are memeing right user?