Getting rejected from a job for not having a facebook or twitter?

>be me
>get interview at some tech firm
>HR asks me why I don't have an "online presence"
>accidently give a red pilled answer
>say its because I don't want to be distracted every few minutes by checking how many likes I get on my status
>get an automated email next day saying they rejected me

They thought you lied because everyone has a twitter or Facebook now.

try r9k

just make them but put very little info on them. do you even hide your power level ?

A tech firm isn't going to hire someone who sounds like a 60 year old man grumbling about teens these days.


if he just said "I find it distracting" he might have been okay but instead he went further "checking likes on my status like you stupid dumb normies :^)" demeaning the interviewer and showing his inability to socialize. it probably had nothing to do with the accounts

making a Facebook and maintaining a fake healthy exterior only has been drilled into my head for many years now. I just rarely post anything and only go on to add a picture of me smiling in front of a tree with a group of friends or something dumb. People will think they have a good understanding of you just by looking at stupid pictures of you smiling next to other people.

Im 23 and im the only person I know(exept grandma) that doesnt use social media at all, people think im super wierd because of it.
>fucking normies

yeah... about that. I guess it's sad to admit, but I don't really keep in touch with 95% of the people that I'm friends with on facebook and rarely post/check it anymore after moving to a new city. browsing through a bunch of staged pictures is boring

do most people care if you don't give a shit about your presence on facebook? I would assume yes, but I've never been a big picture taker or liked the idea of "announcing" muh life to all the people who have passed through my life.

Half my team and manager (and me) do not have facebook or chose to disclose our usernames on other social networks so I believe this is a troll thread

this shit is the absolute fucking worst.

for the past four months ive been looking for bew work while working full time, and half the jobs i see that id consider applying to i juat have to groan and move on because they mention needing to have a social media presence.

id think this isnt a big deal for most fields but im looking to get into media and marketing related positions. shit is so frustrating. i have as normal of a social life as a wageslave can, working to 6 then applying for jobs until i sleep, hanging out with a regular group on saturdays and applying all day on sundays. but nos i have to have a facebook, twitter, and instagram, all with active followers.

the internet is fantastic in most ways and horrifying in other aspects of life. i cant believe employers really expect this kind of shit out of people. can i just be judged by who i am in person rather than assume i cant communicate because im not an online shill?

typing on a phone, not drunk

I assume it was because they were inquiring into your social skills and you gave a socially inept answer (just guessing).

As someone who works in a STEM field social skills matter.. a lot. You need them and employers will judge you on them.

I also have no social media presence and it's not a problem. You just need to make it clear you are social and personable but don't use social media for your own legitimate reasons.

Also ask yourself if you're sure there wasn't some other reason they didn't hire you. You need to look at yourself very objectively if you want to self-improve. You can scapegoat and say yep normies and their facebook reeee. Maybe you should really examine what you brought to the table and why the might have said no thanks besides social media.

Well, what did you expect. Ofcourse if some 23yo hr bimbo with 95iq is going to do the hiring process she wants you to have facebook as for people like those social media is everything.

However if you applying for IT job for example and the boss does the hiring not having social media precense can be a positive thing as it sets you apart from majority and prolly half of their workers at best have fb or twitter account

Mine was hacked and now I have to fork over my SSN to get it back. Why the fuck would I ever give facebook my SSN?

sounds like a scam

I also tell this to people

"It's the same reason why I don't watch porn, I prefer direct social interactions."

I always try to convey a sense of superiority to those who use facebook.

>voluntarily providing personal information to an advertising, big data business for free

Ok, guys whats best answer you shoult give in such a situation?

saying you use xing?

I only have a grindr, sir

I don't have one. I used to, but haven't updated it in about four years. Like most people my age, I drifted away from it. I can give you my Snapchat or Instagram, though.

Just volunteer them a service that they won't take you up on, or handle the question like an adult.

Make it.
Don't use it for anything or describe yourself in any way shape or form.
Post random pictures you take of meaningless shit periodically.

>0 friends

unless you randomly add people

I got rejected from Twitter because I don't have one lol

or what you could say is that you've lost some of the closest people to you and that being bombarded with statuses from people who are enjoying times with people that are closest to them can be emotionally triggering for you when you're capable of falling in a pit of depression alone at your house on a wednesday night. So, instead of being on a computer like some loner, you'd rather be out trying to make new friendships and pressing forward with life.

this is awkward enough they wont consider it an issue. do this.

alternatively, depending on the job, you could always say that your m8s just socialize via an IRC. maybe say that you host it. no idea if that would make things better or confusing

Or just say you're really badly mentally ill period, you're bound to get hired

Doesn't anyone think it's seriously off key that they even ask this?
I don't think they do this in the uk. They might Google you in private but isn't it a bit horrifyingly over familiar to expect to be handed details of a social media account ?
And has anyone read 'The Circle'?

I used to be an education major back in college (but switched after my first year). The school was actually renown for being a great education college, with graduates getting into schools all around the country and the globe.

From what I've been told, it's extremely common practice for the principal/board of education/whoever to bring a laptop to the interview, open up Facebook, Instagram, etc. and ask you to log in. Then they'll have you sit in silence for several minutes while they freely browse through your profile.

Personally, I think it says something about any company or organization that insists on being able to look at your social media presence, to the point of confronting you about why you don't have one.

But it is expected that an employer will at least check the Facebook profile of any potential candidates before hiring them. I'm an apprentice in a skilled trades union, and the hiring board always takes a peek at the Facebook profiles of applicants they are going to hire. (But because of the interview and testing process, they can't change their minds about an applicant after they have already scored them -- only the aptitude test and interview has an affect on whether or not someone is going to be taken into the apprenticeship, beyond meeting the minimum qualifications for indenture).

I don't have a facebook.

Respilled or autistic and antisocial?

Using that term non itonically is itself a sign you need to dtep back from the computer and re evaluate the use of your freetime op

>As someone who works in a STEM field social skills matter.. a lot. You need them and employers will judge you on them.
STEM used to be a field where skilled people could go and be left alone to contribute. Now it's just another place that smiling, gossiping, and making excuses are all that matters. And we wonder why nothing works in this country. Ever hour that I have to waste talking about Game of Thrones is an hour that I don't have to fix that shitty program that deletes every 3rd tax return on Mondays developed by the derp running the daily GoT gabfest.

Sue for discrimination. Seriously.

Better answer I think is that you are a strong advocate of personal privacy, and liberty, and social media encroaches upon this. You made an informed decision not to participate in in. Although you see the advantages as far as communication and networking, and are intimately familiar with it, it is not worth it to you, or your own morals and ethics to participate in it.

That's is really fucking terrifying I'd rather not participate in that.
It's a bit soviet thought control

The problem is the HR person clearly has a Facebook. And she does get distracted every few minutes by checking how many likes she gets.